Horoscopes for Aries 2022

“Saturn and Venus this year in conjunction!
What says th’ almanac to that?”

  • Prince Hal in Shakespeare’s Henry IV, part 2, lines 110
  • The Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox) March 21; Mercury enters Aries March 27; Venus conjuncts Saturn March 28; New Moon Aries April 1; Mars conjuncts Saturn April 5; Venus enters Pisces April 6; Mars enters Pisces April 15; and the Full Moon is April 16 Aries/Libra. The Sun enters Taurus April 19, 9:25 PM (all times are deemed accurate but subject to local emendations.) Please support public libraries.

    Horoscopes for Aries 2022


    Aries Not like this is new information, but I am one prone to telling stories to illustrate specific astrological energies. One of my tales is about the cast iron skillet I’ve used. On a second or third one, really, as I use a heavier, but smaller, shallower version, mostly, these days. The trick, and on an electric range, this might be more challenging, but the trick? When I drop bacon grease, fat, or butter into the pan to fry something up? I crank the temp all the way to “High.” Typically, because I’m old, I tend to use low heat — the mantra is “low and slow” — for cooking anything, preferring to take a little more time, and have less skillet grease popping, but the trick with the cast iron skillet? The way I read it, the articles all referred to “pre-heat,” which I don’t get, until someone explained, just leave the stove-top on high until the skillet starts to smoke. Then adjust the heat back down to a cooking temp. It was maybe ten years before I learned that. Changed my cooking. Changed my presentation, and makes me look better in a kitchen. I read this multiple places online, then I tried it myself, a little reluctantly, but it worked. This is a tumultuous and possibly pleasing birthday month for Aries. You read about a change taking place, several places — like me, “multiple sources” — and reluctantly — like me — you try it. If it works, as promised, as advertised, as suggested? It’s a win, and you can then claim it as your own. Every Aries likes that. Happy birthday, and think about the way this works, multiple places make the same suggestion, and then you try it. If it works? It’s yours.


    “The best response is not to say anything?” Yes. The best response it not not say anything. It’s a simple guideline, but there’s a weird kind of “trigger” as I call it, a point where the typical Taurus material gets tripped up, and that causes a strong desire to react. Reacting isn’t always bad, but the reaction itself isn’t always well-thought out, and might not be in your own, Taurus best interest, not over the long term. Which is why, simply put? “The best response is to not say anything.” A whole month of solitude seems tenuous, at best, but there’s a long-term theme underlying this suggestion. The motion, relative movement of Aquarius elements, or elements in Aquarius? Compare them to the current position of the Aquarius planet, Uranus, currently in Taurus? The Aquarian element pushes this forward — and regrettably, unless you remember what I suggested? “The best response is not to say anything?”


    Weaving together material from several horoscopes, not something I tend to favor, but lookin’ at this? The material is all inter-connected. Last month ties to this month, ties to next month, and then this is part of a larger cycle. The true joy for Gemini? That lies in an immediacy, a certain ability to stay in the here and now, without too much long-term thought at work. “Keep it in the present?” There’s a very meditative, zen-like approach, and that’s not exactly what I’m suggesting, but it has a similar feeling to it. I tend, at this point, prefer some of the stoics, and that might work, too. Depends on the Gemini as to what you will prefer. Still, that immediacy is what I’m working with, and what I’m suggesting, let’s call this a thematic element for the month of Aries, roughly 30 days between the spring Equinox and the start of Taurus? Sure. There’s a certain amount of engagement required while the planets are still providing useful energies. But like that mindfulness suggestion, or the idea of staying in the present moment? This kind of engagement — from Gemini — needs to be along a line of no expected return. There will be a generous, positive return, but that’s not happening in proper Gemini time. So, part of this is about staying in the present, and part of this is about doing something with zero expectation of rewards or recompense in the immediate future. See? It will be acknowledged, just not in the immediate future. No quick returns.


    Pretty sure that “drones” changed the face of movie-making. With a remotely operated drone, and decent hi-res camera, some of the better “overview” shots, the way the image either pulls back or gets tighter and tighter focus, starting from afar, then narrowing down to a single bade of grass? Something like that, all done with digital chicanery and remotely operated drones, these days. I think. I’m not sure, but it certainly feels that way. This coming slice of Aries heaven ends with a chance to see everything from that “bird’s eye view.” A flyover. Tracking a character that runs through the woods, and watching from up on high. In print form, it’s an omniscient point-of-view. So here’s what’s happening, and here’s what to look forward to, what’s going on, now? You need that omniscient point-of-view, the bird’s eye look at the situation. What you don’t have in March? That way of seeing the whole image, not just what’s up close and personal. Too close and then, as April unfolds, getting closer and closer to the start of Taurus, that image, the screen, the Cancer, Moon Children’s camera finally pulls back and you get that omniscient look, the overview, the drone flying high above, relaying plot, story-line, pitfalls, and more. Don’t get that until, for the sake of making this easy? Let’s suggest mid-April.

    The Leo

    On my shelf, I have a couple of beat-to-crap texts that I use. Frequent usage. Obviously, I have a couple of Shakespeare books, but most of my Shakespeare research is now online. The digital text are just so much easier for me to work with, in that example. However, in another example? Besides Shakespeare, I tend towards the works Marcus Aurelius and various translations of his Meditations. My oldest copy of the text is near 30 years old, maybe older. However, that’s the best example. The best one to look at is a more modern, classic “pocket” edition that I carried with me for years, and in it, there are notes, usually just a date that I used a particular quote online, in a blog or horoscope. The beat-up nature of that one text was the perfect example for what is happening for Leo, as we shift along with planet transformation. It’s a copy of an old text, and using it strictly in book form, with its various bookmarks, notations, and failing binding? That’s what we’re looking for. This is about rewinding, regrouping and going back to some of the original majestic Leo underpinnings — the stuff you used to think about. Personal beliefs, and how we all fit in this mess, together, not individually. If I had my way? I’d leave The Leo in charge of it all.


    Couple of lines I’ve learned to use, and you know me, I don’t learn this kind of material the easy way, so you can fill in the blanks on how difficult this was — for me. Those lines?

    • “I’d rather not.”
    • “Maybe not today.”
    • “Not really something I’d enjoy.”
    • “Not a strong suit.”
    • “Can I think about it?”
    • “Let me get back to you.”

    I’ve just listed six different ways to get out of making a commitment. It’s very simple, as the Virgo-compliant astrologer that I am? I like giving you some options, but with tangible, beneficial results. These lines, one, or more, will serve you well in the immediate future. As the Sun swings its way through Aries, there’s a sentiment that something has to happen, with an immediacy of “Right now!” Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe we don’t make a commitment at the moment. Maybe we don’t say, “It has to be this way,” unless you want to tack on, “for the time being.” While there is an urgency to commit to this whole-heartedly? In the next few weeks, conditions, extenuating factors, and mitigating details will change. So, easiest answer? Go back to that list. There are six, and in the next four weeks? That’s one and half per week. Use as need be.


    This gets kind of convoluted. Simplest way to handle this? Wait, there is no simple and easy way. Over the ensuing 30 days, while the Sun is in Aries, that puts the emphasis for Libra “out there.” Then this gets rather complicated. When I fish, I’ve used a variety of gear and set-ups, and yet, to this day, the simplest, most expedient way to catch fish, for me? Bait, hook, fishing pole. That simple. I’ve added weights, lures, leaders, followers, and bobbers. Still, for me, my style? I like simple. For Libra, though, this is going to require a special set-up. The term, “Complicated” doesn’t begin to cover how this works. One that was fun, and useful in a certain setting, involved brass weights, leaders, swivels, a slip float, and then, the hook, with another weight under it. See how complicated and convoluted that gets? It was a matter of trying to put the tastiest bait in front of a fish, at just the right time. The problem with the dual-weights, specialty rig that I had set-up? Breeze kicked up. Third, fourth cast? I would up with tangled mess. I’m not Libra. I don’t have Mar and Venus, where they are, and the Aries Sun in opposition, at the moment. That convoluted mess? Works for you. Just be careful if the breeze kicks up; cast with care.


    The most satisfying expression in the English language? “I told you so.” Four thin words, too. As we roll through the spring equinox, the nominative start to the astrological — and agrarian — new year? It’s good, right? Fresh start? Rewind and move forward, if only, if only… If only you can let go of that one item that keeps dragging you down. Previous actions. Passed actions. Past action. Old hurt. A sleight from years gone by? If only. If only there was way to let that crap go? I have a suggestion. I have a very Scorpio suggestion, imagine, indulge in a flight of fancy or whatever, imagine that you’re in Scorpio-centric situation and the best course of action, after doing nothing, other than issuing a verbal warning, or some kind of cue? “I told you so.” Oh, trust me, at least on this one, and it fits, nothing is quite as satisfying as those four little words, “I told you so.” Delivered quietly. Maybe shrug your shoulders or something. Sometimes, just a head nod, doesn’t take much. Now, in order to play this? So that line comes out, properly? Have to wait. Patience may be a virtue, but it’s certainly not one of mine. However, I’m not Scorpio, so this isn’t about me. Be patient. In the next — during the time the Sun is in Aries, but probably not until later into April? You’ll get a chance. Just have to wait for it, and whatever you do? Don’t push the issue. Let it come to you.

    Best four words you like to hear yourself say?

    “I told you so.”

    Now, wait for it.


    The previous occupant at this address? No idea, and I get a little upset at some of the junk mail, but then that weighs against the some of the fun stuff. One is from a particularly well-known, out-door clothing company. I like the catalog, and even though it’s addressed to “blah-blah-blah or current occupant,” I still open it with glee. Manly men doing outdoorsy things. Full-bearded, lumberjack-looking lads, sketched in log cabins, and around heavy equipment, and the clothing is clean, neat, fits like a glove. Outdoor-themed. My outdoor clothes are much simpler. Jeans and a sport coat, and on the odd times when it’s colder than that? Car coat and sweaters. I live in South Texas, never venturing much from home in the winter months because it’s too cold elsewhere. So I’m trying to understand my fascination with the manly-man-ware. Heavy-duty, worker-looking material, like, if I was operating a backhoe, crane, framing buildings, swinging a hammer, or some such? I’m unsure, but I think the imagery triggers a buried “manliness code” of sort, nearly extinct genetic material, long dormant and certainly unused by me. Does this require actual (Sagittarius) engagement by me? Answer is simple: no. As a typical Sagittarius in this situation, there’s that stuff, material, marketing hyperbole, or other items caught in the electronic drift, catches our attention. “Oh, look, if I bought the heavy shirt I could lift buckets full of grime.” According to that catalog? I could do that — without getting dirty or sweating. As the Sagittarius soul in this example? Can you see what I’m suggesting? Just because the illustrations make it look easy? Just because the advertising tickles that Sagittarius pleasure center, that’s no reason to buy now.


    “Spring break” is tainted experience for me. Years in Austin, meant SXSW, then the pandemic that introduced the longest spring break ever? All this adds up to my own versions of spring break, and then from Austin to San Antonio, which as it turned out, was also a spring break destination, so I never did escape the sense of that spring holiday that has nothing to do with anything. Therein is what this might be about, that sense of ennui and “can’t be bothered” with other people’s celebration, or their breaks. Easter, too, which locally is a totally weird event. I’d rather be fishing, but unless I hit it just right, that doesn’t work out well because there are way too many people on the lake. As I pushed the planets through their paces, I realized that there is a fleeting aspect later in the month of Aries, and on into Taurus? Jupiter and Neptune align with each other and spread a belated kind of joy. There’s a dream-like quality that comes in the last two-thirds of April, just for Capricorn. However, the correct way to utilize that kind of “dream-like” quality of time? Take that break, as promised by “spring break, but look at a time when no one else is on vacation. For me? Just after Easter and Spring Break? Trust me, doesn’t matter what you’re fishing for, the fishing is better — fewer crowds, too.


    I started to use a term I heard it first from programmers, the expression? “Concatenation.” Means to string together a number of expressions that are related. In my mind, it also allows space to shorten a string. Aquarius is stringing material together, and in doing so? Compacting the material itself. Instead of long, and rambling inter-connected series of statements, it becomes a single sentence, and while that might be over-long, to some, it works as it keeps a single image in place. What looks like long and rambling discourse, with no apparent Aquarius direction, when, if, strung together properly? It really does reduce waste and conserves space. The goal is less. Less stuff, fewer words, tighter editing, less wasted effort for maximum returns. Herein is the conundrum, based on the silly phase of the moon, and the way the Aries temperament plays out, there’s sense of being too rushed to do the job properly. Part of this is Mars and Venus, part of this is straight-up Aries, and part of this is that nagging idea of concatenation, as I subscribe to its meaning, and the sense that we can run some of this together to make it tighter — more efficient.


    Over the many long years I’ve been online, I’ve used a great number of various shared, virtual, and private hosting environments. Some were good, some were finicky, and some are memorable for the mistakes. There was one server environment, and if I kept the log files for longer than maybe a week? It choked the server, the “Save the raw data files” grew too large. Data is important, but then, there’s always the paralysis by analysis, and that’s what the data did for me. I had set it up to dump the data after seven days, not wanting to hold on longer than that. If there was error, or hacking attack, I would have up to seven days worth of digital trails to use. I don’t think I ever looked at the raw data, I mean, like I never once used those stats. Just because it can be measured, does it need to be measured? That was what I got to thinking about, that overwhelming amount of totally useless data. As Aries unfolds, poor Pisces is stuck with an overload of data, and maybe, never enough time to actually access, analyze, then utilize that information you painstakingly gathered. Me, being Sagittarius and all? I discovered that I’m not Virgo enough to waste time analyzing minutiae. As a word to the wise Pisces? Maybe skip gathering information that you have no use for, whatsoever. “I could use it one day,” is not the same as “I will use it one day.”

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    About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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