Fishing Guide to the Stars starting 2.3.2011

“For never anything can be amiss,
When simpleness and duty tender it.”
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer-Night’s Dream [V.i.89-90]

Venus moves into Capricorn, which means? Aquarius: Timing is what’s weird about this. I started writing a weekly scope because the size fit me. Right, Happy Birthday! Anyway, ten years ago, I switched to a Thursday through Wednesday chart. Which is why I was looking at the timing. Last week, right as the charts shifted, Mars, Sun, Moon, lined up almost perfectly. It’s the beginning of a new day. While I tend to observe such a planetary alignment as purely symbolic, there is a trend. Action is now required. Click here, or some other call to action is required. Now. Click, spend, spit, fill-in, fill-out, something. Anything. Maybe, how about, maybe, try all three? Or four? Whatever the “try now” offer is? With that kind of symbolic kick from Mr. Mars? Time to get going on one, two, three, maybe four or even five projects. Just jump. You’re going to go every direction. Don’t let that stop you. Try them all. We’ll sort out the details later.

Pisces: Too much time in Austin: the hippie shake. There’s a dance, and the way I usually see this kind of dance, it’ll be in Austin (that’s Austin, TX, live music capital of the world because, on any given night, there will good acts playing). The hippie shake is usually a guy, probably has long hair, might be in a ponytail, or often as not, a braid. Probably a distressed straw cowboy hat, and badly scuffed boots. White guy, usually, but it’s not gender or ethnic specific.

He’ll be dancing, probably all by himself, he’ll be dancing with himself, and it’s the hippie shake. For a white guy, he’ll be remarkably fluid and rhythmic. The superfluidity might be caused by narcotics, uncontrolled substances, or just too much Jack and Coke. Or nothing. He could be high on life, although, I tend to favor the theory that suggests it’s a chemically altered state. Austin, you know. The hippie shake as a bob and weave that can’t be found in any other dance forms that I’m familiar with, rock back on the heels, swing around, shimmy, shake, dodge and weave. Pony tail or braid flies out behind him as he spins around, generally cooking on various herbs and spices. That exact bob, weave, dance to the left, step to the right? Works. Works well in avoiding the bad stuff coming down and as a Pisces, you can just let this stuff slip right past you. Make it look like a dance, the hippie shake.

Aries: Jupiter is the lucky star. Jupiter is skating along in Aries now. That’s good. Saturn is a mean planet. Saturn is in Libra now, opposite you. One of those two will be a big influence in the next couple of days. Which one? I’m not sure. There’s a third influence but I’d like to sit on that, for a few, select Aries, there’s the approaching Pluto/Venus alignment. Looking at all three, I’d like to use the obvious symbolism from Pluto/Venus. Venus is nice, although a tension angle like this is tough. Then, combined with Pluto’s force? This about digging up a past issue. A past thing, a past problem, long since dead and buried. You want to go out in the backyard, dig up that issue, and check it out. That’s fine. You want to unearth a corpse that’s been laid to rest for, looks like 7 years now? I’d offer you a shovel, but I don’t want to help, aid, assist or encourage that behavior. No digging up corpse, or long dead issues. You can do so privately, but not in a public way. Think about it, seven years now, shouldn’t you just let that thing stay buried?

Taurus: Old farmer’s advice: “It’s easier to plow around the stump.” Which, undoubtably, reminds me a fishing metaphor, about that one stump in front of my place. In Austin, on the lake, the one stump that cost hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars of damage to fishing gear over the years. Stump didn’t move. Stump didn’t care. Same as that farmer’s advice. However, in my defense, I knew the stump was there, and I knew fish lurked behind it, so it wasn’t like this was a complete surprise. Me, that farmer, and Taurus. You know the obstacle is there. You have a choice. You can be like me, always hanging expensive lures on stump that hasn’t changed its location in decades, or you can follow the sage farmer’s advice, plow around the stump. The obstacle, I seriously doubt it’s a stump. Doesn’t stop it from being a problem, though, and the way around the problem. Go around. Not through.

Gemini: “The last time I dumped my boyfriend?” I nodded and listened to a certain Gemini. “That last time, it took two whole boxes of chocolates. Then, I had to go shopping. All new outfits, see?” I nodded, best thing to do when listening to a Gemini. “Then, I had to get new make-up. It’s a whole new me!” I nodded some more. This was a break-up predicated on a Mercury Retrograde pattern, and if I consulted with the boyfriend, I’d found out that he didn’t do anything, and he didn’t take it serious. However, I wasn’t listening to him, I was listening to the effusive and ebullient Gemini. “Know what his real problem is?” I nodded. “He doesn’t know how to deal with relationship stress, not like me.” Shopping, chocolate, shopping. I’d have to agree, Gemini’s got a good point. I’d gone fishing. But that’s me, and I’m not a Gemini. The stress factors are there in Gemini. It’s how you deal with these stress factors. Chocolate and new make-up don’t work for me. But I’m not a Gemini. At least one fishing buddy is going to say, “I don’t get it.” Then he’s heading to the big Bass Pro Shop to see what’s on sale. See what I mean? Who says we don’t know how to deal with stress, whether it’s from a relationship or some other issue?

Cancer: A Cancer girl I know, last time I saw her, it was just like this, I mean, it was the same effect as Pluto/Venus (Capricorn) square Jupiter (Aries) Square/Oppose Cancer. She’d been out partying the night before. Instead of cleaning up, she just drug herself into the showroom to see me. Looked like warmed over spit. I mean, that’s what she said she looked like. To me, she appeared a little disoriented and slightly disheveled, sort of like an unmade bed that needed two bodies in it to make the picture complete. Our minds just took off in completely different directions. Not what this is about. What it’s about is the way she said she felt, what she looked like, and what the general appearances were. After she left, a buddy of mine snickered and said something about what he wanted to do with her. She didn’t feel well — too much liquor the night before. Her (Cancer) perception was that she didn’t look well, either. To get such a compliment from my buddy? She was doing all right. It’s about what you look like versus how you feel and that’s all wrapped up with what we perceive. Just because you don’t feel so hot? That doesn’t mean someone doesn’t think you’re very hot.

Leo: One of my Leo friends is very camera shy. Not a normal Leo characteristic, that’s for sure. No, she just doesn’t like being on film, or digital film, or whatever. She does well on radio, but in person? Just one of her least favorite things to do. Pose for a camera. Me? Not a problem. News crew shows up and I’m there. I’ll volunteer. I don’t mind being a goofball on national TV. Done it before, and I’ll likely do it again. Fun stuff, but I’m silly Sagittarius. Not a mighty Leo. Who shouldn’t be afraid of cameras, but there you have it. It’s just the last time Mars was opposite her Leo self? My friend? No time to prepare, quick, she was shoved in front of TV cameras for a special deal. While any publicity and especially good publicity is supposed to be warmly welcome? Not so much, from my Leo friend. Mars. Mars is opposite again. I won’t say it’s because you’re camera shy, but whatever idiosyncrasies you have? Or irrational fears? Doesn’t much matter what it is, there’s it is, in your face. You can run, but you can’t hide. Seriously, a Leo afraid of the camera. That’s just weird.

Virgo: I passed a newspaper machine, and I glanced at the headlines. One side bar item, on the front page, was curious. “Development threatens Florida Panthers.” My first reaction, obvious enough, I was worried about all those single moms who were turning a certain age and acting predatory. Panthers, isn’t that what they’re called? Turns out I was wrong. The article was about the way “civilization” was encroaching on the environs of the natural big cats. Wasn’t anything at all about suburban single moms cruising for younger men. I was sorely disappointed. Way it goes. I can’t always be right, but I was properly amused at the way my mind took a headline and spun that information into a completely different scenario. With only the barest of facts, perhaps just a snippet of conversation, or maybe, you read something bite-sized in a glance, maybe there was something, like I said, I picked mine up by glancing at newspaper headlines. Source is part of the problem and interpretation is the other part. Usually good at details, I’m just saying there’s an immediate problem. Could be a simple transliteration of facts, like I did.

Libra: Saturn serves as a measure. A measure of time, a measure of cycles, and a measure of place. It’s about stopping and assessing where we are, in our Libra cycle, where we want to be, and how we would like to get there. There’s a long-term benefit from a unique corner of the sky: Aries. Jupiter is currently traversing the tropical sign of Aries, that little quadrant in the sky. Choose. Choose carefully. Stop and assess directions, goals, and methods of obtaining those goals. Saturn is trying to make getting to your goals difficult. Jupiter is an angel. Jupiter brings some good grease with him. Locally, tamales are a labor-intensive culinary work of art. The best tamales have some lard in them. It’s grease and glue that helps hold the corn meal (masa) together. It’s flavor. It adds texture and makes the tamales really tender in the microwave with their age-old corn-husk microwaveable wrapping. Can’t have too many. But a few are okay, even good. It’s all about the balance point. I’ve got a dozen leftover Xmas tamales in the freezer. The trick is to just eat a couple. How to get there, from here, with minimal damage. Saturn is the voice saying, “No!” Jupiter suggests maybe, just one or two? Might be the perfect way to deal with this.

Scorpio: There’s always one, and I wonder, is going to be you? Are you the Scorpio who is bound and determined, resolutely convinced that your way is the only avenue? Right to the point of not being able to see any other possibilities? So right that you might be wrong, but you’re blind to see where you might be at fault? I’d also think this is a lot less about “right” and “wrong,” and it’s lot more about shades of gray, but there’s a single point that you’ve been sticking to, unforgiven. I always like my Scorpio friends: friends for life, and that means, in Scorpio language, friends from a past life, this life and next lifetime, too. I always say, “Don’t piss off a Scorpio,” but that’s just hard-won experience. Vindictive, they are. You are. Stop, this isn’t about that issue. It’s about a single point where you are so sure you’re right, and I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I’d suggest you look at it again. “If you can’t be right, be wrong at the top of your voice!” that doesn’t look good, and it’s not a true Scorpio sentiment. All I’m suggesting with Mars, Sun, etc., all that in Aquarius? Maybe stop and think about it, review the data, before you assume that this is the only way. It might be right. Might not. You judge.

Sagittarius: Catch me at the right time — or according to some, the wrong time — and I’m quite the talker. I can lecture at length about several different topics. Texana, Bass Fishing, Coastal Flats Fishing, Inshore, Offshore, and sometimes, I can go at length about topic about which I have no first-hand experience. I’d like to think this is a Sagittarius quality. There’s difference between rhetoric, that is, artfully using words and arguments to persuade particular point, and just mindless verbiage used to fill dead space. In as much as we all want to talk about it? Especially now? Not a good idea. Stick to the point. Stick the issue, and if we hit a spot where our Sagittarius selves don’t know anything? STFU. Simple as that. A closed (Sagittarius) mouth gathers no feet.

Capricorn: I hate this, end of January, early February, we get a couple of days when it looks miserable outside. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really not that cold, just looks bad. Awful. Looks cold and gray, like the sun will never shine again, and the moisture seeps into everything. Last week of January, or thereabouts, we had a week of this stuff. Just miserable. I was stuck inside, for what seemed like forever. No afternoon walks to meet a client, no afternoons fishing, nothing. The gray clouds lowered right down on my head made me feel even worse. Venus is in Capricorn, and by the end of this scope, Venus will align with Pluto. “So that’s a bad thing, right?” I think differently about these kinds of a planetary alignments, I tend to see the bright side. While I was stuck inside, I had a chance to get caught up on some cleaning I’ve been meaning to attend to. I’m not really a clean guy. I’m tidy, not clean. There’s a minute difference. So it was along the lines of tidying up instead of outright cleaning. However, as you might surmise, I stumbled across a half-read historical text I’ve been looking for, and I’ve been meaning to dig back into the history I was reading about. Something lost is now found, and the apparent cold, gray skies are all but forgotten, now that there’s a new (old) project to work with.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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