a trailer in S. Austin

Saturday night started in a trailer in S. Austin, but under stern warnings from the “the band,” I was instructed to get to the club early because the place supposedly filled to capacity early. So much for watching the Stars whip up on the other team from upstate New York — I was out to see Three Penny Opera, 3PO, for short, as in “See 3PO” which is a sort of a cross pollination band. I’m not sure what to call them, but with a strong vocalist, and a slightly eccentric instrumental line up, the band is good. Unlike some bands that just stick to tried and try numbers, 3PO did at least one or two songs that are in the “under construction” phase. And it what seemed like a break, the bass player had one tune I really liked. I hope it’s going on their next CD. I remember the first time I listened to their CD, I was rather impressed. One of my buddies had landed himself in a good band. The next set, by Soul Hat, finished up with a disco version of Bone Crusher — “I’m the mighty bone crusher and I crushed NYC, it wasn’t nearly half as bad as they make it look like on TV, I jumped down from the Empire State and landed on my head, I got up and did a little friggin’ dance to prove I wasn’t dead….”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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