Horoscope for 1.27.1997

Week of: January 27- Feb. 2

Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck;
And yet methinks I have astronomy,
But not to tell of good or evil luck,
Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons’ quality;

Shakespeare’s Sonnet XIV

Mars and Saturn are doing a head to head rematch which is going to make the Heavens look really exciting. And Poor Libra’s have finally found some relief, but now Scorpio is under pressure to perform. Curious? Read on….

Aries [3/23-4/20]: We got trouble this week, right here in River City (that starts with T, that rhymes with P, that stands for “Pool”!) Saturn is in your sign bringing in all kinds of work related material, and for this week only, Mars, the God of War (and Cars), is opposite Saturn. Two planets, head to head, toe to toe, calling each other names. Saying things about each others Mama, familial lineage, and just general unease. Now, it doesn’t have to be bad, if you are cautious. Very cautious. Don’t leave the house. No power tools except for an electric can opener. Nothing sharp, and that includes you tongue because that thing seems to get you into the most trouble of all.

Taurus [4/21-5/22]: I know that Taurus thinks of itself as the sign of the Bull, but let’s pretend, just for a moment, that you’re a cow instead. You are face to face with a choice: open gate or bale of hay. Which would you take? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the bale of hay is the safer, better, more correct route. And with you facing just such a choice this week, I would stick to my earlier prognostication: the bale of hay. You don’t want to know what’s beyond that open gate, now do you?

Gemini [5/23-6/21]: Tough week for the Twins. Just when you thought everything was going to get better, you run into a little trouble. I would watch out for too much exercise right now, and remember the stretch them muscles BEFORE you hit the gym or track. The other thing to watch for, but fortunately, it’s just this week, is a thing called a “stress related disorder” and that means you’ve been thinking too much. We all got problems, and sometimes thinking helps, but it looks like you’ve been obsessive about it lately. Lighten up.

Cancer [6/22-7/22]: You are coming up on a period of time when you will find that you work best alone. In other words, load up the boat, stop off for a weekend’s supply of groceries, and get out of here. You don’t need any distractions, and you will find that interactions with co-workers leave something to be desired. In fact, try to work alone at this time because that will make the most productive. Better yet, take the next two years off from work.

Leo [7/23-8/23]: I realize that you are probably going to think that I’m nagging you just like your mother, but if I could convince you to spend just a little time at home, straightening things up, maybe doing a little bit of cleaning of some kind, I would also promise that there will be many benefits in the near future. Work should continue to go well, and let you reel in whatever deals you’ve got cooking right now. That’s a positive note, too.

Virgo [8/24-9/23]: Last week it was Elmer Fudd. Who will it be this week? Realize that you are more like the Roadrunner this week, a lot more like the winner than Wiley Coyote this week. HE always gets flattened by he ACME products. After the last few weeks, you probably feel like him, but I promise, and you can trust me, that the figure you are a like this week, with all its luck, is that darned roadrunner.

Libra [9/24-10/23]: More than anything else, you should feel a little relief. That’s the good news. Now for some interesting updates about mars: it;s like fishing with dynamite–very hazardous yet also very good for a high yield. The problems are that it could all blow up in your face. Literally and figuratively. The good news is that it might not, as long as you exercise caution. Still, you must remember that this is a time when the game warden might frown on your activities, so please be careful.

Scorpio [10/24-11/23]: If you are a November Scorpio, then you will have a good week, maybe even a great week, maybe even a superlative week. But if you are a Halloween baby or earlier, then there is a curious thing stirring up in your soul, a form of panache combined plus a sense of destiny which means this could be a week to reel in the single biggest fish on the lake. Be careful, though,you might get pulled back into the water while you’re fightin’ that sucker….

Sagittarius [11/24-12/21]: Right on the heels of a good time, OK so last week wasn’t such a good time, but right on the heels of last week comes something deep and dark and mysterious floating to the top of your consciousness. That’s a fine way to say it, but what does it mean? It’s like using a bottom lure and hooking a bottom feeder, and then opening up that catfish and discovering auto parts in its belly. How did they get there? And that lump of black stuff, scrape the slime off of it, it might be a nugget of gold.

Capricorn [12/22-1/20]: After what you’ve been through the last few weeks, I wonder if you ever want to read my stuff again. I didn’t warn you? Is that your complaint? All I could do was tell you to expect the unexpected, and you Cappy’s have an affinity fer not listening when I DO warn you. Enough of your whining, you sound like my fishing partner. You should start to reel in a lot of cash, beginning this week. In fact, it should be easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

Aquarius [1/21-2/18]: At the beginning of the week, you approach what can be a very difficult period of time if you channel Mayan folks, or have past lives that deal with that sort of thing. The good news is that in Western Astrology, and sometimes here at FGS World Headquarters, we have determined that this isn’t such a bad time for you. In fact, there are a number of truly wonderful opportunities looming on your horizon. Your biggest problem this week? Deciding what affords you the best chances. If I were an Aquarius, I would go for the long shot and Door Number Three.

Pisces [2/19-3/22]: I don’t think you’re going to like Monday morning. There is the usual conflagration with the boss, supervisor, parent, insignificant other, ex wife, that sort of personality, and this confrontation can escalate into a full fledged shooting match if you don’t back down. While a good tussle on Monday is a nice way to start the week for some signs, it doesn’t look like it bodes well for you. There is another approach: grovel. Trust me on this one: a groveling Pisces is not a pretty sight, and it will render the opposition useless.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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