Week of: 2/7-13

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
    Hamlet, Act I, scene 11.

Quiz show question in Leo. Give the mighty Lion a spin.

Aries : I promised relief, and it’s here. Well, it’s here this coming weekend. Now it’s your turn to enjoy the beneficial rays of Mr. Mars. In case you don’t realize it, Mr. Mars is your main planet. He’s “the man.” Regrettably, he also acts like “the bomb,” too. Make sure that this doesn’t turn into an explosive situation. By the end of the week, there’s a certain Scorpio who will enter your life (although my money is on the term “re-enter” as opposed to just plain “enter”) (but I’m trying to cover as much ground as possible.) (And I’m using far too many parenthetical expressions.) By the end of the week, a lot of dust will be kicked up. And like a West Texas signature dust storm, this leaves a fine silt behind. It’s something that you have to deal with. It’s the particulate matter which turns out to be important. Maybe cleaning up will be the relief.

Taurus : There was one American author, a Scorpio, who I really enjoyed hearing lecture. He keeps claiming that he’s retiring, but he keeps pumping out books although his material is getting considerably more arcane and steeped in metaphor these days. His work comes to mind. In one of his lectures, he claimed that we all needed to establish our own extended family as a form of support. This week, you’re going to find that this is the case for you. Extended family is important. Your group of people who help act as support are important. And as long as you have the heavens on your side, you’re going to find that it’s particularly easy to get along with this group. Might not be family in the strictest sense of the term, but you get the idea — the folks that you hang with. The guys you love as brothers and the girls you treat like sisters. Plan on a family reunion of sorts. Just no cruising folks to pick up at this family reunion — that’s still considered bad form.

Gemini : It will be real important not to undertake any ill-considered actions this week. A buddy shows up and suggests that you take the weekend off, and “go to Mexico” with him. Not that I have any personal experience with this myself, not ever having spent any time in towns along the border myself, but you get the general drift. While a vacation is always a good idea, you might want to give a it pause for a moment or two in Gemini time, and consider your actions. Just where is it that you want to go, and are you sure that this is the right companion to travel with? These are important questions, and these are worth looking at right now. In fact, if you are considering a trip to a border town or similar environment, do you have some bail money? A little contingency planning before the weekend gets here is a good idea. It’s not like I have any experience with this, not me, but it never hurts to tuck a little cash in your boot, “just in case.”

Cancer : You and me, we have both done this routine before. It’s the same thing, not at the same time, but happens every year. It’s Venus influence, and it’s not always nice. Can be, but in your Cancer mind, you’re thinking, “Okay, Fishing Guide, what’s the deal?” Venus is opposite you all week long. Makes for some uncomfortable energy. Can be good, and in traditional astrology, this is not considered a bad thing. But with Valentine’s day so close at hand, you have to stop and think about it. Venus is the love planet, and she is stirring up a mess for you. On paper, this means it’s time to examine a relationship that you hold near and dear to your Cancer heart right now. In the real world, though, I wonder if that isn’t best left to another time, after all, Halloween, I mean Valentine’s Day is next week.

Leo : I found a nice word that seems to work well with what this week might look like. For a real prognostication about your chart, a free and abbreviated chart interpretation, drop me a line with the real definition of “Haruspice” and how that definition applies to this week, and I’ll get you an abbreviated report back via email. It turns out that this is a week where you feel like you’ve been listening to the hype, the media’s frenzied feeding, the listless day time talk shows, all about what is going on. In fact, you’re missing a salient point that is really important. Don’t over look a true love who is quietly waiting for you, as the big Monday thing approaches. Yes, that means next week, not this week.

Virgo : The week gets off to quite a start as you get a little kick. It’s like hooking yourself up to a battery charger. You really meant to charge the battery in the boat, but you got sidetracked, and then you got yourself connected to the jumper leads, and the next thing you know, you’re getting a high dose of voltage through your own system. That was meant to charge up the battery, but it looks like you get a permanent as a new hair style. I’m not sure that you’re really going to be working on an electrical device come Monday morning, but you get the general drift of this idea. Now, after getting a charge like that, you might tend to be over cautious the rest of the week. The deal is this: don’t be. One little shock to the system is no reason to be excessively worried about anything else. It’s just one blast, and then you can get back to the usual romantic stuff.

Libra : I still have a strong feeling about good things for Libra Ville coming up. It’s that time of the year when it’s cool outside (in Texas it’s still allegedly winter) with warm weather for a few days that are clear and crisp, and that’s what you’re like most of this time. Your brain is working a little bit better than usual. Now, we’ve had all the admonishment for Libra that you guys can take, so I’m not going to lecture about romance. “There’s a great day a-coming,” so get ready to enjoy it as best you can. There’s a bit of a tension angle floating around in your personal sky, but it’s not so tense that you can’t find a silver lining to that cloud.

Scorpio : You might want to review some of the things I’ve suggested to Sagittarius over the years, especially at this time. I’ve found that mail – merge Valentine notes don’t work so well. I’ve also found that addressing a note to “[inset name here] or current resident” is not a good move. Why all the attention right now? You are hot, hot like only the Texas sun can be in the middle of the summer, and you want to communicate in a passionate way. The problem I’ve discovered with this sort of arrangement is that you may try to use mass communications as a tool, and I’m not sure that the idea really translates to your targets’ mind the same way you intended it. A personal note is a lot a better than some kind of form letter. Trust me on this, I know a little too well.

Sagittarius : Not many Sagittarius friends of mine are going to like this week. In fact, most of us ain’t going to like it one little bit. There’s an up and down, oscillating feeling. It’s like the fish radar keeps returning inconclusive data. The trick is not to rely on your own intuition. Your own, personal fish radar will only pick up trash that’s gathered along the bottom of the pond, and you keep thinking you’re about to strike it big when, in fact, there’s nothing there. Now, this sounds bad. What really happens? There is a stealth fish, one that is invisible to your radar, and that’s who is going to strike, as the weekend approaches. So it’s not like it’s all bad, but the first of the week, and your own, personal receiver, both seem to be a little off at the start. Don’t worry, the stealth stuff works well — you’re going to be pleasantly fooled by the weekend.

Capricorn : It was years ago, maybe even just last year, when I promised all those good things. And, being the capricious Capricorn that you are, you avoided the situation with the best of your ability. Not that it’s bad to avoid some situations, but this is one you were supposed to pay attention to, then. Guess what? It’s back, and it’s going to happen. And that which has been promised for so long finally gets delivered. Personally, I think that this is a good time to start planning a wedding. Of course, in some Capricorn’s terms, maybe “merger” would be a better expression. It’s the cumulative effect of several years, all stacking up on this one week. Sort of.

Aquarius : There’s that inexorable pace at which the wheel in the sky, the plane (plain?) of the planets, that description of the orbits, moves. You’re going to feel like this week is that same old song and dance. Same old story. There’s a big degree of ennui coming up from this whole romance thang. You’re getting tired of it. It makes you sleepy. Of course romance is a good thing. Of course you enjoy it. But you’ve got other things which demand your attention right now. Time to shift your focus. Look up a decent Sagittarius, and see what you can do to adopt that long-range way of looking at things. That’s what you might try in order to get a better perspective on the week.

Pisces : I’ve got a friend with one of the most impressive BBQ Pits in his back yard. It looks like a giant 55 gallon drum sitting there, with all sorts of things added on, a little chimney, a spurious smokestack, chrome plated tongs for flipping steak, perhaps it’s one the best pits I’ve ever inspected. And life is like that BBQ pit. The lid comes slamming down on the smoldering flames. Mars moves out of Pisces as the week gets longer, and that’s going to chill things out for you. Before you worry about the flame going out, though, consider that the various vents on that BBQ pit allow for a slow cooking process now. That slow-smoked meat is sometimes the tenderest, and that what might result from this week.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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