Price points


Considering the price point:
I got a couple of calls on Tuesday, phone consultations, and a local request. What was odd, to me, was how the price point affected different people. By Left Coast standards, New York Big City standards, I’m cheap. But for a local person, I seem expensive.

With gas headed towards $4 per gallon, and soon, and with the price of electricity going up, I’m thinking it’s time to raise the prices. But as of now, I’m not. The simple goal is to keep inexpensive and affordable to a broader section.

I was talking to an internet expert the other evening, and the suggestion was that advertising was supposed to bear the brunt of the income, whereas, with me, that advertising doesn’t mean more than a few dollars – every quarter.

Up cycled a little bit of Kinky Friedman’s music. I realized as he talked his way through a song, that some people are better suited for different mediums. He’s a much more enjoyable novelist than musician. And as a politician? All I can avow is that I’ve signed the petition to get him on the ballot.

Unpaid political commentary:
Movie trailer.

Non-consumer goods:
The top five items not to buy.

This qualifies as news:
Sex sells. Always has. So is this news?


Religions – by area:
Cool map that doesn’t exactly line up with what I know, but then, what do I know about geographic religions? The map is here.

Little fish:
Just wee little fishes, and I spent an hour or more in the morning, trying to tease this one fellow into biting. He was so not interested in anything I had. Not even close. He’d sniff at it, then look for something else. Spotted several in the afternoon, and the recent “high tides” have left the fish active. But I couldn’t get anything other than small fish. That one, poor little bass, too, I was giggling when I unhooked his ass.

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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