I was looking up a rhetorical term, another one, and most of the formal rhetoric is named in Latin. Or, “Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.”
Armchair astrology has its proponents and possibilities. There is a need for certain historical perspective. One of my most frequent questions is, “What was happening at (such-and-such a date)?” I tend towards a date range and the answer I’m fishing for?
‘Won the lottery, got a promotion, ex-wife left me, ex-husband was jailed.’ All good news.
There’s always an opposite reaction, too, “Business failed, facing foreclosure, wife left me, husband left me, life sucked.” All bad news.
While I tend towards the happy stuff, I’ve found that bookmarks, astrological or otherwise, are useful. What was happening then is a reflection on what is happening now, or, in personal consultation, what will be happening. Extrapolate from the trends.
What I do.
Which is why the warning is about that Latin phrase, watch for it, here it comes, “Vaticinium Ex Eventu.”