Logical Dadaism

Logical Dadaism

Watching the news feeds, I was struck with running commentary. Me? I paused. I’m old enough tp remember that this isn’t my rodeo1, and it isn’t my bull to ride2.

In the wee hours of the morning after? I had a couple of questions, mostly of a legal nature, and what is legal, what isn’t legal, and I think this is best left to real scholars who know the law.

What I can observe?

A year ago, I tackled the topic of Mars — Mars in RetrogradeMars in Retrograde in Aries — and the implied messages. As the world was crumbling while the hallowed halls of democracy were being assaulted?

Mars was in the final throes of exiting Aries, and not without some extra drama.

Mars Drama is like regular drama,
only more so.

The problem facing us now? There isn’t an end to this in sight. See: Mars squared Pluto then Mercury with the timing of the insurrection at the country’s capital lined up perfectly with that Mars square Mercury. Then, “thump,” Mars bumps into Taurus.

With Mars, and in its Aries, there is a certain bellicose sentiments that get spread about.

However, looking at what comes next? My favorite expression this week: “Next Steps?”

Mars will square first Saturn then Jupiter. Not like I haven’t addressed this before: see twenty-eight Capricorn.

Logical Dadaism

Not really sure, it was from my notes after the news but before sleep when I looked at the term, Logical Dadaism. I would guess the actual definitions are up to the individual, no?

But with Mars stirring a pot filled with hatred, contempt, the disenfranchised, and all our tribal drums beating for war? Armed, at best with hearsay, heresy, and misquoted factoids, more media sound bites than actual content?

That’s all going to get twisted out of shape. Truth prevails, but at what cost?

Me? I can blame Mars. The week’s opening quote, in and out of context?

Draft Cover


Mars moves on. Clinging to old, and out-of-date beliefs, with Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius?

Two words: Logical Dadaism.

  1. Not my first rodeo.
  2. Not my rodeo, not my bull to ride.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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