“Nothing will come of nothing, speak again.”
- King Lear (I.i.72)
Horoscopes for 2.21.2022
Mercury squares Uranus Feb. 24, 11 PM (+/-).
I got one of those “internet apps” on a phone, maybe it was a tablet, I’m not sure. It was a free internet radio app. I played with it, used to find a stream of music that I liked, then set it aside. Later, I went looking for the exact same app, and I couldn’t find it. I did find a similar app that was a paid version, cost all of about two dollars. I tried the sample version first, worked well enough, after a fashion, and that led me to its paid version, and from there? I started listening to local, streaming “radio.”
This is very much like pirate radio from the days gone by, but the streams are easy enough to set up, then “publish” on the inter-webs. Makes for strange aural fellows. I need diverse inputs at times like this, and listening to a broadcast in language I could speak, but no longer do speak? That helps. Stretches the mind. Makes me look at far-flung destinations. Less likely I’ll actually travel there, but it’s nice to listen Ibiza on the radio, so to speak. Happy Pisces birthday! Let’s look at expanding horizons, and my voyage of exploration started with free radio apps. Not sure what you’re going to use, but that’s as good a place as any. Worldview, Pisces, world-view.
Last week was “Stick a pin it” week. What I was aiming for, for Aries? A well-timed pause. Depends on how successful that was, and how long you held that moment. How long you held you breath, maybe?
We are not out of the proverbial woods just yet, but that long pause, the reason I suggested we wait, the question we could circle back to? Let’s circle back, now. Look at it again. Fresh eyes. Fresh perspective. The phase of the moon, Mercury, and Mercury leaning on Uranus gives Aries fresh insight, and a new way to see an old problem in better light. That simple. Circle back and look at that again.
I get to a point where it’s hard to unpack everything in a particular chart. There were a half-dozen influences, and trying to pick and choose which one was important? There’s more like a flavor associated with it, but in my mind, I would have at least three thoughts, three trains of thought, three directions, three lightening bolts, all going at the same time. If I were Zeus, I could easily just hang onto those listening bolts, and dispense them one at a time. One of the symbols I’ve seen for Zeus is just that, a group of three listening bolts, clutched in a god’s very-human hand. But I’m not Zeus, or even a Zeus-like character. As Mercury squares off against Uranus? You’re going to experience the situation that requires unpacking about three divergent and opposing forces, all at one. Like trying to get a grip on three lightening bolts? “OK, bare with me, this will take a while, but we’ll get there…”
The little trick is not being the one who is going to rush to judge. I realize, at the outset, this requires patience from Gemini, and I realize that patience is not a typical Gemini virtue. No judgement on my part, why I enjoy you guys. But that isn’t specifically patience that I’m suggesting, it’s about hastily rendering an opinion, then suggesting that the opinion is fact, then saying this is the way it is. Not patience, but less in a hurry to judge a situation was either “good” or “bad,” and not worry about the underlying characteristics, the background, the historical data. What to watch out for? Rushing in to judge before all of the facts are known. Collect all the data, and when there’s data that is not easily available? Delay a judgement call until you got all the purported facts.
Started with cheaters, or, as some think of them, “Readers.” Over the years, been a little less than 20 years now, but in that time? I’ve graduated from “1.25” cheaters, to prescription reading glasses. Also computer glasses. I keep one pair, specific to a large screen, and the distance I tend to prefer, I keep one pair sitting on the edge of the desk. Like to be prepared. Like to be prepared to see clearly, and while the readers, or cheaters, aren’t exactly required, as I’ve aged, I learned to gracefully accept this as a part of life. One of the first items I added to my usual, every-day carry, I added a cheap pair of reading glasses. The prescription ones I use have some kind of fancy “Blue Light Blocking” technology included. No idea what it is or what it does. Better? Sure. I believe what the people in the white lab coats tell me. Where I was planning to go, and where this horoscopes land, for the Children of Moon, for the Cancer signs? It’s about using what help is available. The first time was traumatic, but I adapted, and I was able to see more clearly, longer. I could stay up later at night, reading. Less eye strain. Less time squinting and adjusting how I held the book.
The Leo
I was working backwards, this week, starting at the bottom and working upwards. Means I wrote Virgo before I got to The Leo. But that notion about the second pot of coffee in the morning, as a way to combat the cold, the ennui, the lack of motivation? Sure. However, moving forward from that notion about a “Second pot of coffee,” what’s left over? Invariably, the second pot will have anywhere from half to two cups of leftover coffee. I leave it setting on the counter, cooling off, and the next morning? I’ve got a quick, easy, microwave cup of coffee while I wait for the water to boil. Almost like I had a plan, no? As the mighty Leo, always have a plan. Doesn’t always work out as planned, but having a plan in place helps. Like me with that leftover coffee? “Good idea, huh. I wasn’t planning for that to happen.” You know, as well as I do, it was a happy accident, a mere byproduct of yesterday’s excess, but as such, we can always say we planned it that way.
I got granular with coffee, recently. My typical is a single pot of whatever beans are current, in a large Chemex maker. That coffee beaker is really just a glass container for the extracted coffee, but the process brings me joy, and it is my current methodology. Can take a handful of minutes to boil the water and grind the beans, then there’s that specialty filter I have to use, but the result is a good cup of coffee with very little in the way of the flavor. Cold mornings, like the rest of this week looks like it will be, real, or metaphorical? Cold mornings sometimes require a second pot of coffee. Virgo? Find yourself halfway through that second cup of coffee, and you’ve still got a long week ahead? Like me, these cold mornings might require a second pot of coffee. Just extra kick for Virgo — and me.
“Nothing will come of nothing, speak again.” King Lear (I.i.72) It’s hardly impossible, but it does feel a little problematic. I understand that might not be the word you would choose, but let’s address it like that, just for the moment. It’s about a series of small strides forward, and collectively, this is progress, but individually this doesn’t feel quite right. Not all bad, but not — something is missing. What’s missing is that grand overview, the whole set of plans, not those individual steps. Individually, nothing seems to be happening. Collectively, there’s gradual progress in one direction — lovely Libra probably doesn’t see that — right now.
As we get around to Pisces, a singular memory popped back up. I was on a commercial flight from California back home to Texas. I had my boots on, and propped up against the forward section partition. On my lap was an aging Mac laptop, and I was running the screen in black and white to save on battery power. I could tease maybe two hours out of a battery charge in a “low power” mode. It was that maximum-use mode, and this was long before cell phones went digital, and battery tech got to where I could watch multiple long-format movies on any device. But for the sake of working with what’s left of February? Think about that hour, maybe, but not quite, two hours of time left to work on that one device. Think about that type of constraint. I know, no Scorpio likes to be limited in any fashion, but if your device doesn’t have a battery limit? Act like it does. Limited time to get that accomplished, for real, or as an internal marker. Makes the week ahead easier to deal with, approached like that.
“What gloriously indecorous time,” I thought. Not exactly, but as close as I can and keep it clean. Pluto is grinding away at a sensitive point, with Mars and Venus about to weigh in on it. Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius, with Neptune, Jupiter, and the Sun in Pisces. None of that is Sagittarius, but it all weighs on our soul, with the Pisces “kicker” being the point where our Sagittarius selves get prodded towards action. Final quarter of the moon, time to look around, asses damages, prepare to move forward. Pick up the pieces, shattered fragments that no longer serve us, and parts that were scattered about by others. We might not have caused this? But it is up to us to pick up the various broken bits, and get ready to stitch some of this back together.
Working through an idea, wrestling the motion of the planets and the notions in my head towards a “printed word?” I realized that I was attempting to use pure logic and reason, where only Human Logic prevailed. There is a difference. Pure logic and reason is like mathematics. Or even simple arithmetic — it all adds up. It’s all even. One side of the equation has to equal what sits on the other side of the equal sign. That’s at the point where all this gets messy. Human Logic is — according to my fine Capricorn buddies — Human Logic is anything but logical. There are a variety of excuses, my favorite has always been, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Trying to balance what you see, what you hear, and what you know is right?
February is always a shorter month. For several years, various outlets carried my horoscopes, and I was paid by the week. That meant, to me, paid by the week at the end of the month, my earnings were reflected in the number of weeks that included publication. Started on Monday, switched to Thursday, and this year, I’m experimenting with dates again. I’m no longer paid per column, either. Means that, even though February is a short month, made shorter by recent events, it’s still a whole month with four weeks. Just seems, and that might be me, just seems that Aquarius is stuck trying to cram five or six weeks into a shortened, three-week period. Straight science, physics, suggests that the five-week goal can’t be squeezed into a three-week time slot. Aquarius? Adjust as need be.
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