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Chilling, Relaxing, Rewinding
Chill, in the original sense of the word, as I left for the coast (Texas Gulf Coast) under a hot December afternoon, shorts, sandals and Hawaiian shirt only to greet 36 degree weather the next morning.
No problem. The equipment shift for the sites:,,, and even, all went through with no hitch, even though the Bexar County Line site did present a few broken links I’ve since fixed with global values. More than five years of a picture a day, yes, that one was a challenge.
I’ve used an “out-of-the-box” subscription plug-in for three years now. Never liked it, but it was the “the best,” according to some. While it wasn’t intentional, I took the opportunity to change out some backend stuff.
As noted elsewhere, some buddies were fishing. Not me. Too cold.
I eventually wound up typing a couple of hundred names, as the spreadsheet had first and last name in a single column, while the rest of the data was properly tab-sorted. After three days of messing with ineffectual tech-support for the original software, I just bought some new stuff. See if it works.
Everyone gets a free ride, but everyone needs a new password. See how the hardware stands up to that — couple of hundred password resets.
You got a reading from me before.
Now’s the time to get caught up on what next year will be like, and do this before Mercury is Retrograde…
Reruns for the New Year:
Uranus square Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio.
When it gets down to 36, IMHO it can be classified down from chilly to cold. Good idea to stay inside and potter around doing stuff in the warmth. Leave fishing and gardening for another day.
New stuff seems to be working wonderfully well. Nice that it wasn’t too much of a hassle to make the changeover. More time for fishing or pottering or whatever floats your boat.