
Week of: 9/28 – 10/4

“He uses his folly like a stalking-horse, and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit.”
Duke Senior in Shakespeare’s As You Like It [Act 5, sc.4, 110]

Aries : “Alas, poor Aries, I knew him well….” I realize that this is a sort of bad take on a line from Hamlet, but it might help set the mood for the week. It “feels” like a dark and foreboding week, one fraught with dangerous and moody overtones. It feels like something bad is about to happen. Nothing could be further from the truth! I promise. Unless, of course, you have a bit of bad luck with officers who take your driving a little too serious. In other words, make sure your hunting license is up to date. And be careful when you throw your truck in reverse.

Taurus : I was reminded of what some folks liked to regard Mr. Saturn as, not long ago, calling him an “old devil.” Somehow, the terms Saturn and Satan seemed to get confused. But it’s not like this at all, see: Saturn will bring you Taurus types some rewards, you just have to be willing to work for them, and guess what? This week sort of helps with this idea, sort of like getting a sneak preview of what this whole work thing is going to be like. It’s going to feel a like Monday, all week long. And the weekend might wind up feeling a like a weak end instead, but you will survive, nay, dare I suggest it? Even triumph.

Gemini : While every other sign is dealing with an earthy imagine, I was going to hail Gemini with a stout, “Ahoy Me Mates” and act like a brave privateer on the Gulf Coast. The good news is that there is some buried treasure about to wash up on your personal beach of life. So much for the good news. The bad news is that this treasure has been buried and it’s going to take a gale force storm in order to shift the sands away from your prize. Weather the storm and look for the hidden treasure.

Cancer : Forget all the usual stuff I say about how things aren’t too good for the ever-suffering children of the moon. Forget all the things that other folks say about you guys being moody and emotional. Forget all that this week. Here at FGS World HQ, we are, easy now, predicting a good week on your horizon. To be sure, the first part of the week has a few minor irritations, but these are minor, and I don’t think getting a little sand in between your toes is really going to slow you down too much. Get ready for a fun weekend coming along.

Leo : There’s nothing like a good party to warm the heart of the mighty Lion. And if there isn’t a decent party in your neck of the woods this weekend, then make one. A lot of people seem to be mighty unhappy right now, but you don’t have to let their misfortune get you down. As always, there’s a good time on your horizon, and I don’t think that you are going to let the other 11 signs ruin your good time. Mars is still making his merry way through the last little bit of your sign, so you know the rules…..

Virgo : My sweet and ever-put-upon Virgo friend. So much maligned, abused, and put out by this whole mess! I promise that things are starting to go your way, in a big way. Well, maybe I won’t promise because it seems like Virgo’s all remember everything I ever said, but I do suspect that your week is looking up. It all looks like it has something to do with money, as in there is more of this money. Now, I can’t say for sure, but it looks like you have enough money to go out and pamper yourself a bit. Somebody’s got to look out for you, and you are the best one.

Libra : The little Libra corner of the sky is really a happening place right now. Lots of stuff is going on there. Venus and Mercury are all around to help you celebrate this Libra time, and there’s even an odd little hint from one of those dirt balls in the sky, a lucky little asteroid that rings you continued good wishes for the following year. What’s all this mean? Any way you decide to cut it up, it’s going to be a good week. Just be careful with the excesses right now.

Scorpio : There’s not much in the old Scorpio Sky that is bad this week. In fact, there are some things which could be construed to be good. Of course, I wouldn’t want to give you an idea that everything is going to work out great, but there’s a good chance, even a great chance, that some unsettled problem will find a happy resolution. Of course, I’m not sure I should be giving you too much hope right now. I still find that the approach of the full moon is making things better and better for you. Good luck with live bait this weekend.

Sagittarius : Wasn’t it Claudio, in Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” who suggested that we “bait the hook well: this fish will bite”? And that’s such an apt metaphor for this week. Just get your proverbial ducks in a row, get the right bait on the right hook, and watch what happens. Between you and me, the planets might not be lining up well for everyone, but they do seem to have a good opportunity for you, the lucky archer type. Of course, be wary of any Scorpio with a nice gift for you this week.

Capricorn : Mystical revelations can come in the weirdest of places. I know of a special grease spot that looks just like Elvis. Rather than turn this into a tabloid bit of trash, though, I keep my kingly grease spot’s location a secret. You’re going to encounter something much like this in the coming week. Maybe it’s a tortilla with an imprint of some holy visage on it. Maybe it’s a special message when you open the refrigerator. Maybe there will be a picture of Gomer Pyle on the ice box. Whatever form it takes, pay close attention to the message because, yes, it’s really there, and it’s just for you.

Aquarius : There’s nothing like a decent little challenge in order to keep you on your Aquarian toes these days. And it looks like you are going to get just such a challenge. I’m not worried about you being able to face this minor difficulty with characteristic aplomb. You’ll do just fine. Remember to exercise caution when you are exercising, though, because there’s no need to exacerbate a bad situation. Teamwork is the key word for the week. Or, if you are on AOL, the keyword is Astronet, but that might be circular reference.

Pisces : Good things can come in small packages. And this is a week for good things in small packages. In fact, the package is so small, to me, it looks like one of those check sized envelopes. You know what I mean, the type of envelope which is big enough to go via postcard type mail, but because it’s an envelope, the postal service gets to charge full price? Yes, it looks like one of those. In fact, be careful when opening the mail this week, you don’t want to toss out what might be the big piece of information you’ve been waiting on.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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