“Submission, Dauphin? ’Tis a mere French word;
We English warriors wot not what it means.
I come to know what prisoners thou hast ta’en,
And to survey the bodies of the dead.”
Sir William Lucy in Shakespeare’s Henry 6 pt. 1 4.7.54-7
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Sagittarius November 22, 2022 at 2:21 AM (local).
- Jupiter goes direct 28° Pisces, November 23.
- New Moon 1° Sagittarius November 24.
- Mercury enter Capricorn December 7.
- Full Moon 15° Sagittarius/Gemini December 8.
- Retrograde Mars 15° Gemini November 8-9.
- Venus enters Capricorn December 10.
- Jupiter enters Aries December 21.
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Capricorn December 21, 2022 at 4:49 PM (local) — winter solstice.
Horoscopes for Sagittarius 2022
“Submission” is typical off-topic for Sagittarius, but submission is our theme for this approaching birthday season. It’s about suborning our strong Sagittarius will long enough to get something accomplished. The best example? As I’ve drifted further and further south, the local “Cedar Fever,” is an allergic reaction to the pollen generated by the invasive cedar trees, originally imported to furnish fence-posts. Damn trees grow like a weed, and the cedars release dense pollen that coats everything, and triggers from some of us, an allergic reaction that looks like a common cold. Living here, I developed three-tiered attack to help ameliorate the effects of the season, coincidentally, same as the holiday seasons and Sagittarius. By now I will consuming a 3rd-generation over-the-counter antihistamine. I change up based on price and availability, from generic Claritin to Zyrtec, to whatever is the latest. I’ll add an “allergy tea” formula, concocted by a local herb person, some combination of sticks, stems, and weeds that tastes a little iffy, but helps. Finally and this will happen shortly after Sagittarius hits full stride, I’ll add in some plain, generic “allergy pills,” the kind you have to sign for to get? It’s three or even four layers, as one year, the grocery store had some homeopathic drops that seemed to work that season. Add a drop to the perfume point on the wrists? Seemed to work. Less sniffles, less cold-like symptoms, and less down time spent complaining about the pollen. Three — or more — approaches to the challenges. Holistic, homeopathic, advanced medical (3rd Gen. antihistamine), and then? Old school. There is some commonality, I’m on solid ground in here, and this common ground means I won’t be sneezing, sniffling, and limping through the next month. Same applies for other Sagittarius, as well.
Some people need to learn how to couch a phrase. Others need to grow thicker skin. One of those two options is perfect for Capricorn, since there is something coming along.
“I don’t want to offend you, but…” means I’ll be offended.
So I surely do not want to offend mighty Capricorn, but I’m not the one who is doing the talking. I’m more like a listening guy, rather than espousing whatever it is that shouldn’t offend you — but it does. The phrase that I watch for? “I don’t want to offend, but…” and we know how this going to go. It’s not a happy place. I know, Sagittarius and all that, holidays, and so forth, but still, listen for it. One cute expression? Ever feel like someone is “Trying to get your goat?” That’s what this next month is about. During Sagittarius, less offended on the outside serves well. Might very well irritate the crap out of you, but don’t show it. Take a hint from Scorpio, you know, about revenge being served cold, with a healthy dose of “I told you so.” In other words? Might offend you now, but no sweat. Just let it ride until later. Promise, you’ll have a better response, then.
“Shipping and handling not included.” Along the same lines? “Parking not included.” From my “long time ago” files, I realized that “free parking” was part of the deal when I looked at venues, promoters, and their ilk, the people I’ve worked alongside for most of this career. One of them underestimated the allure of the venue, but then, also underestimated the price for parking. It was a downtown location, and while we packed the place, I spent most of my profit on parking, for both days. Parking is a big deal. Getting ready for the run-up to the holiday season, welcome Sagittarius, the problem I encountered, I found some stuff on sale, super-cheap, but the price didn’t include shipping or handling. That near-doubled the price, and then, the product wasn’t worth the sales price. Sales price was good; tacking on extra costs? Ruined it. Read the details, Aquarius, read the fineprint. There’s always a clue, and that might very well mitigate the promised allure of the new, lower price. Events occur, situations change, and the details are going to vary from individual to individual, but there’s a not-so-hidden extra cost associated with this month’s approach to Sagittarius, kind of a hidden cost that is right there, front page, plain sight.
Just slow down. With Mars, in apparent retrograde motion, it’s going to feel like everyone is slower and not responding with alacrity, nor, does anyone respond in fashion that would be in keeping with gentle Pisces expectations. Herein is the central conundrum, to the next six weeks? Lower the Pisces expectations. Can’t be let down if you expect the absolute worst from humanity. They aren’t all like that, but a lot of them are, and lowering the expectations is the easiest way not to be upset, confounded, or otherwise led astray by people who praise one objective and then deliver — maybe deliver nothing. Not to sound like an old country song, either, but some God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Just because you think you want it a certain way, right now, lowered expectations make it easier, in the coming months and the ensuing holiday season? Makes it a lot easier to be pleasantly surprised. Hint: it’s not you. Mars, then that Mercury-Venus game of cosmic tag, the three conspire to thwart the best of intentions. Roll with it, and be happier.
“Speculation is pointless.” No, seriously, trying to guess which way this will go? There isn’t a safe bet, either way. There isn’t a safe guess, any which way? Instead of trying to guess at something when we have an incomplete data set? Maybe just wait. Patience is never, (never, ever) an Aries virtue, at least not typically. With the relative inaction prompted by Mars and its errant pathway, turning retrograde in Gemini? Let me suggest that inaction, rather than confrontation, is the best route for my dear Aries, as there’s a certain lack of substantiating evidence to support the hypothesis. The short form of this? “Speculation is pointless.” The turmoil unleashed by Mars and its inaction, just gets heightened by Venus and Mercury playing tag, and that makes this more confusing rather than more revealing. “Speculation is pointless.”
Normally, I wouldn’t suggest month-long meditation for anyone, but Taurus? Now — more so than ever before — now is a time to pause and reflect. In part, the relative inaction of Mars helps, and then, there’s the bit with your planet, Venus, and her game of tag with Mercury, but most of all, this is about stopping and taking enough time to figure out where you’ve been so you can more adequately plot a course forward. Only, that forward momentum? Once you stop long enough to take stock of where you’re at? Hard to get rolling again, and therein, is the crux of the real problems we’re facing at the start of Sagittarius. This might last a while, and there’s the confusing element of Venus and Mercury and while that makes a nice sight in the sky, the reality of the what those two — tightly bound up together — there’s a different kind of confusion that those two planets will stir up. So the idea is that this is a great time for Taurus inaction. “Do nothing, and avoid the problems.” It is by doing nothing that you can avoid the problems, and if you choose to get embroiled? Can’t complain I didn’t try and warn you off, first.
Professionally, I found myself aligned with a particular person I wasn’t too fond of. Our personalities didn’t clash so much as we just approach various life-challenges from rather different points-of-view. We don’t see “eye-to-eye” on many topics. That we worked together, it’s a testament to my forgiving nature, and my understandings of the dynamic at work within the relationship between that person and my own, personal astrology chart. I can see the cause of the friction. There’s a problem with communication, in its heart. It is, as if, we’re speaking a different language. Now, I’ve worked with this particular person for years, and we have reached a passable form of a relationship, one that sort of works for us. It might not be wonderful, but I’ve figured out how to limp along, and forgive the little jabs at me — and my ego — because those really aren’t personal. They might feel that way, but they’re not. Got a good image of what I’m describing? That’s what this next few weeks holds for Gemini, the personal affronts, or they feel like a personal attack, when in fact, they are not. Feels like there’s a little barb left in the wound, just so it can be ripped open again, and again, and again. That’s not really the case, as this is merely Mars, just making an impersonal diatribe feel personal. Watch for it, and then? Don’t get offended, at least not publicly, I mean, what’s worse than having to go back and beg forgiveness?
The weather turns, in Sagittarius. Just a fair warning, as I’ve seen this go several ways, and it is highly unpredictable, but it does shift and change. Some days are warm, almost summer-like in appearance, with near record-high temps around 80°, or thereabouts. I took a couple of screenshots of various thermometer displays, and, at first, my favorite was “36-63” for the projected temps. Got better though, as there was one that showed “35-75.” That just a typical day where I live. It can swing, and the weather patterns, as observed, can be wild, at best. I tend to observe this kind of pattern every year, during Sagittarius, and I tend to use it as an example, every year, so this won’t be any different. At least you can count on some things being the same. The weather, and especially the “Astrological Weather,” that isn’t going to be steady. There are shifts, wild swings, and moods that emerge, some of which we weren’t counting on. This is a functional guide and count on it all shifting, changing, then changing back. For me, this is ideal weather, as I can stay in bed in flannel pajamas until noon, then slip into shorts and sandals. Perfect for me. But I’m not a delicate Moon Child, and the Cancers, as such don’t always fare well with dramatic mood swings in others. Just as a suggestion, it’s not really you, others don’t seem to react well to the shifts.
The Leo
Big plans and little plans, let’s break this coming few weeks into “Big Plans,” and then, “little plans.” It’s about big stuff and little stuff. Big stuff? Not the time for that. “But I’ve got a huge project due at the end of the year!” That’s more than two months away. Let’s work on the little plans. As long as Venus and Mercury are playing tag, first in Sagittarius then in Capricorn? Big plans and little plans. Break the drudgery and monotony into big and little. The challenges abound, but the way to make big gains for The Leo? Break those big plans into a smaller and smaller chunks until it’s down to bite-size, fun-size, whatever-you-want-to-call-it pieces. Tiny bits and mere fragments of the original challenge. See: Mercury and Venus make this a great time to work on smaller, detailed items, questions, and problems, rather than grand, larger-than-Leo-Life issues. Little things. Concentrate on finite, tiny details that seem inconsequential to others. For my majestic Leo friends? God is in the details, this next few weeks. Pay attention. Don’t worry about the “Big Picture,” let others handle that — for now.
Folding a fitted sheet? It is the truest test of person’s humanity, the core of a human. Kind of a First World perspective, but there it is. Easiest way to judge this next few weeks, as the Sun rolls along and through Sagittarius? Think about that test, how a person folds a fitted sheet. There’s always my style, I sort of try and tuck the corners into each other, get disappointed, then roll it up and hide the sheet underneath the properly folded flat sheet and pillow cases. I just hide the way I do it. I’m not a Virgo, and the folks I know who are mercurial and lovely Virgo? They all know how to fold a fitted sheet, or they’ve looked it up online, and followed the tutorial, and some character makes it look so easy: but it’s not, not for me. But I’m not a Virgo. Doesn’t matter to me. What this is about? A litmus test, if you will, for a human’s ability to cope. How to cope, how that other person deals with mild adversarial situations, like, like folding a fitted sheet. Your individual tests might vary, but the idea, the sense, the concept is a normal, routine, easily confusing and irritating task, like folding a fitted sheet, that kind of chore shows you what you need to now about a situation, or, more important, about a person’s character. Yeah, watch how they are when faced with challenges like folding a fitted sheet. Me? I’m a typical Sagittarius, I try, I fail, I cover it up, “Next?”
One of the ways to see the next month, or so, I’ve learned this a long time back, but the way I see it? Get that “Holiday” stuff done before mid-November. It’s a goal, it’s the target to aim for, it’s the trajectory that we set for our Libra selves, but it’s just a guide. I promise there will be some who fall short. There will always be the last, “Damn, I forgot that,” situation for Libra. Still, this is a time when we can get as much done, ahead of schedule. Planning, execution, and forethought. All plays a big role. Like, getting as much done before the mid-November date arrives. This notice comes ahead of time, and just as soon as Scorpio heats up, start looking at the longer range plans, and getting it done, well-ahead of projected frame. Ahead of the crush. Ahead of time. “Get out in front of this one,” and that’s the Libra mantra for the rest of Sagittarius. Simple enough, or, at the very least, it sounds like a good idea.
Ever walk into a room, and promptly forget why you just entered that place? “I came I here for something….” what I just learned? That can now be called a standing meditation. As soon as the Sun shifts into Sagittarius, your Scorpio self is going to spend a few days, a few weeks, maybe a whole month, wandering into a room, then wondering, “What did I come in here for?” Recall, I’ve made a suggestion, not original, but gratefully swiped from someplace else, this is now called a ‘Standing Meditation.’ There. It has a name. You’re safe, now.
My other expression that will help Save Scorpio?
“Yeah, I meant to do that.”
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