Week of: Apr. 8-14

    Week of: Apr. 8-14

    Aries [3/23-4/20]: You know Easter always signifies a pleasant kind of rebirth process, and the spring time, along with Spring Break, signifies a change a in the seasons when one can experience growth and life, and all that good stuff. It also means that it is time to make sure all the fishing gear is is in place and that you have a current fishing license. Just a friendly reminder because you don’t want unwarranted visits from a game warden this week.

    Taurus [4/21-5/22]: You get lit up by good old Mr. Mercury this week. While most Taurus types are accused of being slow, this small planet whips you into a high degree of mental activity — your mind will literally be racing from point to point, and most of your friends and acquaintances will wonder where the energy is coming from. Don’t be too surprised if there is talk of checking your caffeine intake, or someone wants to look through your medicine cabinet because of all your activity. Tell them all to get over it — you are just a little mercurial right now.

    Gemini [5/23-6/21]: You are going into a phase when it would help you to learn to be a little more passive. Not passive aggressive, but this week is one in which inner discipline like mediation is a good idea. Venus brings her calm and benevolent influence to you this week so use it wisely — contemplation (not normally one of your better traits) is highlighted as a possible avenue for you. I would suggest a strong cup of coffee and a prolonged morning session with the comics because spiritual enlightenment can always be found in the funny papers.

    Cancer [6/22-7/22]: Work is heating up and romantic relationships are cooling down. Or rather, work is going well, but the romance department has left you a little confused. That’s the problem with romantic relationships: some part of the equation never, ever equal;s the other part. Balance in romance is what you are looking for this week, and, sad to say, it ain’t happening this week, either. Shoulder on through workload.

    Leo [7/23-8/23]: It looks like just about everyone else is having a difficult go of this week, but for you Leo types out there, well, it’s a good time to party on. Unless, of course, you live in either Washington D.C., or Harris County. In those two extremes, I would exercise a high degree of caution. But the rest of you guys? It’s going to be a good week.

    Virgo [8/24-9/23]: If you have suddenly noticed a ringing in your head, it isn’t something a doctor can do anything about: it’s wedding bells. No, that doesn’t mean that you are going to take the plunge (if you haven’t already), it just means that this is a thought which seems to occupy your central brain thinking unit this week. In a big way, romance and relationships are occupying a lot of what you are thinking about.

    Libra [9/24-10/23]: Relationships, especially of the romantic variety, are under close scrutiny this week. Looks like your significant other is taking a long and hard look at you. On a brighter note, there is movement afoot at work which should bring you some reward. I would be careful, though, of any type of multi-level marketing scheme which seems to be too good to be true. It probably is.

    Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: Scorpio’s are renowned far and wide for their sexual proclivities and the inherent intensity of their sign. The problem you face this week is that the inherent proclivity seems to have taken a vacation. In other words, despite everything being wonderful and rosy, you are acting a bit like a Virgo. Get over your silly self and quit taking things so seriously.

    Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: “Fly! Be Free! Splat!” That little ditty just about sums up what your week is like — you have an urge towards freedom, a giant desire to run away, and every time you try to take off — splat! You land face first. Fortunately, you are a Sagittarius, and as such, you always manage to make it look good. The splat, that i s, you manage to make it look good, almost like you panned it that way.

    Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: Well, it has started, finally. About three, maybe four years ago, you started building towards this moment, and it has finally gotten here. So much for the good news. Now, you must be ready to capitalize on the events which are taking place, even as you read thus, events which will help propel you forward in the work place. That’s the good news. And, of course, there is the ever-present influence of Jupiter’s benevolent influence, too, just making your picture a little more rosy than most. And who was it who suggested that I was never nice to Capricorn’s?

    Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: There are some fundamental changes occurring deep within your psyche, and these changes will probably be reflected in your actions and wardrobe choices this week. Be careful about what you wear: I realize that is a tacky suggestion to an Aquarius, but there you have it: your choice in attire is changing drastically and you don’t want to get too far ahead of the crowd.

    Pisces [2/19-3/22]: Love is in the air, and you have reverted to a state where you are most happy: dream land. This is a good thing for you. Life has never been better, and you will notice that the spring growth is prettier than usual, and you feel better than usual. In fact, I would look for some windfall profit this week, too, just to be on the safe side.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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