The Plot

The Plot: A Novel

The Plot

First blush? Cringe, another Russo. My bad, and a mistake I’m willing to own, with my own prejudice and arrogance, on display for all to see. Heady meta fiction link toward Dream Girl, maybe.

My sister recommended the book; although, to be fair, she didn’t read the book, but rather listened to it. Noted, though, writers writing about writing can be tenuous.

In my day job, everyone is looking for that silver bullet. That one piece of evidence, or even just a belief, that “This is the one that cures it all!”

I’ve grown to doubt that there is a silver bullet of any sort.

“Good artists copy; great artists steal.” (Picasso in Pink Cake)

There are, like what? Seven major plot lines in the world? Anything else is derivative or some combination thereof?

Ostensibly, the plot of The Plot is about a writer who acquires — it’s a grey area — a killer book plot, delivers it, then gets wrapped up in a thrilling unraveling, wherein the plot is twisted around on itself.

Carefully woven together, set against the current big-market drivers of post-modern publication, it’s a thrilling little ride.

As the title suggests, it’s all in the plot. A rewarding adventure.

The Plot

The Plot: A Novel

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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