I’m not sure whether I’m the check in desk for “heartbreak hotel,” or just another disgruntled Austin person who gets a little fed up with the whole SXSW thang. Instead of engaging in the usual party activity right now, however, I’m taking it easy. I finished reading Cormac McCarthy’s “The Crossing” last night, book Number Two in his “Border Trilogy.” I underlined a few passages, and I’ll sprinkle them in as I see fit. I was amazed at his command the language. Or languages, because he transcribes a lot of conversations in Spanish. The first thought that crossed my mind when I finished and laid the book down was to get up and write something about it. Then I got to thinking, and it’s been 15 years, maybe more since I had a Gemini professor who encouraged that very activity. “All the Pretty Horses” is more accessible, but “The Crossing” is a better book. However, there’s a cool breeze whipping up the river right now, 14 loads of laundry sitting the machines at the trailer park’s laundry room, and I need to go for a walk. I’m just wondering if I’m going to stop by the bookstore and snag that final volume in the “Border Trilogy.”
heartbreak hotel
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