nunquam securus via
For months, maybe longer, starts as a joke, but I used the above phrase as the Latin version of the expression, a family motto if there ever was one, “Never the easy way.” Messing around with Google Translate, though, I came up with a simpler expression, which, looking at it, might’ve better. The first is really a raw translation as “Never Easy Way,” whereas the following is more likely, “Never the easy way.”
Should be on a family crest, no?
numquam facilis via
We all know people who can never, ever take the easy route.
This is all about —
Unsure, but I’m guessing it’s close enough to count.
“In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of “snow” and “ball” is “snowball”. In some but not all formalisations of concatenation theory, also called string theory, string concatenation is a primitive notion.” via Wikipedia, retrieved recently.
The term concatenate popped up again in reference to an ongoing thread as I try to combine a number of archives into a single spot.
road archives + + + + + + + beach archives + fishing trips + road trips + astrology observation in long format + astrology quips in short format + anything that doesn’t fit elsewhere —
With my longevity and sheer volume, the task is almost daunting. The bigger part of the process, though, isn’t the import — that’s a straight across job. Just hit “export” on one site then, “import” on the next destination.
The non-blog birthday celebrated some of the data.
One piece of software I like? Little WordPress add-on called Thesis — simply put? A visually stunning, architectural masterpiece of web CMS: sporty, high-performance delivery engine. The problem? Currently, I use a subsidiary skin with it. So it rolled out an update, which then had to be updated inline along with the skin, and both went from 0.x to 0.x1 in a 12-hour period, or so it seemed. 0.9 to 0.91 to 0.93 in under 24 hours? What I adore is a responsive update from the builder; quick turn-around on fixes.
That’s two updates twice across a half-dozen weblog motors. Groan.

Latin Motto
Make it super simple. Well, three, four, but going to be two is in the long-term plan. 5-4-3-2-1.

Less is more.
the Portable Mercury Retrograde

Portable Mercury Retrograde – Kramer Wetzel
Portable Mercury Retrograde:’s Mercury in Retrograde