

Circulating on various social media, there was a great nature shot, a still image of a roadrunner and coyote, set against a dusky backdrop, with the hint being the desert southwest.

Up early in the mornings to fish while the fish are feeding, and before the brutal Texas sun is cranked up to “broil,” I noticed a roadrunner, pecking through the dirt in front of the cabin.

Geococccyx Californianus

He had his ragged crest up, and to me, it looked like a proud Mohawk, just needed a tad bit of dye to make it stand out.

Next morning, he was on the deck itself, and I got picture. Crest wasn’t up, and it might’ve been a different bird, the first one, it seemed like he was much taller.

Had him (her?), had him some big feet, two toes forward, two toes backwards, and I’m sure he could make some tracks. I think the image is the “Mrs.” as the male was taller, and he he’d that beautiful crest. Described as “ragged,” his was anything but, a proud comb.


Side notes: part of the cuckoo family? In real life, the bird coos, more like a dove than the cartoon version of “Meep-meep.” Does move fast.
While I didn’t hear any coyotes, there was, on the path to lake, possible coyote scat. Until we get a really good rain, the background could look desert-like.

Life imitates art?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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