This is bad.
A tech headline news item. Whatever shall I do? Fight for the name?
Wildlife images
Got two, actually taken a few weeks ago, but the images are pretty good, at least to me. Bedding bass.
The first image (click for close-up) is a little male guarding nest, along the shoreline. The close up is a slightly tweaked image, showing him hard at work, guarding.
It’s that genetic imperative. Got to love Mother Nature. Right in the heart of Austin.
Two-meat platter
It was funny, to me, as I was working on a project for a devout Jewish client, I was sitting there, thinking about pork ribs. The little joke didn’t work, about how the good lord obviously loves us because she created such goodness in the world, like BBQ pork ribs.
Isn’t working, but it’s not the first time I’ve had a joke fail miserably, all the way around. Genetic predisposition to bad humor. Goes with the turf.
Bad humor fits well with the current “working project.” With an up and coming new moon in Taurus, launching Gemini and all of that, I’ve got to get back to work on getting “the book” on Amazon. No easy task.
What I’ve played with, basically, is that there will be two editions. The older one, that first run, then a second one, an Amazon edition Same basic text, but the Amazon edition needs to be priced in the astronomical range so it can be discounted to the normal range. My ideal price would be $9.95. However, with “Print-On-Demand” technology, the pricing runs a little higher.
I worked, toyed with it, set up some other work, and then wandered off into the afternoon. I kept running into friendly faces.
I think I’ll just play stupid on-line games instead.
Way unrelated to anything:
I don’t know, I clicked and clicked, and I came across this site. Hint: I’m on meager broadband, here in the trailer, so it loads at a decent pace, but it’s terribly graphic heavy. All images, in fact. Weird stuff. Random. Of course, I’ve been to Amarillo, so this one isn’t so weird, not to me. But it’s nothing more than a personal web site, from my cursory glance. Cool visual look, but just images.
Cool, nonetheless.
I was intrigued, but then I thought about the amount of time that went into a site like that. Rather “labor intensive,” or so it would seem. All that image manipulation, then the upload time, and links, and all the technical back-end work. For a personal website. It won an award, but the award doesn’t come with a round-trip ticket, plus expenses. At least, that’s the impression I got. Just as a stupid sidebar note, I wonder what a weekend in NYC costs, especially for a lost soul from the plains of West Texas?
But he did have a clever bit attached, too, a PDF form that was a simple eight by ten piece of paper with his name and address, and a plea to send him a dollar. I might try that gig. I found that clever, and I’m not at all above stealing a good idea.
There was one more rather clever portion, the online journal. It was an image of a handwritten journal. The image was then mapped and the “more” text and arrow was the “more” button. Still clever, and intriguing in a way the web hasn’t been lately.
But could I ever move over to such a graphic-heavy interface? After I spent years trimming the front page down to a bare minimum, weighing in under 10K in size? Got to keep it fast for us lame-DSL folks. Or dial-up. I understand some folks still use a modem.