my airplane karma

I’m beginning to think that my airplane karma has finally run out. I’ve been blasting back and forth on Texas highways and skies for over, well, a long time now. The longest trip back was a trip from El Paso,it was special discount ticket that went from El Paso to Amarillo to Dallas and finally, via San Antonio to Austin. I’m not sure the saved money was worth it that once.

I usually try and sit in the over wing exit row, and I fear my good karma with interesting, attractive, or at least entertaining fellow passengers is coming to an end. I’ve been so lucky for so long, I just sort of take it all for granted. Looks like this about to end now. My last few flights have been good service, timely, at one point, flying when cars couldn’t make it through, but still, the other passengers have all seemed a little too crabby for my tastes.

Of course, my attire might be a little off-putting, too. I was working on a PowerBook, answering Monday mail, wearing ragged jeans, a Wal-Mart flannel shirt, an Italian sport coat and freshly shined cowboy boots. I wonder if it’s me.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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