
Week of: 2/2-8

“And add more coals to Cancer when he burns
With entertaining great Hyperion.
This lord go to him! Jupiter forbid,
And say in thunder ‘Achilles, go to him.’

— Ulysses in Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cressida” [II.iii.206-9]

What was I thinking? Add coal to that Cancer fire? Cancer is a
water sign, and it’ll create a lot of steam, if you know what I mean.

Last week, the idea was to get you to think about arcade games at the State Fair. This week, the arcade idea remains but it’s more developed. This week, you’re the target or the shooter. Pick one. Act like you control your destiny. Will you be the hunter or the duck? Do you have your ducks in row? Do you have a rubber ducky?

This week is like sweet and sour soup. Take a bit of bitterness and realize that it’s tempered with something sweet. The outcome, in true Taurus fashion, will be good. Or one that tastes good. What would fine Asian cuisine be without a bit of a smoky brew, too? Some lovely tea to go along with this bitter-sweet week: Green tea is allegedly the best, but don’t get overamped on caffeine.

Higher math comes to mind at a time like this. It sets the tone for the week. By higher math, I’m talking about Gemini entering a great theoretical arena where the software (your own gray matter) delivers heady stuff. Find the fallacy with this: 1. Nothing is better than true happiness. 2. A ham sandwich is better than nothing 3. THEREFORE: A ham sandwich is better than true happiness. You can get back to me on this one…

Work hard all week, then imitate the actions of the most ferocious house cat, the American Tabby. A busy week at work will probably make you long for a quiet weekend at home, alone if possible. You need quiet time, you say to yourself. When you least expect it (unless you are an FGS Faithful reader), a phone call at the last moment brings an invitation to a wild party. My suggestion: Get out of the trailer and get yourself over to that party. It’s a good weekend for outlandish behavior to burn off the week’s burden of work.

Y’all are having another week when everything you touch crumbles. Right before
your eyes. Nothing I can do about a lion in a china shop. I can warn you about it, and I can ask you not to touch my truck. Or the computer. In fact, even the mouse you’re using might fall apart. Never underestimate the power of a Leo. This pattern of making things fall apart is setting the stage for remarkable transformations in the near future. But first, or so it seems, we have to clear away the debris.

Y’all are known for your wonderful critical analysis and keen mind. It’s razor-sharp this week. So much for the good news. Be gentle with the rest of us. You are in a position for work-related advancement. Make a sincere and concerted effort not to tread on the toes of lesser, duller minds. Don’t make us feel like the complete idiots you know we are. This isn’t a good week for engaging in mental wars with other signs. Sure, you’ll win, but at what price?

Have we talked about your health lately? Consider an annual check up. If you’re like most Libras, consider a “check-up from the neck up” as one Texas author says. However, using my best astrological prognostical devices and some guidance from the boys in the FGS Labs, I hereby predict the doctor will tell you to reduce fats in your diet and get more exercise. Do something about your expanding waistline. Other than that, you’re in excellent shape.

I think you’ll like this week. A few potholes in the Road of Life cause you to swear out loud but even these little bumps don’t cause your mental allignment to go out of whack. An odd bit of pea gravel in the sky suggests that you need to spend more time at home taking care of family business but other than that, get out and close some big deals.

Occasionally, something or someone comes along that really irritates you. It’ll happen again this week. You’ve had a two-year reprieve from this, but a family member or close business associate may drop a load of doodies in your lap, and I’m guessing you won’t like it. The worst part is that it was something you were supposed to look after two years ago. You may not have listened then, but I’ll bet you’ll listen now. If not, it’ll get you in another two years.

It’s a momentous week. Venus, the little planet of love and harmony, has been doing a bad number on you. This week, she starts a Swedish massage; it hurts at first but by the time it’s over, you feel good. Whatever leaves you weak in the knees should leave you feeling pretty good about yourself.

So long, Age of Aquarius. As of this week, Jupiter moves on to greener pastures, to your “Solar Second House.” Having Jupiter in that house means money. Lots of it. It may even fall out of the sky. Literally. Since I don’t believe real people win the lottery (just aliens from outer space), do everything in your power to capitalize on this lovely time period. Get that resume back into circulation. Send that business plan to your banker. Start an offshore banking company. Any new business venture started this week has a fighting chance.

In days past, before astrologers had big planets to contend with, Pisces was ruled by a watery version of Jupiter. Now, Mr. Jupiter is back with a vengeance. On the bright side, Jupiter is the lucky star. Expect more than your fair share of good luck. You are entering into a period of time, close to a year in duration, when Jupiter will be acting upon you and making you act up. In good way. That means you’ll finally get some of good things that are due to you. But be careful, this heady sense of well-being isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be…

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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