Six on Sunday

If I recall, and I might not, as that was a rather fluid time of my existence, there was a TV show called “The A-Team.”

So there’s a movie, same name, same tag line, and what I regret most? Not being able to see at one of the Alamo Drafthouse locations.

What takes a so-so movie, or stupid movie, or silly movie, and makes it great film experience? Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse (original locations).

So, despite my best efforts, it was at Barton Creek Mall, instead of the South Lamar Drafthouse.

Perfect afternoon film. Just a good film. Heavy on the action, light on the body parts, gratuitous violence, exploding stuff everywhere, and more than one oblique visual pun that was probably missed.

It’s in general release, panned by some critics, and for an hour and half, I was immersed in thin plot, heavy artillery, and several demented characters. Just good fun. Kind of like the TV show I don’t recall.

Coolest Movie Cars:
As the title suggests, but most important to me? #1 & #2.

Abby Road:
One of a series of images, from summer 06? I think? That’s the zebra stripes that were used on the cover of the Beatles’ Abbey Road.

It was a customer service tag line, “If we deliver what we promise, we will exceed your expectations.”

How sad is that?

If I deliver what I promise? I’m just doing my job. What I like to do is deliver more than I promise. That’s exceeding your expectations.

However, in this modern world, that single tag line points to our current sad state of affairs.

I can’t fix anything else, but I can take care of my corner. It’s all about expectations.

I’m still cheaper.

Fishing Guide to the Stars, Horoscopes and much, much more… daily digital image from the London archives…

Bexar County Line Daily “tourist” image from the “San Antonio (TX)” collection…

book banner books, amazon, e-Books, free texts…

flracing Weekly Sky Friday photo/image meme –
Open to all…

Got idea? Start your own:


Unrelated Metaphor:
Considering the plight of one of my fishing buddies, I was trying to wrap mind and metaphor around symbolism. Mars, still (barely) in a fixed sign, rattling the foundations.

If the castle’s foundation wasn’t secure to begin with, this over-long sojourn of Mars in Leo would fix that, shaking loose the problem and making the foundation crumble.

I didn’t say it was a complete idea.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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  • Sarah Jun 20, 2010 @ 8:00

    Nay, Kramer, thou mayest be less expensive than others, but thou art never cheap. Quality. Quantity. What more is there?

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