London Calling

Title? London Calling.
It’s a play on words, too.

The perspicacious reader will realize it’s a Clash Title, right? And it’s a reference to clients overseas. With the time offset, Evening calls to the astrology guy start in my morning.

Watch it with the coffee, or when aliens attack

Computers are generating dating advice?

I’m too tired to play with graphics and layout and banging together a quick animation. However, imagine, if you will, a meter. It can be an antique oscillating scope, an older analog car gas gauge, or even a more modern LED gauge. Better yet? How about one of the “file processing” images used on computers. Whatever work. Personally, I’m thinking of a mechanically driven tachometer, where the needle covers about two-thirds of the face of the gauge. There’s an orange zone, then a red zone. Ah yes, redline.

The Mercury-is-retrograde Index of freakiness is over the top. It’s in the red. Gets much worse? The valves float and the motor starts to take itself apart.
And those were the calls before noon on Tuesday.

Spotlight on literature:
imageTim Dorsey was in town for a book signing, promoting his latest release, Torpedo Juice.

I’ll reread the book, looking for some of the differences between the ARC and the real novel. In his brief talk and signing, Tim Dorsey noted that there was a change, another plot item added. Plus, in general, he was affable, approachable, and genuinely nice.

imageThe only part that bothers me so much? He looks so “normal.” I must admit, his attire did win my favor. He was wearing tan slacks, Hawaiian shirt, and a tweed sports jacket. Yeah, that’s a good outfit: comfort.

I took a few notes, and there was one quote, when queried about an early plot device in Florida Roadkill, “The answer? I just don’t know.”

I like that kind of candid honesty. He’s a good speaker, and he understand his craft rather well. The added bonus is that he’s able to talk about it all.

And Torpedo Juice? I still think it’s a fine read. Perfect for Mercury RX. I mean, perfect.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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