Diner Comfort Cafe

Diner Comfort Cafe

I ain’t often right but I never been wrong
Seldom turns out like it does it the song

(Hunter/Garcia, Grateful Dead)

    cf., dance mix link for more on that story.

Comfort Cafe

In Smithville, Texas. The Comfort Cafe is another one of those places — in part, it reaffirms a belief in the future of humanity. It’s really a part of SerenityStar.org, just as an integral piece of that parent.

The few times I’ve eaten there, the food itself has been phenomenal. There’s a magic, perhaps it’s a science, some combination of spices. Get the right spices, correct ingredients next to each other, works well. But there’s way more than just good food, although, that is worth the trip alone.

SerenityStar.org is a 12-Step/Spiritual addiction/recovery facility, but with a twist: it’s a spirit driven deal. No dues or fees, no professionals, no grants, no government meddling with rules. Looks like a family, hippie commune of the highest order.

The part, I paid several visits, the part that struck me was the radiant inner peace — seemed like they all had it. Guy at the door, the servers, the staff.

Go for the food, check their websites for hours, they are usually open, like, Friday – Saturday – Sunday, 9 AM to 3 PM, but, as always, Your Mileage May Vary.

Not a 24-hour diner, not a real counter, so it may not qualify as a regular diner. However, the food, the people, the good food, the rest of the people struggling, and overcoming adversity, that makes it well-worth the effort to visit. Food was really exceptional.

Bonus: Smithville, TX. Might recognize some of the streets from various movies, as it is a favorite destination for filming when the backdrop needs to be a typical suburb — in the rural 1950s.

Comfort Cafe — a decent home for comfort food. Just east of Austin.

I was there, the other weekend, and on Saturday morning, the place only had a few customers; however, several tables were full of residents? Patients? Clients? I’m totally unsure of the correct title, but the tables were full with joyfully bubbling characters, animated discussions about food, music, and reality — possibly their own.

Sunday was quite different, instead of tables with workers, the tables were all full, and we were offered a seat at one end of a six–top, with another Austin couple at the other end.

I made a comment about Dead Kennedy’s T-shirts, and that was a conversation starter. Easy, graceful.

Rolling out of Smithville, that afternoon, headed south on a two–lane, I kept noticing the pines. So Smithville is right at the edge of this agricultural anomaly — the Lost Pines.

It’s been seven or ten years since I’ve fished this area. Little state park, and reservoir — used to be ever so much fun for bass fishing.

Smithville is right there, at the eastern edge, I guess.

In Smithville, there’s the Comfort Cafe, which is well-worth the visit.

Price is Zero to Expensive, as it is a donation–based honor system. Just another cool factor.

Comfort Cafe

Comfort Cafe

I spent more than I planned, but the food is good. Really good.

Comfort Cafe

111 NW 1st St
Smithville, TX 78957

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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