Week of: July 31-August 1

Week of: July 31-August 1

“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.”
–William James

And, to add insult to injury (I always did like old Bill James, even if he was way too long-winded), he’s another quote from the Bard that needs a play, act, scene number, and character to win a free El-Inexpensive-o report, FGS style.

“But, O, how oddly will it sound that I
Must ask my child foregiveness!”

Alonso in The Tempest, (V.i.198-9)

Aries: Aries have all been a little upset with me lately because I keep telling them how wonderful everything is ‘sposed to be, and they keep making one fatal mistake right after another, and this compounds the situation. In other words, quit stumbling over your own feet. Or tongue, as the case maybe. I don’t have any cute little homespun homilies which will make you feel better, but this is a good time for you, if you can just stay out of your own way.

Taurus: Well, my great Taurus friend, there is a problem with a pride this week. You will probably feel like you are face to face with some problem that offends your good-natured sensibilities. The solution is none to easy: you need to stick out it and fight for what you feel is the right thing here. Could be a matter of taste (you’re always right in that scenario) or it could be a work problem. Whatever the case may be, you will feel like you don’t have the reserves to make a stand, but you do. Go for it!

Gemini: This is the last of the good summer weeks for social butterfly Gemini. You need to get out this week and play hard. I would definitely warn you to day away from that party animal, the Leo, this week, because your combination (Leo is fire, Gemini is air) would have a tendency to set a Leo off. On the flip side of the metaphor, though, the Leo’s always have the best of parties, so you might want to go just for that. Remember, though, you need to keep it light this week. You hare favorably disposed towards romance and social interaction this week.

Cancer: Okay, the deal is this: the little red one, Mars, is now firmly in your sign, albeit just in the early degrees. What this means is that you, as a Cancer, will be inclined to take more risks than usual. In true Cancer style, that might mean a new outfit for fishing, or some new bait, like maybe a newfangled plastic lure (instead of tried and true live bait). It’s a good time for CALCULATED risk taking. It’s bad time for just doing stupid things for the sake of doing stupid things. Let the college students handle that for us.

Leo: I know how you Leo types are, but I should really warn you about this one: there is full Moon this week, which should make for some really wild times. The problem is that the full Moon is at the opposite side of the zodiac, and that can make for some tough party scenes this week. I know, I know, it’s your birthday and you certainly deserve a better horoscope. Well, the good news is that there will be a big party, and it will be just for you. Just exercise caution when getting ready for the annual birthday bash.

Virgo: The good news is that Mercury, your ruler, moves into Virgo this week. Of course, being the ever cautious Virgo that you are, you will find that you need to exercise even greater caution than usual with this astrological influence. Since it’s been such a good summer for fishing, I would bet that you need to be very careful when cleaning the fish this weekend. Sharp objects, be they either a knife or a wit, can really hurt right now. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Libra: There is a major planet blocking you right now. I’d like to warn you that this isn’t a good week to engage in gambling activities. In fact, if you do win the lottery this week, you can laugh at me all you want. But I would bet that you would have a tendency to over extend yourself a little too much — in fact, make a that 3 to 1 call on that bet, and look out for long shot opportunities, too. While like betting on the underdog, I’d wager that you wouldn’t do too well with it this week.

Scorpio: There has been this effect in Scorpio, remember what the last few years were like? Not that I like to dredge up the past, but that effect is back. Or at least, it’s close. I realize that you’ve been waiting on some good news, so here it is: you still have a great ability to see into other peoples’ minds. In other words, you understand THEIR motivation. Makes it a lot easier for you to get ahead when you understand what makes them tick.

Sagittarius: You’re week starts out with a phenomenal bang, but then begins to fizzle just a little as you enroll in your next class: vegetable canning for fun and profit. Sounds a little pedantic for a Sag, but I would heartily consider this class, just for you, just for this week. It’s a continuing education thing, and lord knows, you can always do with a little more school.

Capricorn: I’ve warned you about “get rich quick” schemes. I’ve warned you about multi-level marketing. I’ve warned you about “next generation” marketing scams. In fact, I’ve warned you about just the whole gamut of ways to make money except for good old fashioned hard work. Any other sign might be afraid of hard work, but you’ve got the ability to to take it, if only for short duration.

Aquarius: The week starts out great and only gets a little bit better as things go motoring along. It’s like this: you get one of those trolling motors, the electric kind, and hook it up i the front of your bass boat. If you don’t have a boat, then work with me on this, and do this allegorically. Anyway, trolling is way of silently sliding into place where the big fish are lurking, and that’s the secret this week, sneaking up on the big catch, whatever that catch might be.

Pisces : Pisces are such wonderful creatures, I would hate to bore you with too much reality, but there’s an ongoing deal where you are face to face with the money making bug a boo thing, and reality keeps insisting that it be inserted into your life. Don’t fret, dear Pisces friend, this isn’t really too much of a problem, and you will find that you can go back to regularly scheduled dream land in a little while. And, hey, good luck with work!

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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