Horoscopes starting 5.5.2016

    1. That which rules within, when it is according to nature, is so affected with respect to the events which happen, that it always easily adapts itself to that which is possible and is presented to it. For it requires no definite material, but it moves towards its purpose, under certain conditions, however; and it makes a material for itself out of that which opposes it, as fire lays hold of what falls into it, by which a small light would have been extinguished: but when the fire is strong, it soon appropriates to itself the matter which is heaped on it, and consumes it, and rises higher by means of this very material.
    Excerpt From: Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius. “Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius.” Book IV.

Horoscopes starting 5.5.2016



The Bull

The way I read this short passage from Marcus Aurelius? A thing has to be true to its own nature. Person, place, thing. Animal, vegetable, mineral, has to be what it is. The deal with Taurus Birthdays and Mercury in Retrograde? It’s like that particular translation of Marcus Aurelius Meditations. That’s from a freely available, royalty (and copyright) public-domain text file. I have two copies of a better translation, with updated vocabulary and meaning, one of which is even rather New-Age in its approach. But those are still copyrighted. Respect the rule and order, correct? Using the convoluted but freely available version, with its archaic wording and somewhat arcane structures? That’s the perfect Mercury is Retrograde puzzle for this week’s Taurus. It’s not all bad, just that everything must stay true to what its inner designs designate it should do. Mercury? Mercury does this every so often. Easiest way through it? Understand that it is Mercury’s job to make us all look at this differently.

    “1. That which holds the mastery within us, when it is in accordance with Nature, is so disposed towards what befalls, that it can always adapt itself with ease to what is possible and granted us. For it is wedded to no definite material, but, though in the pursuit of its high aims it works under reservations, yet it converts into material for itself any obstacle that it meets with, just as fire when it gets the mastery of what is thrown in upon it. A little flame would have been stifled by it, but the blazing fire instantly assimilates what is cast upon it and, consuming it, leaps the higher in consequence.”



The Twins

All about source and being able to lay one’s hands on that source. Last week, I used a short form for a Shakespeare quote, all “Roman” digits. I’ve used a variety of formats for citing Shakespeare’s works. Traditionally? Act is Roman Numeral (caps), Scene Number is Roman Numeral (lower case), and the line number is regular roman digits. When pressed, I can usually number the act and scene, with the actual line numbers varying from edition to edition, but if I’ve got an act and scene, I can locate the exact words pretty quickly. Think: this is like locating data in a library, on a smaller scale.

I’ve got three, primary “go-to” sources for inspiring quotes. Shakespeare’s canon, of course, Marcus Aurelius Meditations, and the King James Bible. Shakespeare is act, scene, and line number, Meditations is book and verse number, and the Bible is author title, plus verse number. Simple way, I can quote some source and those quotes can be located within moments. I’m unsure if this adheres to current academic style, but it beats the “internet way” of just building in links to the source.

Thinking about it, after I wrote that, I realized that the “internet way” of just building links might work for Gemini, but given that there are two items that are retrograde? Give the rest of us more of a clue. Chapter and versus, or, act and scene, even if you don’t know the line number. Leave “breadcrumbs so we can follow you. Leave a trail. Leave us clues. An act number and scene number is a big help, huge for me, help in finding out what’s up with Gemini. This is a confusing retrograde time. Don’t make it worse by using that unreliable source, “Oh, I know, I saw it on web page some place.”

Act number, book number, chapter title, something, give us something with which to work.



Moon Child

What I would like to prevent? What I would like to insure it doesn’t happen? “I was schooled!” Way I see it? Sort of an annoying and common person in your life, telling you something obvious, and then, just to piss everyone off, not taking that annoying person’s advice, only to have it fall apart.

“Oh dude. You’ve been schooled.”

Mentors, teachers, guides, and other savants in your Cancer life show up in a number of guises. Listen. One client, didn’t listen the last time there was a Mars-situation like this one, and it cost him mightily in the divorce.

I’m here to help.

So listen. Listen to the guides, mentors, teachers, and other savants in the life of the Moon Child, as this week’s missive won’t come from me, but will come from someplace. Probably annoying, too, but sometimes, that’s the best way to keep from being “schooled.”

The Leo:

The Leo

The Lion

Consider a refresher course. Consider digging into the old texts and see what you’ve missed. Consider a chance to go back and learn something new.

I have two examples for the majestic Leo. One is an older, slightly out-of-date astrology textbook I’ve got. Older, dated, archaic, material, in essence from many years ago. Stilted and sexist, without trying to be, it has a few spots of clarity. Part of the way to use that text? I’ll pick it up and study it for a while, looking at old definitions and arrangements, old and now odd ways of interpreting the planets, I’ll see that in a new light. Shed new light via old textbooks. The other example? I went to see another astrologer for a reading. Went in blind, so to speak. Didn’t allow as how I knew much, and I let the other person do all the talking. Like getting a reading from me, only way different. What I learned, didn’t do much for my astrological education, no, but it taught me much in the area of human relations.

Two examples of being willing to go over material we think, we’re sure, I’m sure that you know this stuff. I’m sure you know it, but glancing back through the old material, testing yourself against someone and having an open mind about it helps.



The Virgin

There is a very primordial need that must be answered. This week. Basic, instinctual, desire, like an animal, only, no, I think that gets it. An animal-like need growing in Virgo. The typical Virgo mind will overrule that animalistic need, but the desire for survival might win out. The war between animalistic needs and the Virgo higher mind to not fall into the trap of the lower mind?

See the problem?

The normal, rational, direct, honest, humane Virgo mind is up against its “dark side,” the animal-only, hedonistic creature of the night who only answers to what feels good, consequences be damned.

At least one Virgo will ask, “So this is ‘good versus bad,’ right?”

Yes and no. There are two, apparently incompatible halves to the same person, living inside the same Virgo mind, and then, the animal needs seems out-weigh the rational brain half.

It’s going to go badly, but then if you’re not bad, how can you have any fun? As one Virgo buddy used to say, “If you don’t wake up in jail, how do you know if you had any fun the night before?”



The Scales

Buddy of mine does construction. I’ve used him on a few “handy-man” projects because he’s faster, cheaper, and less likely to err. In other words? I call “The guy,” and he’s “the guy.”

What he can do in half an hour would take me three or more days, and I would have to make multiple trips to get hardware, new tools, supplies, distractions, and then, buy a second of whatever it was I was fixing because I broke the first one. Or, I can just call my buddy. We have different strengths. I was walking across the parking lot, barefoot. He shook his head, “I don’t know how you can do that.”

I can walk barefoot across gravel, but I can’t replace a faucet. I can walk barefoot across that gravel, or summertime hot pavement, but I can’t fix the lamp. He’s seen me barefoot in the middle of the summer, on the hot downtown concrete. The last job he did for me? Took him less than fifteen minutes. There was 45 minutes of fishing, when, where, how big the fish were, girlfriends, and so on, but the task itself? Matter of minutes. I can walk barefoot across the pavement. He can fix certain things. Strengths, we all have certain strengths. With what’s going on, even now? It’s not a time to try and do what we’re not good at. Stick to the strengths.

“Man, I just don’t get how you can do that so easily.”



The Scorpion

I used one server company, the place that hosted my website? I used one company that was “100% Wind-Powered.” That’s several servers back. Running my own server has its relative merits, as in, I’m totally in charge, but then, if I break something, it’s my fault. I liked the idea that the server, that one company, was totally “green,” using nothing but “wind-powered energy,” as that was almost a selling point, to me.

The problem being, dig through that fine print, and the “wind-powered” isn’t all wind. There are some carbon offsets, and then, there are days when the wind doesn’t blow. What to do? Fire up the carbon-belching diesel generators, right? Similarly, there was, I toyed with using them, an internet access (server farm) in San Antonio, again, promising to be totally “green,” but I have my suspicions.

As far as these horoscopes go? I am 100% all-natural. Certified organic, free-range, cage-free, no artificial stimulants are used here. Wait, coffee, it’s organic, right? The cure-all for Scorpio? Look for something that’s all-natural. I’ve used several servers farms that make that claim, think I’m hosted on one right now. Not sure, anymore, as I don’t have time for certain details. I’m interested in “through-put.” As a Scorpio, you’re interested in what works best, too. Therein is the current challenge. I’d suggest this is a great time to look around see if you can find an “all-green” hosting company, or whatever it is you’re looking for? I’d suggest the “all-natural” version is what you want.



The Archer

In my past, I grew very fond of “Vietnamese” cuisine. While living in Austin, variations on theme, the cuisine was advertised as “Vietnamese.” At one juncture, at the intersection of professional and personal life, I got to eat a good bit of that stuff. One place featured a bowl of noodles, I’m unsure of the exact name, but noodles with cut-up, deep-fried egg-rolls.

This is Texas. We can, and will, deep-fry anything. It’s almost a cultural imperative, “It must be battered and dropped in hot grease.” Usually, powdered sugar or honey, or maybe a hot sauce accompanies whatever it is that got fried.

Looking at where everything is, in our Sagittarius charts, I kept thinking about “The good old days,” and I had some fast-food take-out left-over. Cut up them egg-rolls and stir them into the chili mix? Maybe not quite that radical, but as culinary ideas go? Maybe not so bad. I have no idea how the cut up egg rolls wound up in the signature dish at that one place. However, carrying that energy forward? There’s an item already prepared for us, Sagittarius types, and all we need to do is cut it up and reheat it. Retrograde, reheat, reuse, and recycle. Now, more important than ever before. Kind of like the idea of those leftover egg rolls, right?



The Sea-Goat

A Capricorn buddy was showing me his latest fishing technique, and it was convoluted, to say the least. There were weights and a “cork,” although the “cork” is made from styrofoam, and two treble hooks, then, wire leader, all rather complex. I nodded and approved, and he went on and on with his great engineering feat. We’re set to fish in a couple of weeks, but I won’t be using his fancy arrangement. Too fancy for me. All the cool gear and gizmos? All wonderful. What I’ve found that works better is something much less complicated. To achieve a similar result? I use a fishing line with a “leader,” and I’m not even sure what that leader is made out of, I think it’s wire, but it could be plastic, metal, I don’t know; however, it works. Works fine, and it’s heavy enough to add the weight my buddy was gaining with weights against a larger cork. Complex? Simple?

Like my fishing buddy, his picture with fish is on a website someplace, like my Capricorn buddy, you are allowed to needlessly complicate this situation. Which one really works better? We’ll see in a few weeks: his method against mine. As an astrologer though? Bet the simpler is way easier to rig and replace. More time spent fishing, less time spent playing with the extraneous hardware bits.

Capricorn: you decide — complex, simple, which will it be?



The Water Bearer

The image for this week’s Aquarius, it takes a bit of historical perspective. The image is some Russian, I don’t know, head of state? Prime Minister? I’m thinking he was stylized as a dictator at the time, and anyway, he pulled off his shoe, then beat it on the podium, trying to get attention. Ancient history to some, more like an image that’s almost apocryphal, these days.

It made a lasting impression. Doubt I was even born before that historical moment, the shoe on the podium, but look it up, I’m sure there’s a grainy historical video someplace. I should offer extra credit for finding that, but again, it’s before my time, so I don’t know. Why am I digging in early America/International history? I had a very specific image for Aquarius, about making a statement. Take your shoe off and pound it on the table. I don’t recall what the issue was, but the gesture is long-remembered. Careful, though, who was it who took a shoe off and pounded it on the podium? What was the issue? Do we remember the issues, or just the action? Have to be careful about that.



The Fishes

This week is not a game of “Whack-a-mole.” Carnival game? Or the home-version? Every time an adversary pops up, the goal is to use a mallet to whack the enemy back into its place, hence the name, “Whack-a-mole.”

Whac A Mole – Mattel, Inc.

This isn’t a good week engage in this sport. For starters, it’s merely an exercise this week, not even a game you can win, not at all. In the carnival version, the odds are stacked way against the player, the Pisces. In the home version, I’m not sure, but I’ll bet the timer, or the mallet or something is rigged to make it more challenging. Let’s just assume that the home-version, the game we’re playing in Pisces at this moment, or the game we’re tempted to play in Pisces? Let’s just assume this is like the carnival version, and it’s rigged. Not that you can’t ever win; if anyone could beat the odds, I’d bet on a Pisces. Only not this week. Every time you manage to force a problem back into its hole? Two more pop up elsewhere. Too much time spent doing damage control results in cranky, unhappy Pisces. Again, this is a game that’s rigged against you, so the first solution? Stop trying to play “Whack-a-mole” with this week’s energies.



The Ram

I can’t stop that scattered feeling so pervasive in Aries at this moment.

    I can’t stop that feeling.

What I can do is indicate there’s a way to work with this sense of weirdness, for lack of better word, floating around. It’s a backwards, then forwards, then backwards, and then? One step to the side. None of this moves ahead at any kind of measurable pace. However, there’s still a persistent notion of movement. Between the two planets with their relative impact on Aries, like Mars and Mercury, in this current iteration? Between those two? The notion of motion, in any form, is good. Might feel like you’re just treading water, or moving around, and not getting anywhere, but in that first example, of treading water? At least your Aries head is above water. That means the apparent motion that doesn’t seem be getting us anywhere at all? With your head above water, you’re not going down. The notion of motion is what’s best, at this moment. No, seriously.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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  • Matthew Alexander May 7, 2016 @ 16:13

    Khrushchev at the United Nations_Early 60’s.

    And we thought then he was scary-mild compared to Trump and more democratic.

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