Fishing Guide to the Stars
By Kramer Wetzel
For the week starting: 6.25.2009
- “Stand fast;
We have as many friends as enemies.”
Shakespeare’s Coriolanus (III.i.287-8)
Coming soon: workshop in old San Antonio.
Cancer: I call it "foraging." It’s part of the art of travel, like arriving someplace, either local or far-flung, and discovering that there is something missing. Toothpaste. Shampoo. Soaps, lotions, emulsions, and so on, or, when I used to record with audio cassettes, blank tapes. Can be big stuff, can be an important omission, or it could be a minor item like a toothbrush.
Part of the art of travel, though is learning how to make do with local customs and mores. What is hygienic in one place isn’t exactly sterile in another place. Which is why, there’s both an art and style that’s required to be good at this. Do you have what it takes? You can be foraging for office products, food, snacks, entertainment. I’m pretty sure you’re above having to search for food and shelter, but there’s an art to that kind of existence, too. However, sometimes it’s a little simpler than that.
It’s birthday time in Cancer. Means it’s time for a party. Times are a little tight around here, so how you line up for that party? That’s up to you. I’d suggest we start with a little foraging. In one form or another. It is a perfect Cancer-person activity.
Leo: I’m a big fan of ghost signs. These are shadowy remnants of, like, a building’s former occupant. There are a number of "Kress" signs that I encounter, on top of, I’ll guess, what used to be a Kress Building. One of the more famous ghost signs, it’s in downtown Austin, an old hat place. I’m not sure if new construction has obliterated the view or not. But ghost signs are amusing, and trying to capture their true nature is an elusive hunt.
Sometimes, more modern artists have covered the old signs with graffiti, planned — or unplanned — artwork. In part, this is part of what makes a good ghost sign, something somewhat obscuring the original image. The texture of the old paint on the bricks and mortar, that’s part of the symbolism, too. Then there’s the faded quality, or, close to where I live, an old/faded sign on a now empty building.
I’m sure the old warehouse will be an upscale loft or tony new studio space for a celebrated artist soon enough. I just wish they would leave the old signs in place, as there’s something historical, maybe nostalgic about the old signs. There a symbol, buried in a ghost sign, that will have impact for Leo, in this next couple of days. Won’t last long, and like the sign, the symbolism might be faded. But you’re supposed to look for it, and not where you normally look, too.
Virgo: I picked this week’s introductory Shakespeare quote, "Stand fast; We have as many friends as enemies" Coriolanus [III.i.287-8] — that quote? It has you in mind. Who do you count as friends? Who do you count as enemies? And are the enemies really enemies? Or are there merely what appears to be enemies?
In that play, the Roman general switches sides because he feels betrayed. Then it gets ugly. What I’d watch for, at a time like this, with Saturn riding right up on your tail end? I’d watch who you openly declare as an enemy, and who you want to declare war on and I’d be careful. Some of your friends well, not me, as I am your friend, but some of your friends might not be willing to stand by you whereas some of your enemies? Never mind, at some point, next few days, you will feel like they are all out to get you. Can’t be helped. While I can be counted upon as a friend, that doesn’t make all your friends friends.
As it is said in Coriolanus….
Libra: I was transferring images to a website, one of my little side-projects. I was looking, as I’ve trimmed the images down to be a manageable size, I was noticing that some of my pictures wouldn’t even fit on single-sided diskette. Remember those? How about floppies? Remember those? In this digital age, I was thinking, I’ve got these images trimmed down to web-scalable size, and yet, by the standards I was raised on, these images might not even be transportable.
It doesn’t really matter that much, as the images are just for fun, as that website is, and then, I don’t care if the bigger version of the pictures turns out to be larger than single — or double – sided floppy disk. I’ve had few people complain about being able to see the material. No complaints about the size of the files. This all about the yardstick — the way we measure — how our Libra selves are gong to judge ourselves. What measurement was huge in its day, but in the exponential growth of computer crap, is now nothing?
The question is, what device, what yardstick, what measuring tool are you using, to judge your own, internal Libra growth?
Scorpio: There are several schools of thought about how the Scorpio brain apprehends and learns information. Some would suggest that the Scorpio brain learns from facile, tactile input. Touch, feel, figure it out. There’s another branch that suggests the Scorpio learns best from "reading the book," as there’s a wealth of information that can be ingested then put to use, after the manual has been read.
I suppose, as an adjunct to the "book learning" branch of the Scorpio learning tree, I’d add the observation part. This is one I’ve seen, although less and less these days. The observation portion of the Scorpio learning system stands aside and lets someone else try — and fail — while the good Scorpio makes note of what doesn’t appear to work. That last part, let someone else try and fail? Let someone else see how wet the paint is? Let someone else find out if "danger: electrical current" really means that’s it’s dangerous voltage? All I’m suggesting, from my point of observation?
Use the Scorpio observation method and let other people rule out the errors before you try.
Sagittarius: In my past, there’s a link I have with BMW motorcycles. There’s a narrow window of time that I have a working knowledge of valves, timing chains, points, settings, statistics and so forth, all wrapped up in my head. Probably not as much now, but it’s there. Was there. So there’s a very visceral reaction that — the throaty sound of a "half a VW bug" makes. It’s an old, long outdated, design for a motor. And I’ve certainly not kept up, so I am way out of date on my material.
I came across a badge, and it reminded me that I was, at one time, a big fan of the "Airplane Motors." The cry was, in its time, "Airplane Motors Forever!" Look at the acronym: AMF. I’m dredging up seriously deep memory banks, like turning over the earth in a farmer’s field, or better yet, compost that been dormant and fermented for several years. This is about the deep and dark past, and link to the present and then, looking ahead to the immediate future.
There’s no tie-in, immediately available between the motorcycles I used to ride and wrench, and the next week. But dredging memories can yield some pretty good stuff, and there’s at least one useful idea that’s been dormant for a long time, and now is the time to turn that over, and see what happens.
Capricorn: There’s a picture I took, I can’t place the exact time, but it was almost ten years ago. Took it with prototype of the now ubiquitous "phone-camera." Twilight, low-light conditions. Didn’t turn out that great, but then, I’ve found that I’ve been able to use that image, over and over, time and again.
It’s partly humorous, at least, to me it is, and it’s partly apocryphal. The sign is a pawn shop sign, from place in West Texas. The sign reads, "Tie the knot today, wedding rings and shotguns, on sale now."
Is it humorous? I would hope so, especially in the acerbic, arcane Capricorn way. The humor derives from this being an unusual Valentines’ card image. This is spring time, most near summer. Jupiter is starting backwards in Aquarius, right on top of a Neptune alignment. Weird. When I snapped that shot, years ago, I didn’t know it was a big deal.
Small picture, many miles, many smiles. You get to encounter a similar image. Might be a person, might be a place, might be an encounter. Don’t worry that all you have is a cell phone camera — or whatever — you’ll be surprised how long the results last.
Aquarius: There’s a short appendage of the US Interstate Highway that goes from San Antonio to Corpus Christi. It’s about 120 miles long, and it’s good highway, but the south Texas countryside is pretty barren. There’s not a lot to see between the two towns. There are ranches and rivers, although, in drought conditions, empty stream beds and dull brown acreage rather than lush ranch land.
Heading down to the coast to go fishing, I’ve noticed this several times, but I finally got around to making note of the name and place. It’s around Mile Marker 49 and there’s a ranch called, I can’t make this up, "Weed." There are stoner jokes, weed jokes in general, and then, of course, ranch jokes, too. Agricultural jokes abound. I know nothing about the ranch, only the name and approximate location. Which doesn’t stop me from thinking about a bunch of humorous material in here with which to work. Doubt I’ll do that.
Like I said, it’s around fifty miles north of Corpus Christi, on the Interstate. Go check it out. With Mars and Venus approaching a tension point with Jupiter and Neptune, I’d watch for certain items to crop up. That’s the reference to the ranch and the agricultural jokes, all wrapped in one. I’d also be careful about what items you use to run away. A trip to the coast, or the lake, for fishing is good.
A trip to a ranch for weed, not so much.
Pisces: "Forgive me, dear lord, but I couldn’t resist." It was a quick prayer to whatever deity might be upset with me. I was with my sister, and I couldn’t resist, I had a piece of crisp bacon on my plate and I waved it, literally, under her nose. It was sibling rivalry at its finest. I couldn’t resist the temptation of tempting her. She deserved it. For what crime was she being punished?
I don’t know, Vegan, in an omnivore world? Too much Left Coast diet? Something, I’m sure. Besides, it was an opportunity that presented itself, and those come so rare these days. I couldn’t keep from doing it. I was begging forgiveness as soon as the idea popped into my head. Which didn’t stop me from wafting and waving a piece of perfectly fried, cherry-smoked bacon in front of her. I don’t think it was one of my finer moments as a human. However, as the older brother, I do believe it was a finer moment. Depends on the way we judge ourselves. Then, too, I did beg forgiveness, even as the thought was occurring, and before I actually did the deed.
As a Pisces, what’s giving into temptation and what’s clearly a situation that can’t be avoided, no matter what the cost? Bacon?
Aries: I’m figuring, as an astrologer, that I get an out. My limited warranty on horoscopes does not extend to include improper handling by clients. You read this stuff, my fine Aries friend? You read this then do not heed my advice? I can’t be blamed for the outcome.
Mars — like — Mars, the Aries planet? Fixed in Taurus, and that means your action should be concentrated and focused. There’s a scattered kind of quality that I’ve observed lately, with my Aries friends. That scattered energy need direction.
Focus. Imagine that you’re like the lens on a big camera, and we’re rotating you around. Focus. One thing. One item. One task. One thing at a time. If you try too much at one time? Don’t blame me.
Taurus: Most Taurus folks can be incredibly patient people. Some of the kindest, gentlest, easiest to get along with folks that I know. However, this is the last kick you get from the Mars and Venus thing, and it’s not like those two are going to leave you alone without a fight of some kind. There will be one more hit, one more tap, one punch. It’s a planetary punch, so I’m not too worried about what the immediate action will be. Whatever the immediate action is?
You’re going to be rushing back and forth, over here, over there, hither and yon. Rushing, rushing, rushing. I get dizzy just thinking about trying to keep up with you. And I’m not that opposed to action. But sometimes, if you would just watch it a little, I mean, just slow down for a moment. The planets keep pushing you, mostly, it’s the stationary/backward slant to Jupiter, imagine that Jupiter energy pressed hard against the Mars and Venus thing? That’s what the immediacy comes from. However, you can win, but you’ve got take charge of yourself. Direct this energy in one direction.
Running all over the place? We just get dizzy trying to keep and then it takes longer to get done.
Gemini: I was walking along with a Gemini buddy, and we were in one of those warehouse stores. No, they don’t sell warehouses, it’s a place where the fixtures are like out of a warehouse because, what they save in fixtures, that savings? Supposedly it gets passed along to the members. My little Gemini friend was going on at length about an irritable problem, about irritable something syndrome, and so forth. We passed one of the young ladies handing out free samples of food, or food-like processed material.
I’m not sure what it was. Fish? Crab? Cheese? I’ve developed a way of grazing through places like this. The female handing out the food certainly caught my buddy’s eye. I’ve seen her before, but that’s a different tale. She’s a little heavy-set, Latin origin, obviously, with hazel eyes, and smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. He was smitten, my Gemini buddy. (She’s Capricorn, not that it matters one bit.) He chatted, his whole irritable whatever syndrome a distant memory. She flirted right back, up to and hinting, but not divulging any actual details. Other than he should try some of whatever it was she was pimping out.
I think he bought a bag of it, "In the freezer, look for it," and I think he thought it was going to win him points with her. Might have. More important? That got him off talking about whatever was the perceived Gemini "rant du jour." I think of that woman as a bright shiny object.
If you’re down? Find some bright, shiny object to draw your Gemini attention away. And if you’re happy? Keep playing with that — whatever — whomever — it is.