Updated Author Bio
About: Kramer Wetzel
The Fishing Guide to the Stars…
Born and raised in a little town in East Texas, schooled in Texas and New Mexico, with college and university degrees earned in Arizona, Kramer Wetzel considers himself a typical Sagittarius. He is an ordained minister, Honorary Doctorate, Reiki Master, Certified Psychic, and holds horary cross-training in Tarot, Runes, and Tea Leaf Reading.
With an eye for the absurd, an ear for Texas dialect, both honed in a trailer park in South Austin — before trailer parks in South Austin were cool — Kramer Wetzel’s primary love is the written word, with the Western–styled horoscope his most popular format.
First published in 1987, online since 1993, his horoscopes are popular, as well as one of the longest, continuously running of its kind —
From global travel to a love of Shakespeare’s canon, to bass fishing around Austin, and bay fishing along the Texas Guilf Coast, Bubba said it best, “Kramer is a Zen Koan wrapped in a Hawiian shirt and sandals.” Kramer vehemently denies the internet-based rumor that he thinks he was Shakespeare in a past life.
He currently lives a tiny suburb on the north side of San Antonio, TX.
Fresh horoscopes are available online, books and back-catalog are available from Amazon, or wherever books are sold.
Personal consultations and appearances are available on the website.
The websites:
astrofish.net home
kramerwetzel.com blog
kramerwetzel.com old blog
BexarCountyLine.com Daily Digital imagery from Alamo City
KramerWetzel.com bio
BareFootAstrology.com Astrology Workshop
astrofish.net/mrx Mercury Retrograde

Old Bio Text:
About: Kramer Wetzel
The Fishing Guide to the Stars…
(Follow on Twitter.com/kramerw)
Ordained in two separate churches, with both college and university degrees, an honorary doctorate, certified life coach, Reiki Master, Certified Psychic, and hoary cross-training in Tarot, Runes, Tea Leaf Reading, my preference is still the realm of astrology. I start with a “Western” version, think: the stuff in the newspaper. Sun Signs. That’s the beginning.
Born and raised in a little town in East Texas, typically, Sagittarius, I’ve been all over, school and university in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, finally settling back in my native Austin, over the years I honed my skill-set with an eye for the absurd — living in a trailer park long before trailer parks in South Austin were cool. From there, I’ve drifted south towards the Gulf Coast, currently residing on the south side of San Antonio, not too far from the Alamo. Yes, remember the Alamo?
So far, I’ve been a truck driver, house painter, bartender, bar owner, motorcycle mechanic, and then the tale gets murky.
Forged in that creative cauldron, the weekly column, “Fishing Guide to the Stars,” is a pioneering effort to combine an ongoing study of various schools of astrology, astronomy, and the science of human behaviors, trying to make sense of life, wrapped in an amusing container.
First penned in 1987, digital in 1991, online since 1993, weekly from 1995, I’ve written daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly horoscopes. My current long-standing love is the weekly format.
As a typical Sagittarius, I continue to travel as an occasionally itinerant astrology reader, speaker and teacher. Yes, I’ve been featured on local and national TV, as an astrologer.
From a careful study of medieval astrology texts to the modern assumption that Texans are descended from a race of Space Aliens, I’ve been called a “professor of human culture.”
Books are available from Apple’s iBooks, Amazon, Kindle, and from the website, astrofish.net/books.
Prefer to see me in person? astrofish.net/travel …
Want a personal reading? astrofish.net/shop…
This should be required viewing: BareFootAstrology.com…
I’m easy to contact: astrofish.net/contact (Contact.)
BexarCountyLine.com, a web-based portfolio of sorts.
Requisite: astrofish.net/disclosures (Disclosure.)
As an addendum, as part of the fine print, it should be noted, he hates writing about himself in third person.
Bubba said it best:
“Kramer is a Zen Koan, wrapped in a Hawaiian shirt, inside an enigma.”
The websites:
astrofish.net home
kramerwetzel.com blog
BexarCountyLine.com Alamo City 500 pixels at a time
BareFootAstrology.com Astrology Workshop
astrofish.net/mrx Mercury Retrograde
Retrograde Venus
Mars (retrograde) (in a) Minute The Mars Minute