Funny Thing about Cameras

Funny Thing about Cameras

It’s a Funny Thing about Cameras, these days, I can chart the way this happened, and I’m sure there’s a logical extension in real world application, too.

I’ve winnowed my online image presence, in part necessitated by an address change, and in part, just because I’m lazier than before.

With rue my heart was laden when I learned that the astrofish dot co dot uk domain name, me, lacking a valid UK address, the URL was going away. I was toying with the steps to let it go, anyway, as it’s too much. I simply imported its library of images into the old blog motor, at, thereby updating it a little, preserving the image collection, and not losing a thing.

The last of the UK images were done on an iPhone 3, I think. Or a cheap camera. The last few fishing trips, while I’ve had a camera with me, the phone camera got all the good pictures. iPhone 3 was replaced by an iPhone 5, which was recently replaced by an iPhone 6. Going back as far as the first iPone, and even before that, some of the better images are from phones, not dedicated cameras.

Last trip the the coast, I packed my remaining camera, does audio/video, smaller than a pack of a cigarettes, can shoot 720p video, tinier, lighter than phone, and yet, the phone wins. Camera doesn’t do email, text messages, or astrology charts.

The Funny Thing about Cameras is that I’ve gradually replaced them all. Didn’t even use on the last coast trip. Got plenty of images, just no dedicated camera.

The original premise for the side project was simple images, caught with a cheap camera, nothing over $100. Worked and worked well, as an original premise. I would have a cheap camera with me when an expensive one would still be in its case – at home.

Now it’s all social media and handy “smart” phones.

Bexar County Line

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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