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New copy

New pricing, new structure, and hopefully, makes it all more clear.

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Previously, I had a myriad of shopping choices, an hourly rate, an option for website subscription, and then, links to my astrology books available.

Looking to simplify, and looking for that magic price point.

New copy

I In a reading, what I’ll do, I start with a natal chart and give it quick run-through. First time is usually a “meet and greet,” getting aquatinted situation. If it isn’t the first time, we can jump right on in to pressing issues.

Unless otherwise directed by the client, I look at a little of who you are, the building blocks of a natal astrology chart, glance backwards at where you’ve been, then address astrology transits for current and future trends.

If there are specific questions, please have them on hand, and ask.

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Checks and cash, all welcome in San Antonio or in person.

New copy

Should be pretty clear, it’s the quickest way to get me on the phone.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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