Three Books

Three Books

Summing up an entire career, I was trying to pick and choose, what mattered, what didn’t matter, and what to look forward to, an with what?

In my own mind, and keeping one’s own counsel can be tricky, but as I was pausing to assess directions and some of my more “evergreen” works, I realized, of the lot, three books stand out.

  • BareFoot Astrology (link)
  • Portable Mercury Retrograde (link)
  • Little Book of Transits (link)

Digital version, Apple Books, are available for 99 cents each.

Each plays off of the pother, and as a trilogy, although I didn’t envision it this way to start, as a triptych of my own astrological understanding — or misunderstanding.

BareFoot Astrology (link)

Simplest place to start. A brief overview, examples, understandings, bad jokes and misplaced modifiers, still, valid as an approach, and it explains the basic tenets of astrology.

Portable Mercury Retrograde (link)

The most notorious, and most common, way of looking at astrology, the first lens that goes beyond just sun sign astrology? it’s a simple set of definitions, and although dated references, the material stands on its own, and it applicable, even to this day.

Little Book of Transits (link)

Not exhaustively researched, but assembled over years of bouncing back forth across the landscape, correlating planets, planetary motions, and how that impacts human charts, sure. It’s not epic in scope, not complete, but as a good a reference as any other out there.

Three Books

The idea was to pick out what books I thought could stand the test of time. Or books that would hold value, or the information contained therein would stand up over years.

99-cent eBook (store)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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