Weird weather means my attitude is weird

Weird weather means my attitude is weird, too. Laertes suggested “The appearal oft proclaims the man.” [Hamlet, I.iii.72] Buy the t-shirt here….
>sign: Capricorn
>TalkToKramer: Last week it was psyco Pisces… this week cranky goats?.
>Don’t take it personal. Some people think that scopes should be filled
>only with happy horse stuff to make them feel better about
>themselves. I, for one take the forcast as it is… a forcast. I heed the
>warnings and conduct myself accordingly for the most positive outcome in
>what can be an adverse situation. Like I said before, your scopes are
>REAL. If I’m going to have a gloom and doom week, I want to know about
> it. Forwarned is forarmed and I blow raspberries at your critics for
>being so self centered and taking everything as a personal insult or
>attack. There… that is my daily rant.
>Scopes like yours have kept me out of allot of trouble and for that I am grateful.
I always figure my scopes are like weather forecasting— and if I see rain coming this way, I take an umbrella, boots, duster, hat, and so forth. Often as not all that preparation is for nothing; however, if I don’t take any protection, it’ll come a flood, sure as can be. I’ve got another couple of e-mails I’ve been sitting on, trying to figure out how to answer. The question of whether it’s the planet’s fault, or if it’s just the planets’ timing? And as such, it’s been one heck of a Leo Moon this week. I’m doing my best to live out the horoscope I wrote for myself. Check that Sagittarius.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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