

Amid the fracas in the news and on the wires, I found this project. Absolutely senseless waste of time and energy, but still, in my judgment, pretty damn cool.

Heard back from that Leo, my psychic friend, and I’ll be the first guest on a new talk show. Radio-Internet, I’m completely unclear about the details. Just a quick confirmation call, “May 6 is good, right?”

Jupiter will be direct, Mercury won’t be retrograde, yes, it’s an auspicious start date. Stay for more details as the story develops.

The boom days in Austin are over. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why yet-another-high-rise apartment building is going up in downtown.

We’d stopped at that taqueria on S. First, which led to the story about how I was threatened if I ever mentioned the place’s name in web journal because then it would become popular and we’d never get good enchiladas again.

Shoot, the names change down that one road so often, Jovita’s is the only place that seems to stay the same. (#2 dinner)

At the place where we were last night? They’ve got an iPod running the tunes. Pretty cool.

However, at the yet-to-be identified diner, I’m glad to report, despite a new menu, there’s one item of merit; hot sauce. Get the “caliente” sauce on the enchiladas? Finally, a hot sauce that really is hot. No extra heat needed.

From the inbound mail:
Round a-bout, 3/23/04 8:08 PM, ya’ll said:
> hello! we met a couple months ago, when ya’ll were
> in austin. i lost my tape until a couple days ago when i was digging through a
> pile of old clothes and what do you know its at the bottom. well i decided to
> listen to it. you told me to
> stick with my dreams of becoming an actress and guess what! i just made a play
> at my school. thank you so much. i think i would have given up if i hadn’t
> listened to the tape.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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