Prices Going Up

Prices Going Up

As I look at the new year in my astrological terms, I’m reminded of a recent conversation at the rock shop with — putatively — management. It was a kindly discussion about bringing my prices more in line with what Austin costs these days.

I’ve experimented with pricing, but the sad facts are, I’m being “encouraged” to raise my rates at the store. I’ve always been a fan of cheap, and I’ve always been a part of the team, this looks like it’s my fourth year as a “Featured Practitioner” at the store. In the internal communications, the current reader-liaison always starts the email with, “Honored Practitioners,” kind of a nice touch.

Excellent to acknowledge that the in-store metaphysical consultants add a touch of that special ambience, “Honored practitioners.”

The trips, for me, average out well enough to show a decent profit. Then, too, there is the element of “new” that the store attracts.

So the price structure, I’m toying with tiers.

Prices will go up, but probably not until January 1, 2018.

Prices Going Up

As a reminder, too, the existing prices for the site’s subscriptions — all that is grandfathered in place. In other words? That can’t (won’t) go up.

Prices Going Up

San Antonio, TX prices, for the various local events? I’m still toying with that.

”San Antonio is such a weird city,” as I’ve noted before.

Economically, it feels stronger, less dependent on one industry, unlike Austin. After decamping South Austin, more than a decade back, I still have ties, but that pre-hipster Austin isn’t there anymore, and we paved the way for it to happen.

Less than 70 miles apart, yet two different worlds. Austin prices reflect Austin sentiments and San Antonio pricing reflects Bexar County Line sentiments. sig

Kramer –

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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