Quoting Dylan

Quoting Dylan

When I first saw that opening line, about quoting Dylan, I was unsure if it was the American great, Bob Dylan, or the poet from whence his name is derived, Dylan Thomas.

In one horoscope, I pointedly mention Bob Dylan and his harmonica playing, see Leo here.

Then there’s the time I used Bob Dylan as an introductory quote, instead of Shakespeare.

Quoting Dylan

Both of the Dylans, Bob and Thomas, they both have some rather tasty poetry. Lyrical and soaring, stories to tell, and worthy of study.

However, even at the highest court in the land? Apparently the justices are subject to misquoting a piece.

The biggest challenge with using quotes is to make sure I get correct attitbution. After that, I’ve never claimed I was accurate in substance. I know stars, so that’s what I stick with.

My funniest recollection, to thoroughly derail a train of thought? Client was in bar, younger, much younger male asked her for her digits.

Her response?


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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