For the Week starting: 5.5.2005

“More matter for a May morning.”
Shakespeare’s 12th Night [III.iv.148]

5-5-05, is that a winning combination? Should be for a Taurus.

Aries: I was in a coffee shop last week, a little spot that’s a convenient stop for me, and I noticed a woman sitting there, an empty cup of coffee in front of her, just carrying on and on, as if she was talking to ghost. It’s hard to judge by appearances, especially in these parts, but I was guessing that she was probably one of the “dwelling impaired” folks that are common round here. Just a guess, and I wasn’t going to waste any further mental horsepower on conjecture. It was just, there was a problem with the conversation, what snippets I heard, she seemed fairly coherent. A few minutes later, she was fetching some more coffee, and I noticed the telltale ear bud and phone. I’ve often wondered what it looks like, when I’m talking to a client, and fishing, or walking and talking into an ear bud, myself. I suppose it is a fine line between madness and brilliance, and that communication device helped give some definition and push my judgment into the “more normal” zone. Mercury is still on his last few romps through the tail-end of Aries. Careful, when you’re innocuously carrying on a conversation on cell phone. Or with invisible friends. Never know what other folks will think.

Taurus: I was strolling home on a quiet evening, might have been last week, or last month, maybe it was the month before. I don’t remember, don’t ask me, look, whatever month it was? That’s not important! Anyway, it was raining. More of mist than a rain. I’d taken a short cut, which is really a long cut, and I’d skipped the pedestrian bridge — a normal route home — in favor of First Street Bridge. The mist on the lake, the way the water collected and dripped down the drain spouts and into the river, I was sure it was just me, but it seemed like the mist was getting heavier and heavier. Then it lightened up. Part of the trail homeward, back to Shady Acres, is along the river’s shoreline, and there are trees, willows, cypress, live oaks, all bending low over the pathway. The trees were dripping moisture, and that’s when I noticed that there was more rain — or moisture falling on me — while I was under the canopy of the trees than when I was just under the clouds. What’s this mean? Sometimes, when seeking cover? Or trying to hide from something? Like I was trying to get out of the rain? Sometimes, it’s easier to face the perils rather than to seek cover. Like me, that fateful night last month, when I got more wet under the leaves than I did when I was just strolling through the mist.

Gemini: We were coming out of a crowded theatre, after watching a movie, me and Gemini buddy named Bubba. Nice screen, I’d recommend the movie. Since we’d ridden there in his four-door passenger vehicle, it wasn’t much of a chore, except, in our haste, we’d not made note of where the car was parked. Big parking lot. “Well, damn,” he said, “I thought I’d remember it because it was parked by a big pickup.” Think about that comment. It’s funny. On any given day, I’ll see three times as many pickups on the road, more than any other vehicle. Bubba grinned a little in the twilight’s darkness. “Parked by a truck, I think….” That type of landmark, mobile landmark, isn’t such a reliable source of marking where one’s vehicle is supposed to be. Doesn’t work in the “back forty” parking lot of a crowded multiplex cinema. But it was a nice try. Such humor, or what passes for humor in the Gemini world, is useful. With the right company, like me, I find it amusing and refreshing. But not everyone is a Gemini-sympathetic astrologer. If the jokes don’t fly? Maybe try to remember where you parked, for real.

Cancer: I was sitting in a classroom, actually just a workshop, and after the panel got done with their presentations, a young lady, not sitting to far from me, asked a pointed question about the material. That question, and the quick verbal riposte and parry, all generated a good buzz. Plus, in the question, and its deflected answer, it was obvious that the young lady in question knew more about the topic than the presenter who answered. But that one young lady also kept to herself. She didn’t flaunt the fact that she had a better command over the material than that panel. Afterwards, I asked what her birthday was. Cancer. Look: you’re going to get a chance, just like she did, to make a point, ask a few questions, and your verbal response can be better than it’s ever been before. That’s the good news. But like that one kid in the workshop? Stop before you get carried away. Punctuate your point, ask your questions, parry, riposte, and carry on, but stop when you’ve made the point. Touché.

Leo: My darling Leo, you’ve really got to get a handle on the distractions. There is any one of a number of bright, shiny objects that will garner your attention. Stop, right now, and think about this. Bright, shiny object, like a new (insert toy-device-software here)? Do you really need such an item? Or is just the flash of the moment, the idea, the packaging, the marketing, the hype? Are you really purchasing something that you need, or is this more along the lines of a desire? I’m all for giving in to a Leo’s wanton lust; however, there is a problem with this wanton lust, even if it’s only along the lines of retail therapy. It’s not a good idea, not at this moment. The problem will be that the item you’re so desiring? It will turn out that it doesn’t work the way you think it should. If a Real Leo had designed it, manufactured it, and implemented the process to bring that item to market? It would do like it’s supposed to. But I’m warning you, after you break the seal? After you peel away the bubble wrap? That shrink-wrapped plastic? Don’t be surprised if the new thing doesn’t live up to your Leo expectations.

Virgo: One of the aspects to fishing that I truly enjoy is learning new techniques. New baits, new styles, new ideas. Old favorites are nice, and I’ve developed some specialized techniques for certain situations that I’ll assume are just local variations. But I’m not afraid to pick up a magazine, read a book, or even search for new data on the web. The problem with fishermen, especially competitive types? I wonder how much of their information is accurate and how much of it is just “close,” but not quite the real deal? Testing a theory is a good idea. Better yet, use that Virgo brain of yours and consider getting several opinions before you test out that new technique. Take the combined amount of data, run it through a Virgo food processor type of ordeal, and use the puree as the idea. Consensus of opinions, not just one.

Libra: When the fish aren’t biting, as it happens from time to time, then it’s good to sort through what’s there, figure out what piece of tackle belongs in which box, and what reel could use a little squirt of oil. Deal is, life is getting good in Libra land, and we’re all gearing up for some “big things” that should be happening. Soon enough. Pretty quick. Very near future. It helps to be properly prepared. I was looking at a couple of pieces of fishing gear that usually don’t belong together, a bobber and a shiny spinner. I had an idea. I strung the two items together, tied it on the end of pole, and flung the contraption out into the river. No luck. But the fish weren’t biting, no matter what I was trying, so I filed that idea away as a good thought. Good idea, will work on it later. Back to straightening out the tackle. Might not be your tackle box that needs a little cleaning, might be something entirely different. Work place, home space, the Libra trailer, that fine Libra wardrobe. Something needs you to tidy up a bit. While you’re doing that, you’re going to stumble across a brilliant idea. Might not work just yet, but hold onto that thought. Like a spinner and bobber together.

Scorpio: One of my friends is a professional psychic. Like that comes as any surprise, especially given my line of work? The funny part, her boyfriend? On his cell phone, he installed a special ring-tone. It was the theme song from “Bewitched.” Only rang when SHE called. Greatly amusing to some. Greatly amusing to most. Inherently funny, given the situation. Me and her were discussing this tiny bit of fun one afternoon, and her phone rang. “Play that funky music white boy.” Oh yes. Young love, isn’t it grand? There’s a little bit of whimsy in your life, and I’m suggesting you take a moment to enjoy that little bit of Scorpio frivolity, fun, amusement, or whatever you want to call it. It’s there to be enjoyed. These aren’t big deal, like the ring tone on a stupid mobile phone. Not like its really any big deal, but in the land of Scorpio, sometimes, paying attention to the little details would help. A lot.

Sagittarius: Nothing’s worse, especially for us mutable types (Sagittarius = mutable fire sign), than to be married to one idea. One concept, one set way of thinking. One way of looking at the universe. Doesn’t work. You’re running into a situation, much like me, wherein that one way of thinking isn’t working the way it’s supposed to. When the facts don’t fit a particular situation, obviously, the facts must be changed. Since when did facts become mutable objects instead of facts that are etched in stone? Ever watch Texas politics? Yeah, you know what I’m saying? So when your Sagittarius self is face-to-face with that situation, think back on our little conversation, and consider that you might want to modify your way of thinking. Before you shoot off your mouth and jump into the fray, armed with your “facts,” consider looking over the data and making sure that it aligns with the way you want your thinking to align and then, give the stars a chance to align with you. Look first, and be willing to be more mobile. Fluid. Nothing’s etched in stone.

Capricorn: Look, my fine little red-headed Capricorn, it’s now or never. I warned you about this. I cajoled, entreated, pleaded, hollered, screamed, ranted, raved, even went so far as to get down on my bended knee to implore of your fine self about this situation, but you refused to listen. Open thy eyes. Here. Now. In the present. It looks like it’s a bad situation. It’s not. It’s ripe with opportunity. But you’ve got be willing to do something about that opportunity. Now’s the time. Ain’t no time like the present. The stars are not aligned for everyone, but for the next week or so, your personal stars are actually pretty darn good. You’re darned lucky at this very moment. It’s an odd arrangement, and it’s one that you need to take advantage of. Do something. Action, on your part, is called for. Kick it into gear and start. At the risk of repeating myself, ain’t no time like the present.

Aquarius: Relief was the first item I noticed in your chart, as Mars moves on over to Pisces. Then I looked at the Sun, in Taurus, a fixed sign, and I noted that it was going to create a tension angle and this has to do with work. One my good Aquarius buddies has a job that allows him to a “telecommute” to work, two days a week. He sits at his home office, overlooking a tiny creek, sits in that office probably wearing flannel pajamas, sipping on a steaming mug of hot tea. No coffee for that Aquarius lad, and after the recent bought with Mars, no coffee is necessary. A little herb tea, comfortable clothes and lots of work that requires his attention. But it works for him. I’m not sure this scene can be duplicated by all my fine Aquarius brethren and sisteren, but it’s a goal to work towards. Then I started to consider the influence of that Sun in Taurus, and I got thinking, you know what’s going to happen to one of those two idyllic days this week? He’s going to get called into the office. Suit up, show up, and take yet another pointless meeting. However, in the interest of a paycheck, those meetings that seem to be almost useless? Doesn’t hurt to break the routine, just a little, and go ahead and show up.

Pisces: Ever notice what a set up it is in films? Large windowpane. Large, expansive piece of clear glass real estate, right? Some one will go flying through it within two minutes of film footage. I think it’s a Hollywood rule. Or maybe the rule can be traced back to Spanish Land Grant. But never mind the source, think about the set-up. Big window. Someone’s going to go flying through it within two minutes. Maybe it will shatter from the impact of a projectile, but still, there’s that influence. “Leave no glass un-shattered,” I suppose, would be the motto. With Mars scraping along through the early degrees of Pisces, I’d be extra careful about a set-up like this. Might not be a “Hollywood moment,” either. Might be more like a personal Pisces pratfall, which, in retrospect, will be very funny, but at the time, it might not be as funny as you’d like it to be. All I’m suggesting is that you watch out for obvious set-ups, whether the set up has cinematic appeal, or not.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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