Updated (online) Bio

About Kramer Wetzel
Writer, author of Fishing Guide to the Stars, one of the longest (continuous) running weekly columns on the web, Fishing Guide to the Stars first appeared on the web in 1994. The column and its website spawned several books.

Author, Fishing Guide to the Stars, Austin, TX 1993 - present
Imagine a seedy dive with excellent Tex-Mex, in a bad neighborhood, on the wrong side of town. On the table-top, an artist, an editor, and a writer came up with an idea for a something new for the “World Wide Web.” Started as a joke, Fishing Guide to the Stars was born. The column itself has been available on websites, AOL, and even occasionally appearing in print media, ever since. Fishing Guide to the Stars started as a monthly column, moved to weekly, moved to AOL, moved to astrofish.net, and has been a pioneer effort by the author to understand the mechanics of astronomy, the depth of psychology, and put it all in plain language, some say with a sense of humor.

Consultant, Mad Mac II, Phoenix, Tempe, AZ & Dallas, TX
Pre-press and press publications, from concept and design through the full cycle to production and publication, plus some experience with training on how to use (Macintosh) computers. Database design and implementation, user interface design, network administration.

Owner/Operator, On The Air, Dallas, TX
The less said, sometimes the better. On The Air was a brief legend during the early 1980s, combining New Wave, Punk, and dance rhythms for shining moment in the dubious history of Dallas nightlife. Duties included everything to run a successful business, staffing, management, accounting, and bouncing unruly patrons. Right before closing the doors for good, On The Air won a prestigious “Nightclub Hall of Fame” award.

R&D Manager, Quality Cycles, Dallas, TX
Two-man motorcycle shop that specialized in BMW-brand vehicles. Inventory, sales, basic mechanic. Also looked after the division winning “F&L Racing Team.” Maintained and fielded an endurance road racer for several seasons.

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 1991 B.A.

Basic computer skills, i.e., web design, coding, hacking around, MS Office, limited database design and implementation, Interface design and integration. Graphic design. Photo manipulation, pre-press. Network and net connections. “Quick and cheap web pages solutions.” Lousy grammar, lovely writing style. People skills, public speaking, plus able to handle a bass pole. Not that it matters. It always comes back to the fishing thing, doesn’t it?


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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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