Two Questions

Two Questions

Two Questions, quick questions, inter-related and connected, yet distinct.

  1. The URL came up for renewal.
    Should I renew?
  2. The price of dot net and dot biz names are going up by a dollar.
    Should I renew?

Lacking any other forum, I tend to wrestle the ideas to the page, and see what answer pops up for me.

I tend to favor Register4Less for a boutique, hand-holding, rather safe Domain Name Register as the backend tech is sound. (Sound, solid, safe.)

From their notice?

“On Thursday, September 1, 2022, the registry operators for the .net and .biz domains are going to be increasing the price they charge to domain registrars for new registrations, renewals and transfers.”

My original moniker, the handle “”? Lease on the name runs out in 2028. I should retire the name, release the leasehold on the name unless it’s magically mine through trademark and other copyright laws? Current litigation lags behind in jurisdiction and implementation, hemmed in by decades’ old language and phrasing, further constrained by current and future tech.

Two Questions

The Two Questions?

  1. The URL came up for renewal.
    Should I renew?
  2. The price of dot net and dot biz names are going up by a dollar.
    Should I renew?

Yes and No.

As far as goes? In part, it is the title of the teaching tool I use, and that’s going to be around for a while, legacy, in effect. But also captures an essence of what I was. While the name it too long for current standards, it does work, after fashion, and because it has a “dot com” ending? Perhaps a sidebar is best in here.

After years, literally three decades of electronic distribution? Dot “anything but com?” Loses efficacy. Even when I sway my hips and say, “You know, like fish net?” With that as a reminder, lo, this many years? “Dot com.”

I’ve used dot co, dot biz, dot US, dot UK, dot TV, and some others I can’t even recall. Might come to me, But as I tried to concatenate the addresses and corral the count? The simple, original “dot com” wins.

Part of a five-year plan? Move it all to a single,

Currently, that’s barely more than a pointer on a legacy site.

Two Questions

The answer to the Two Questions?

  1. The URL came up for renewal.
    Should I renew?
  2. The price of dot net and dot biz names are going up by a dollar.
    Should I renew?

Yes and No.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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