

As the image shows, I’ve got a couple of URLs that I lease, and, at some point, I suppose the trademark rights — at least to my name — would stick with me. I like the notion of KramerWetzel.com, and its subsidiary, KramerW.com, which after a degree of research, my name, Kramer Wetzel, it’s unique enough that it can stand alone.

various URL

The technical question, after years, I’ve reduced my digital footprint to a minimum of sites, currently, astrofish.net hosting the horoscopes, the books for sale, and the background astrology material, plus as a host for the earlier graphic files. Almost all of the columns are available there, the yearly, monthly, and weekly content, additionally, www.BareFootAstrology.com lands there. All of it in one place, thus far.

The various weblog, web journals and stray astrology meandering articles are all on a site, currently situated at KramerW.com, but how would that look?

There’s one other site hosted in the background, but I have no access to its root — the old astrowhore.org, now called daphuk.com. Essentially a long story that’s fun and funny. I married him. No, not like that, I performed his wedding ceremony. That site doesn’t figure in as much; it has a low bandwidth demand. High entertainment factor.

I call the URLs “on lease” because the domain names are only rented for a period of time, and anyone can take over payments after the name has lapsed. That, in and of itself, is an interesting business model, taking old domain names and re-purposing them. Different issue.


There is a body of astrological lore encased in articles posted to the various weblogs. Over the years, I’ve gathered that all into one of two locations, either off the index for the main site at astrofish.net/ToC (Table of Contents), or scattered in the various blogs, now all collected, with a single, searchable heading labelled Stardust. The challenge is that there’s a ton of data, and not all of it is good. Useful for a time, but I never coordinated my output. Last time I did that was the first book, and at this point, that text is merely a part of the main site — who gets along with whom.

Previously, I’ve had www.KramerWetzel.com just point to the bio at astrofish.net/bio. I spun it off as a test site for some blog stuff, but wrapped it back up, ending up with dead air space.


What the web — now just “the internet” — what it seems to reward is good content, substantive material that is cogent and grammatical correct, material of good quality, and useful data. I err on entertaining rather than useful, but that’s my view.

I’m still stuck, while the world crumbles, with getting and maintaining in a single location, a directory for everything, either astrofish.net or KramerWetzel.com, but haven’t made up my mind. I’m not sure.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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