
Week of: 4/6-12/1998

My father named me Autolycus;
who being, as I am, littered under Mercury,
was likewise a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles.

— Autolycus in Shakespeare’s “Winter’s Tale” [IV.iii.25-27]

It’ll be a long week. Take a moment to reflect and think about life a year ago… It’s what the hippies call a flashback. Hopefully, youíre not freaking out and cursing the flying fish that are swimming circles around your head. Some not-so-distant memories are waiting to be heard from. Maybe it’s because of Mercury Retrograde action. Maybe it’s Saturn. Maybe it’s a Scorpio lover who won’t go away. Not that there’s much difference between a Scorpio lover and Saturn at some times… Either way, you have to deal with it this week.

According to ancient Greek astrologers, Mars brings a hot, burning sensation. If you feel this literally, see your doctor. With Mercury still in a tailspin, be careful that Mars doesn’t get to you. It’ll make a valiant effort to heat things up in your life. Mars hits Taurus late this week. Theme music is appropriate. I like the theme from “Jaws” but more relevant music would be the “1812 Overture” with auditory fireworks. Plan on a drumming circle or similar activity to welcome the Martian advent.

The next Gemini who wants me to “do something” about Mercury will be relegated to the back of the boat. I have no control over the planets. Well, not yet. Mercury is still in the midst of a terrible retrograde, still messing with poor, innocent Geminis. Yíall are inexorably linked. When something happens to Mercury, then something happens to you, like your career taking a momentary step backward. Don’t let annoying things get your dander up this week because it’s not worth it.

I hope you can work with me because relief is in sight. If you hang on long enough, a Spring Break-like respite is coming. So maybe itís a little late, but it does arrive. You start out with a good week, then have a miserable mid-week and by the end of the weekend, you’ll be pulling in trophy-sized fish using bizarre bait. Youíll be fishing for trout, but wind up with bass. Little trout or BIG bass — you make the call.

Keep the dynamite away for Monday morning meetings. Don’t even take a concealed handgun unless, of course, you are wearing a bullet-proof vest. Even then, it may not work. What you need is a good helmet. You’ll feel like a target early in the week. When youíre a target with a big olí red bull’s eye painted on your butt, youíre bound to feel “put upon,” as my British friends so cleverly understate. Look on the bright side: At least youíre getting attention, and that’s something a Leo deserves.

More health problems than usual? That nagging, persistent cold-like set of symptoms is back. Itís more likely an “objective correlative” as opposed to a real cold, but refer to my disclaimers before you use an astrologer as a health-care provider. I wouldn’t worry about it much because itíll clear up over time. I think the cold symptoms are merely allergies instead of something really serious.

Paul Tillich once wrote, “Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.” Self doubt? Doubt in others? General unease? To ease your mind, perhaps the best thing to do is nothing at all. I know, you feel like you should be doing something. Remember, Mercury retrograde warnings apply, and that’s one reason why I keep saying think about it, dear Libra, examine all the possibilities before you do something….

Scorpio, the dependable one! You have risen above the mundane. You are dealing with deep, intriguing problems. This level of digging — not unknown to a good Scorpio — may reveal some ugly little truths. However, this isn’t the time to let secrets out. So keep up the dependable digging but don’t reveal a single find.

As Archers, we must learn from the persistence of Scorpio. Letís consider a new word in our vocabulary: tenacity. It’s a difficult word for a Mutable Fire Sign, but it’s worth considering when the little planet Thoth is dancing on our heads. The good news is that relief is in sight. That’s why the word “tenacity” is so appropriate.

I once sold a house when Mercury was retrograde. The deal was a quick sale but a very slow close. This week, you should pay attention to the moral of my tale because you want to move, change houses, but it isn’t the best of times. If youíre contemplating a deal, go over the ream of papers with a magnifying glass because you don’t want to miss any important fine print. Donít get your butt caught in a clause.

The bad news is that Venus is leaving your sign. The good news is that Venus is moving into your adjacent sign, Pisces. A Mercury Retrograde is overrated for a Fixed Air Sign, so you don’t have any problems, really. Of course, you’ve overlooked a few details the last week or so, but donít worry about that.

With all the hot action in Aries, the cool vapors of the Venus are welcome in your corner of the sky. You’ve got a number of minor irritants right now, but the major irritants are behind you. Or they should be. Being a good Pisces, donít let facts get in the way. Keep pushing forward because a new day is coming. Welcome the Venus influence… it means hot romance.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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