Classics from class

Classics from class

I forgot one of the best ones from class the other night, after the lecture, during the various discussions, I was listening to a mother of a two small children talk about various aspects of her children, “He (son) peed on her (his older sister’s) toys again.”

Sure, makes perfect sense to me. I was trying to collate the child’s birth data with Mars and Mercury at the moment, would’ve made a good point, I thought, until I realized what was going on.

“He’s just marking his territory, a perfectly acceptable male characteristic.”

Dead silence.

To be truthful, it was a room full of women. No wonder. Made perfect sense to me.

Pacing myself
You’d figure, by now, I’d know how to pace myself better for a full day. Unfortunately, I don’t quite have it all down just yet.

I wandered off my beaten path, and reversed the direction Wednesday morning. Instead of an afternoon coffee at the place where Ruta Maya used to be, I had some morning coffee there.

Perhaps it was the way the autumn sun hit me and my bare top, perhaps it was the way the sandals sounded on the downtown pavement, maybe it was ideas circulating in my brain. That last cup of coffee was just excellent.

I figure that threw the timing for the whole day off, speeding up the wrong portion of the day, getting out too early, then finally showing up to lecture – or teach – an astrology class.

What I’ve discovered, folks are interested when you talk about their sign, but what happens to the other 11 signs? That doesn’t matter.

The chart held an interesting clue about some of the current events. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be more worried about these days. Terrorists? Fascist Republicans in office? Fringe religious groups? Thermonuclear ware threats? Runaway dictators? Baptists? Catholics? Jews? Muslims?

How about a Category Five Hurricane headed for landfall – worse yet – right where Tabasco is made?

The Sun is going to blow up?

That’s just one helluva Mercury Retrograde, if you ask me.

“Class” went just fine although, I have new-found appreciation for the teachers who get up and do that every day. You see the yawns, the drooping eyelids, and there’s only so much I can talk about for two hours at a stretch. I even left out some points I wanted to make. Maybe next time.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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