Another Favorite Image
From the Bexar County Line files?
Please use side door, and it’s a current favorite of mine, not because I’m in the reflection, although, that’s kind of fun, no, the reflection of the South Texas sky, the clear blue in the pane’s surface mirror.
It makes this a perfect Sky Friday type of image.
“Thanks for sharing.”
I started, stopped and forgot, then I popped back — I’ve passed that particular location as often as once a day, depending on my wandering ways for the days, and time on foot. In the winter, a little less, but not that it matters. When I had the camera in hand, not a phone but a real (cheap) camera, it looked like a receptionist was alarmed at my actions. I paused, snapped a picture, then I moved onward.
Scary dude taking pictures, in surreptitious manner? The showroom’s door says it all, “Please use side door,” and why would anyone consider that a captivating image?
Sum of the parts, from the hand-lettered signage to the sky reflected in the background, to the changing hue of the building itself, with its main entrance, on the side.
HEB, Grocery Stores and Legacy—
In Austin, more specifically, in South Austin, the center of the hipster universe, at the corner of now “so-cool” South Congress and Oltorf, there’s my old HEB. Always a cool place to shop. Free-range, organic coffee beans from Ruta Maya. Residents with little command of the the English language. Wilted, all-natural, free-range baby arugula. From the sublime to stupid, yes, it’s there. Truly, a great store. Great fact I can’t pass through without seeing friends and clients, speaks to something else, too. Sad: no longer have roast corn in the parking lot, preferring upscale, boutique trailer food now.
HEB (South Austin) — one great grocery store.
On the road to Port Aransas, Just passed Corpus Christi proper, in Flour Bluff, there’s a Super HEB, and one winter, they had surf board, regular, long boards, for sale. The fish aisle is more complete than some Austin “sporting goods” stores. The store reflects its neighborhood, coastal, the Flour Bluffs presumably the white sand.
HEB (Flour Bluff) — one great grocery store.
Before San Antonio’s city government, there’s a motion to close part of (legendary/historic) Main Street, south of downtown. Maybe two, three blocks. A number of alarmist, reactionary individuals are fighting the closure, citing government fraud, insider trading, and tracing the conspiracy back to the grassy knoll.
Based solely on HEB’s record as being good to the neighbors, I don’t see this as a problem. However, for some change, does not come easily.
Good luck HEB. I sincerely hope this works out for all of us.
HEB would be excellent for the neighborhood.
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