Seven Ages

Seven Ages

From a podcast about a sonnet (Sonnet 63, Shakespeare Sundays, highly recommended), to twitter, to my tattered copy of Ptolemy, to Shakespeare’s As You Like It (seen here).

Now, not unlike Shakespeare, I purloined most of this research, from a comment about the 7-year cycle, see Saturn Return, through a podcast, to questioning the author, back to Ptolemy, and from thence to As You Like It, and it is a circuitous route.

All of that, and I didn’t even cite the Sonnet 63. Which, I might add, is where it started. I’ve listened to that one podcast about it, three or four times, so far, good stuff.

Hint: don’t look up Climacteric without including “Greek” and “astrology,” as the results tend to be, well, not safe for work or young children. Just annoying for me.

However, as a notation, and from that previous work having to do with Saturn and its cycles, I favor the 7-year cycle, especially punctuated with Saturn at its conjunction point, roughly a 28-year cycle, so that means, Saturn Return at 28 then 56, with the last piece of that second event falling into place at 63. Years are approximate and in various charts vary.

My first real astrology teachers insisted that Saturn was a 28 (and a half) year cycle. Hung me up when I was looking art charts in old Austin and seeing Saturn Returns at age 31.

However, for Greek Astrology, let’s echo back to the 7-year cycle, and how that does line up, rather nicely, with Saturn and its cycles. Not perfectly, but close enough.

Seven Ages

I wanted to delve deeper into the 7-year cycles, as I understand them, disagreeing with that old Greek text, which, I might add, I couldn’t locate quickly, but I did have the Ptolemy on my shelf. Looked that one up and it does correspond with Jacques’ speech in As You Like It.

Two-Meat Tuesday


Two-Meat Tuesday – Kramer Wetzel

Two-Meat Tuesday: Astrofish.Net/Xenon

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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