“I cannot by the progress of the stars
Give guess how near to day.”
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar 2.1.2
Horoscopes for 11-28-2022
- Moon conjunct Saturn 19° Aquarius Nov 28.
- Mercury Opposes Mars RX Nov. 29.
- Venus oppose Mars RX Dec. 1.
- Moon conjunct Uranus Dec. 5.
- Moon enters Gemini Dec. 6.
I was in the old Big Box Bookstore — no surprises about it being a last, remaining chain store — and I looked at the “best sellers” next to “staff recommendations.” Duly noted. I need to remember about three titles that looked like good “library” books. Not worth buying, but worth reading. Then, while I was at the library, I picked up book, staff recommendation, on the shelf, and I thought, “I need to buy a copy of this book.” OK, so at the library, I’m looking for books to buy, and at the bookstore, I’m looking at books to check out of the library. I’ve got this all backwards, but Mr. Mars in his position, as he plays off against Venus and Mercury? Makes us think. Makes us think differently.
Both locations, the library and the bookstore function as sources. Sources for data, sources for recommendations, and sources of knowledge. Actually, both are discrete data storage areas. Like me, though, this works backwards. Not badly, just in a different fashion than usual. “I should read that book,” is the idea, and how we arrive at that idea? Subject to discussion, as evidenced by my process of seeing books to get from the library at the bookstore, but seeing books to buy at the library.
The pandemic “leveled the playing field,” to acknowledge a simple fact cloaked as a cliched statement. But it did. The idea of “work from home” carefully delineated what could be done remotely, and brought about the hybrid, bastard version of much of the current office scut work, with the division between remote and in-office. Grant me the idea that there are some jobs that must be performed in person, certain portions of the retail and service industries, must be in person. But up to — in some cases all — office can be handled “remotely.” Unless, of course, there’s a big lease on commercial property?
It’s that weird dividing line between what can be handled in a remote fashion, and what must be performed in person. My dentist? In person. Blood samples for medical testing? In person. Reviewing those medical tests with a doctor? “Tele-medicine?” Some remote, some in-person. While this won’t apply to every Capricorn today, over the next week, remember to keep it to yourself, “That phone call could’ve been an e-mail,” or “that meeting could’ve been a phone call.” There’s a holiday addendum, just for the sake of brevity? “I’m short on time right now, can we just do this as a zoom meeting, phone call, e-mail?”
Much is written about the nature of failure and the older age, “Fall down three times? Get up four times…” That pleasant homily? Yeah, that’s what works, but after getting knocked down so many times, one has to wonder whether it is worth getting back up. Not really sure, but here’s the planets, knocking Aquarius down then simultaneously lifting Aquarius back up. “So, I’m just like a punching bag?” Yeah, kind of a universal target, and after you get knocked down, you get picked back up again. Rather than pointlessly flailing? Figure there’s a specific direction, and what with Jupiter headed back into Aries? There’s a narrative thread for Aquarius to gather up from the repeated, universal, up-and-down. There’s a cosmic joke, at play, and if you engage with that, it makes a great tale. Wham. “It’s not fun now, are you sure?” Yes.
Just reminds me of a certain scenario, and it might be more universal than I realize. Think about one of my fishing buddies, a little younger, and little more energetic, and a little more lonely. We’re out someplace, and the server is nice to my buddy. As she’s walking away, out of earshot, “She likes me, right? Get her birthday, I think I’m in love!” Thought the meal the two flirt with each other, my buddy totally unaware that the tips are much larger when folks are nice, and it gives them both an opening to be extra-nice. Afterwards, “I gave her my number, you think she’ll call tonight?” Yeah, no. Not how this works, but my buddy, during the interaction, seems oblivious to the professional friendliness of the server. Don’t have to be nice, but it really helps, and my golden rule is always be nice to the people who handle the drugs or the food. Couple of holiday-inspired pointers for Pisces? Don’t confuse genuine politeness and niceness as an overture for a deeper personal connection. Flipped around? Always be nice to the people who handle our food or medication. I’m also thinking about a cute PA, “Here, let me get you something stronger for the pain.”
Get a second cup of coffee. Shrug. Waggle the eyebrows. Smile? The smile is optional, but the silence is golden. Or silver, at least, I haven’t checked the latest rate on precious metals, I have no idea what market value is highest. But there’s a shrug, and a sip of coffee, it’s a gesture, not really one that is trademarked, or under patent, but as an idea? It’s kind of a universal “shrug,” that implies a variety of possible meanings. Could mean, “I don’t know,” could be, “I don’t care,” or it might be “whatever you want,” and this kind of Aries interaction leaves the gesture, the motion, the notion, up to personal interpretations. Doesn’t much matter, but the idea is that a single, simple motion rather than saying anything at all is a more powerful way to communicate, and making this better for Aries? That’s what this is all about. Simple gesture, fewer words, maybe no words at all?
“Is it utilitarian?” I was trying to get at a simple question that would sum up this week’s Taurus way forward. That first question might not have it quite correctly, but “Is it useful?” Both of these are variations on the trite, “Hold it in your hand and ask if it sparks joy.” Know where I swiped that one? Still, then the Taurus question, with the planets doing what they are doing? “Is this a positive function,” or, flipping that idea on its side, “is this a function I need?” There’s a level of function required from every moving part, and some of the inanimate pieces, as well, but there needs to be a certifiable, useful function for all the parts and pieces in the Taurus life. What doesn’t bring joy, or what isn’t useful? Time to edge that out the door. Maybe not tossing anything yet, but some crap can be “re-homed.”
It’s my understanding, and this is clearly supported by astrology principles I follow, that typical males tend to not develop conflict avoidance awarenesses and strategies until later in life. Coincides with a major Saturn Transit, just for edification. Pop psychology and cyclical tendencies aside, though, there’s a kind of conflict avoidance strategy that helps with Mr. Mars, retrograde, in Gemini, with the gradual dispersement of other, opposing forces. I was invoking the young, male archetype because their development seems to lag behind others. There’s a lesson, the last few weeks have endeavored to reach your gentle Gemini selves, and that gets one more visit to insure you’ve learned whatever it is that you’re supposed to learn. Embrace it. Embrace the messenger. Embrace the missive. You can avoid it, if you want, but that usually results in this message getting repeated, sometimes in a less comfortable setting.
“Just use the whole thing.” It was a small container of specialty maple syrup and rather than trying to measure out 8 ounces from 10 ounce container? Why not just pour the whole bottle into the mix? Specialty, all-ergonomic, free-range orgasmic, all-natural, no added sugars kind of ingredient. What could it hurt if it was a little sweeter? Obviously, I’m not the cook in this situation, and frankly, I’m not a good baker, not at all. “Baking” means following all the directions, exactly. I’m a “cook” where I measure with a dash, a smidgen, and “some.” I sort of eyeball it, and call it good. I’m not too exacting. However, even though the recipe called for exactly 8 ounces, by the time the 10 ounce bottle was emptied? Bet it was about 8 ounces. So I was close. Close enough? You be the judge, but if it’s just a might bit, just a skoosh, maybe just a hint too sweet? Is that wrong? Think: happy holidays!
The Leo
“This is crap. That’s crap. It’s all crap, you know?” While I agree, in theory, in practical application, my dear Leo friends? In practical application? Just plainly announcing that all that crap is all crap? That doesn’t work. “Roll crap in powdered sugar, and it’s still not a beignet.” Yes, I know that. I’m pretty sure the non–Leo portion of the sky is aware of that, as well. “I wouldn’t make a point out of it, but you guys don’t seem to be getting it.” I understand that Leo point-of-view, but the problem is how you decide to wrap that material up, and present it. Calling it crap, crap? Usually, that forthright, and truthful statement is much appreciated, but the line of minor planets? The line-up of minor planets playing major roles, more like it? That triggers a need to make this seem nicer than it is. It’s not all crap, well, it is all crap, but instead of addressing it thusly? Call it by another name, “organic, compostable compounds that are rich in nutrients as fertilizer.” Roll of the Leo eyes, “So it’s crap?” Yeah, but don’t be so blunt about it. But you are so right.
Unfettered friction. All about a certain kind of clash of intentions, some would suggest a case where one’s will goes up against another, possibly opposing, view point. I’m not going to stand in the way of a good Virgo complaining about a situation over which I have no control. Nope, not going to get into that fray, as I will surely lose the battle. I’ll lose the war. No chance of me interrupting the good Virgo conflict and making any of this right. Best course I can take? I’ll shut up. But then, I’ve dated far too many Virgos; and I’ve learned, albeit, the most difficult way, not argue when I’m right because, in this situation the Virgo is always correct even if wrong. However, that might be a sensible guideline for the next few days, about arguing, about being right, about being correct, and about how this can go. That unfettered friction is the source of the pain. What to do about it? If you’re not dating a Sagittarius you can beat?
There’s only a handful of feeds that I enjoy. A couple of them sort of spell out what this should be like for lovely Libra, I’ve got two or three “Shakespeare” feeds I follow because the contributors are usually not classically trained in arts and literature, or theatre, and yet, there’s still that emotional pull for Shakespeare’s works. Neither scholar in the traditional sense, but more than an ardent “fan,” the sites and their feeds give me a quick shot of enthusiasm about Shakespeare’s works, in printed form, in academic arguments, and in performance, whether “performance” is a movie or a live play. Better yet, the interpretation, like in Station Eleven, I think that was the book’s title. The news (blogs), the aggregators, and lists of links, usually run by amateurs rather than professionals? There’s a raw sense discovery that I enjoy, and scholarship — not unlike my own horoscopes — that is occasionally flawed. “Uncivilized and yet remarkably crude,” sure that works. Rough edges and all. While that typically goes against the gentle Libra’s cut, the idea of the raw, frankly amateur material holds up as a great source. What this is about, finding a new source of familiar material. Look around at the frankly amateur materials — be surprised how much they offer, what they lack in professional polish? The amateurs make up for in wit, spunk, and sheer enthusiasm.
There’s a double, almost a triple “whammy” with this current iteration of Mars and so forth. It makes for an unhappy Scorpio — here’s the kicker: if you let it. Which is easy to see happening, “I’m not happy about this” (out of your copious Scorpio control), or, “I’m not happy about that,” again, not to put to a fine an edge on it, but that is out of the control of your Scorpio clutches. If it is out the realm of your influence, out of the arena where you can exercise some modicum of control, a point where your efforts yield zero results? If that’s the case, then why are you worked up over it? The perception is that this somehow your own Scorpio fault, when in fact, the fault does not lie with you, and as such? The problem isn’t your problem. It’s not in your Scorpio rodeo arena, and that means it’s not your Scorpio bull to ride. Think, maybe repeat this quietly, “Not my problem.”
(Not my rodeo; not my bull to ride.)