A busy Sunday

After such a busy Sunday, Monday will have to a be a relief. Wake up and smell the paint (interior flat latex, eggshell white — smells vaguely like something the cat does in her litterbox — only she has scented litter). Then it was off to a Pisces home to sit in the back room and look at Tarot cards for an afternoon. Then it was off to Pecan Street Fair. Then it was off to flip some cards for a Gemini. Then it was home, but only to be confronted with the idea of finishing the paint job. The worst part of all, I splashed a little paint on the ceiling, the textured, awful looking ceiling thing of this place, and it looked so good, I might have to slosh some more paint up there. Beats scrubbing it all. Late yesterday afternoon, I got some news which was a little sad. One of the stalwart promoters, one of the guiding lights in opening up most of Texas to New Age thought (and paving the way for an astrologer called Fishing Guide to the Stars) left this mortal coil. I’ll gather my notes, and one, half finished essay about it when I get my thoughts more collected.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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