This was a bad idea

This was a bad idea.

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp (and Mark Reiter).

I read a review while on my way to CA last month, made note of it, and figured I’d look into it. Whilst with Sister, in a bookstore out yonder, she asked about that very book. Told her I’d read a review, and I’d buy it for her, nominally, for Xmas.

As previously noted, I picked it up yesterday, slid the book out of its pristine dust jacket and cracked it open last night before I went to bed. Bad move. I was exhausted – Gemini’s do that to me – but even the first two pages had material that I wanted to underline, then I wanted to dog-ear a page so not to miss a quote. Then I thought about two or three folks I know who could really use a text just like this. If I hadn’t already shut off the computer, I would’ve hopped back up on Amazon and ordered a couple of copies delivered.

For me, it was more validation rather than anything new. No new concepts, yet, but a good, serious kick-in-the-pants that said, “Yes!”

The bad idea comes from the fact that it’s a gift, and as such, I can’t scribble margin notes, or dog-ear pages, or anything like that – I’m used to interacting with a text like this.

My library is too limited to keep a copy of this book around, so buying it as a gift and reading it first is a good idea. The bad idea part is not being able to mark up the text.

The things I get into?
How do these things happen to me?

I was motoring along the other afternoon. Beeper buzzed, the message was simple, “Friday Night?” I checked in with the service, then called my friend, a senator’s assistant, or flak, or something. I don’t know, works at the capital. Or something.

“Don’t you dare ditch me. Friday night. Dress up. I’ve got two tickets for Sen. Kennedy at the Four Seasons.” Dot, dot, dot and so on, and so forth. Rag and nag about not missing a date. I swear, blow one date – it was just a lunch date – and I’ll never, ever hear the end of that. She’s been milking my mistake for what? Three or four years now?

I have no idea what this is for. Fund raiser? High-profile Catholic Dems? That’s me, always along for the adventure. Going with my neighbor, a Virgo, to see a Pisces (with a Virgo Moon).


Computer notes:
Address spoofing – don’t know if it affects a Mac.

The Jan. ’04 issue of Playboy, as reported on several sites, lists the top 50 tech items that changed the world. Supposedly, I’ll have to ferret out a copy to verify this, the Apple digital camera, then the iPod, and finally, at the top of the list, the Macintosh, were all there.

It’s only the second time I’ve bought such a magazine, I had a teacher with a story in one – years ago – and my roommate at the time was shocked: I really did read the article.

Coffee notes:
I motored up towards downtown, took a turn and headed towards the bookstore, forgetting that I was heading there to pick up a certain magazine. I stopped one place and watched while a Gemini took painstaking steps to insure that I had an ultimate coffee experience. Talk about labor intensive, she steamed the milk twice, layered, frothed, layered again. I was impressed.

At the bookstore, I noticed a particular book by the next governor of Texas, one his epic tomes was on sale, so I snagged a couple of them as gifts. Then I headed up to the second floor for a special gift for Sister, a book about dancing. Or something. The computer section was right next to it, and I settled in with a book about blogging, not intending to buy it. Just as I was glancing through it, I realized that the text didn’t have anything interesting for me, and my phone buzzed, number came up: Gemini.

I paid up and set out for Jo’s. We met, almost at the exact same time, right in front, about half an hour later.

Got home, looked at the journal, and realized I never did buy that damn magazine.

Coffee notes:
I motored up towards downtown, took a turn and headed towards the bookstore, forgetting that I was heading there to pick up a certain magazine. I stopped one place and watched while a Gemini took painstaking steps to insure that I had an ultimate coffee experience. Talk about labor intensive, she steamed the milk twice, layered, frothed, layered again. I was impressed.

At the bookstore, I noticed a particular book by the next governor of Texas, one his epic tomes was on sale, so I snagged a couple of them as gifts. Then I headed up to the second floor for a special gift for Sister, a book about dancing. Or something. The computer section was right next to it, and I settled in with a book about blogging, not intending to buy it. Just as I was glancing through it, I realized that the text didn’t have anything interesting for me, and my phone buzzed, number came up: Gemini.

I paid up and set out for Jo’s. We met, almost at the exact same time, right in front, about half an hour later.

Got home, looked at the journal, and realized I never did buy that damn magazine.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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