Late night web adjustments

Late night web adjustments

From the traffic logs, I figure either Saturday night or Tuesday night is about the slowest time for traffic on my website.

Which translates, to me, as the best time to do a little routine maintenance. I finally found an ace web guy who could do just what I wanted, understand my level of ability perfectly, and he knocked out a dozen lines of code – for dirt cheap. I hate to take advantage of some under-employed software expert, but I’m a lot more interested in writing horoscopes, and a lot less interested in coding. Content management for a weekly column is relatively easy, too. Especially now.

I did have to tweak, massage, and otherwise work the problem, but content delivery is one more step closer to being **one hell of a lot easier** for me. Now, if I can only come up with the remainder of cash that I owe the guy. And if you know anyone looking for an excellent computer nerd, let me know. I’ll speak highly of his work. Clean, tight code, written to my exact specifications – with clear instructions for installation. Doesn’t get any better than that. I love it when something works the way it’s supposed to, right out of the box.

Suzi’s and Jo’s

A couple of South Austin haunts, one new, one more established.

Suzi’s Chinese Kitchen has been around for a spell. I think they even have an alternative place, way up yonder in North Austin somewhere – but don’t hold me to that. I scooted along the railroad tracks and hung out in my favorite bookstore before arriving at Suzi’s, a few minutes late and out of breath.

From a relaxing lunch of garlic-something-something-chicken, I dropped down into the creek bed, walked along the bottom of the dry creek for a spell, and then headed up and over to Jo’s. Along the way, the first flower I encountered had white petals with a purple heart. Then it was more purple flowers. Seeing as how purple is the color associated with Sagittarius, I was starting to drift off into a garlic-something-chicken haze. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, roll down the hill and stop at Jo’s. I was noticing the female behind the counter, and she’s one of the few I never asked her about her birthday and stuff before.

Sagittarius, figures. “Are you Kramer?” Yeah. “At least 6 or 8 women been in here looking for you, always asking me about you. They said you’d have a cowboy hat on. I’ve never seen you in a cowboy hat.” Jo’s, a little east of here, and no, I don’t usually wear a cowboy hat when I’m on the hike and bike trail. Just figures she’s a Sagittarius [not to be confused with the Cancer or the Taurus who both work there>.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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