
Week of: 8/23-29

Why wax so frozen but dissolves with temp’ring
And yields at last to every light impression?
[from Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis]

Virgo begins this week, but that just means the parties for Leo are going to change location, not intensity. And it means that we’re all looking at a little astrological clean up this week, too. You just have to love a Virgo.

Mark Twain once wrote: “Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” (It’s a Virgo thing.) Give me the exact source of the quote, and send me the right answer via E-mail, and I’ll see about sending you an abbreviated “el-cheapo” astrological planet profile, via E-mail.

Aries : Mercury and Venus play a little game this week, it’s one of those games where one swaps for the other’s position in the sky. Of course, unless you’ve got a high powered fishing and astrology prognostication device like I’ve got, this might be a little hard to detect. However, even if you can’t detect the planets’ movement, you can discern their influence. The answer to the question is a definite “maybe” this week. While that may sound a bit vague, a little confusion will result from this planet thing, and it’s best if my fine Aries friends just put off any major decisions right now. I know that’s what you didn’t want to hear, and I know that lovely Aries are usual very forthright about a decision, be it a good one or bad one, they have a tendency to stick to what has been decided upon. But just for this week, hang back. Take a little time, and consider assessing this situation before you place your bet.

Taurus : I couldn’t help but think about this crafty old Salmon I was once fishing for, it reminds me of you this week. I was really working the stream for some trout, but I found this big guy lurking in the bottom of a pool, off to side of the stream. It didn’t matter how carefully I landed a fly, how tasty the bait was, or what kind of movement I was putting into it. Nothing worked on this guy. Since we were camped there for the night, I even got up the next morning and tried some more. That big fish was still calmly sitting there, not doing a thing. And he would have nothing to do with my bait, lures or flies. This week, you can be either person in this story: frustrated fisherman or sly old fish. You level of frustration depends on your ability to ignore the obvious bait.

Gemini : With this being the beginning of Virgo and all, I suppose I should get back on the Gemini Lecture Circuit and tell you guys to get going with the cleaning process. But really, it’s still just a little too hot outside for so much hard work. And the lecture circus in the middle of the summer is a bummer because everyone is dreaming about being outside. Maybe if I just did a short a version, maybe about a two minute sound bite for the Gemini Team, then you would understand. Virgo is mutable, like Gemini, and that means, sooner or later, ya’ll are running into tough little problems this week. Not in a bad way, just some minor interruptions to your busy and hectic Gemini schedule. It’s like one of my fishing buddies who is a little on the slow side, if you know what I mean, and we always have to stop and explain everything in simple terms. If he wasn’t good luck, we wouldn’t bother. Be nice to the rest of signs that all seem a little slow this week.

Cancer : There’s a little mood elevator right now — it happens in the early part of the week, and this represents a shift in your consciousness this week. The ever changing Cancer focus point is moving away from being too close to home to broaden its horizons, so to speak. It’s like having a telescope, one of those really nice slick, backyard models. The problem being, you’ve been using it as microscope, concentrating on seeing things which are really close at hand. Now, as this week goes, I’m urging you to change your focus point. Not by much, maybe just a little. Some people would like to look at the stars. Being a Cancer and all, I would suggest that you take this telescope of your and train it on our closest heavenly neighbor, the Moon. There’s a little bit of logic here, first and foremost, that old Moon is your main symbol in life. Secondly, in astronomy terms, it’s an object that’s almost in our backyard, so to speak. As long as you concentrate on something close, but not too close, you’ll do fine this week.

Leo : The very last of the Leo parties are at the beginning of the week, and then it’s time to enjoy some of the good times. More or less. Venus is still stirring up trouble with your fishing buddies and their significant others. Right now is not a good time to make a grad leap towards some new endeavor. Nope, it’s more like a week when you won’t to “consolidate” some of the neat stuff folks have given you for your birthday. Yes, thank you notes are in order. Unless, of course, your like me, and then all you have to send out is a thank you email. I’m not sure that you’re going to be feeling all that wonderful with the strange affects of the planets all piled up in your sign, but there’s a lot of good influences at work this week, if you choose to take advantage of it. Being the good Leo person that you are, I figure you’re going to put this to work for you this week.

Virgo : Happy birthday to the folks who have those early degree Virgo birthdays. In fact, let’s just wish a happy birthday to all the Virgo’s that we know. Best wishes! Many happy returns! This week isn’t as great as we would like it to be! I figured if I had a couple of upbeat messages, the bad news wouldn’t seem so bad. But there you have it. All the rest of the little planets who bring joy and happiness into your life are kicking around over yonder in the sign of the Lion. And you’re stuck with the best of intentions, but no planets to make this happen. And therein is the problem. Except it’s not too much of a problem because you know that I’ve already wished you a happy birthday, and you know that the Fishing Guide to the Stars loves your Virgo self even when you feel like no one else does. What you want for your birthday will arrive, but like some cosmic joke, the timing is going to be a bit off, especially this week.

Libra : I like Libra’s. Some of my closest family members are of this sign. But what I’m about to suggest, that it is a time when things are a little awkward won’t win me any favor with the sign of the scales. Balance is always an operative word for Libra, and that seems to be way out of whack this week. It’s not all bad, just a little problematic. Sharpen up your “dispute resolution” skills because, once again, you are going to be called upon to mediate a problem, or a situation, depending on what you want to call it. In fact, you might want to be able to distance yourself from this developing “situation” because I would suggest, based on your chart for the week, that your own emotions could get you a little too wrapped up in this question. It’s hard to be objective when you have strong feelings for one of the opponents. Here in Texas, of course, I never can claim to be objective. Don’t make any claims you can’t back up this week, like how big the fish was, particularly if you don’t have the catch to prove your point.

Scorpio : My dear, sweet, kind and gentle Scorpio, did I ever tell you just how alluring you looked? That little chiffon number is just so “you”! With the best, or the worst, or the planet influences over now, your true Scorpio self will begin to shine a little brighter. Mostly a little a brighter. You still might not be the brightest sign in the zodiac, astrologically speaking (this week), but you will find that you do have a certain radiant luminescence (this week). This unearthly glow can be from several different things, a liberal coat of Day-Glo paint, a dip in the ocean at night when the phosphorescent algae is blooming, or it might be from inner source. I prefer the inside type of glow my self, something is cooking in your little Scorpio head, and that means somebody or something is going to get caught. At the risk of invoking a cliche, it looks like you’ve got a deer caught in your headlights right now. Don’t run over us.

Sagittarius : There are many strange things which are coming up this week. Best of all, and despite what some will say about this being a tough time, your Sagittarius attitude will help a lot. Keep on smiling — it’s an old Scorpio trick — it makes “them” wonder what you’re up to. And this week, with the seesaw of planets pushing you up and down at the same time, you might be up to no good. Or, you could be up to something really momentous. Which one will it be? Seeing as how the Sun has just crossed into Virgo, my bet is on Sagittarius and the good deeds you can do this week. There’s a special some one at work who needs a little extra help, and it could be something as simple as a smile. Or help your date bait her hook. One of those simple acts of kindness goes a long way.

Capricorn : This is another fine week in the land of the sign ruled by Saturn. No matter how you slice it up, there’s this really good riff, like a guitar lick you just can’t get out of your head, which keeps playing on and on this week. Personally, we hope that it’s a bit from some Austin musician, a pleasant little ditty about love, not some “somebody done somebody wrong” song. Other earth signs are reeling a bit under the stellar influences right now, but your week looks like one that might start just a tad on the rough side, but it smooths out as the week gets older. It’s like having a fair degree of chop on the water, and few broken clouds when you set out to start fishing in the morning. But as the Sun progresses through his prescribed route, the clouds clear off, and the water settles down. Yes, it’s just getting a little better each moment.

Aquarius : Promises, promises, that’s about all you’re going to hear from me this week. But I’m not the only one who is making promises. You’re going to find that there are a number of people who are willing to make an outrageous amount statements about how good it is for you. I would display a certain reticent attitude about all these claims right now. There’s just something about it all that doesn’t quite ring true, if you know what I mean. Ever talk the ubiquitous and unctuous used vehicle sales person? This can take many forms, maybe it’s a guy on late night TV with a combination body building, weight loss and pocket fishing device. When you run into this sort of deal that looks too good, I can only suggest that you take a little extra time and delve beneath the surface. Things are not what they seem to be, despite the effective marketing message.

Pisces : Tea leaves, coffee grounds, eviscerating a small animal and consulting the entrails are all viable avenues for telling a good fortune for Pisces. Unfortunately, the SPCA frowns on evisceration, it’s still too warm for hot coffee, and tea bags fail to reveal much. But Mars is in Scorpio, and that bodes well, as does the Sun who just moved into Virgo. While the Sun is opposite you, and Mars is invigorating you, it’s time to do a quick review of relationships. That’s the theme for the Pisces week. Of course, when dealing with the nebulous world of relationship and Pisces, perhaps we should all go back to the idea of tea leafs and coffee grounds. I’d suggest asking for a little bit of clarity this week, and make an effort to determine just where you do stand with this relationship issue which seems to be bothersome right now. Just a little open communication might help.

© Kramer Wetzel for astrofish.net, 1999

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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