Horoscopes for Aries 2023
K. Richard:
“Should dying men flatter with those that live?”Gaunt:
“No, no, men living flatter those that die.”
Shakespeare’s Richard II (2.1.88-9)
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Aries on March 20, 2023. At 4:25 PM (local).
- New Moon 1° Aries March 21, 2023.
- Mars enters Cancer March 25, 2023.
- Pluto enters Aquarius March 24, 2023.
- Mercury enters Taurus April 4, 2023
- Venus enters Gemini April 11, 2023.
The Sun enters the tropical zodiac sign of Taurus on April 20, 2023. At 4:25 PM (local).
- N.B., Pluto turns retrograde April 30, 2023 and is essentially stationary, slowly sliding back in Capricorn, June 11, 2023.
Horoscopes for Aries 2023
When TV was analog, not digital, and only in black and white? Red wine was used in coffee commercials because the shade and texture made for a superior image. Some would suggest fluid dynamics were better, but the imagery when rendered in that medium? Clearly superior. Sold more coffee. In old, black and white TV commercials, red wine was used instead of coffee, in coffee commercials, because the wine’s texture — and I would infer pleasant side-effects — made it a far more palatable option. What we’re looking for is a far-more palatable option for our dear Aries. Something that is easier to swallow. Something that has lingering side-effects. Something that looks more like the real thing than the real thing itself. Just better, you know? In true Aries fashion, there’s always one, “So, I should substitute red wine for coffee?” While that isn’t the message I was trying to convey, you know, sure. See if that works.
Out of adversary comes our greatest gifts of faith. It’s through the struggle that we learn who we really are. It’s from our opponents that we learn strength. It’s from the fight that we learn how resilient we can be. It’s from our adversaries that we learn our greatest gifts of faith. For me, one source of solace in trying times? Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It’s a simple text, and more or less, loose thoughts. I wouldn’t read it all the way through, but I do tend to dip into it, let it fall open to page, and then looks for a tidbit that helps.
As a stoic, the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius embodied several sets of beliefs, and I’m always curious, when reading the various translations, sometimes, it’s “the gods,” and sometimes it’s a more formal Xtian, “God.” Instead of being divisive, though, this is subject to translations, and the whims of the English language, and once again, the underlying stoic philosophy offers solace, hope, and possible solutions. So, as noted before, and facing a somewhat cloudy future — just for now? Out of the adversarial situation, our greater gift of faith arrives.
It’s called, “Cognitive Laziness.” It’s a common error — especially in Gemini — under these planetary conditions. Couple of humorous anecdotes come up, “Of course I’m talking to myself, I needed expert advice.” That’s a good example, as a fan of all things Gemini myself, I chuckle and admire the usual setting for the commentary, but then, these planets? Beware of that lurking cognitive laziness. Because it is the way you want it to be doesn’t make it the best way for you. Access more than one data point. I’m pretty much self-employed, too, so when I talk to myself, I can write it off as an all-hands staff meeting. The problem with just using our own brilliance as a source of information? We might not get all the facts. We hear what we want to hear. We interpret the statistics to give us what we want to see, and failing to consult any other outside source? That’s a kind of cognitive laziness, which as I noted, is quite common under this sort of Aries influence. Hint: it’s a Gemini thing, and one we can guard against for the time being.
It’s an old expression, and one that I am loathe to reuse, but the missive and the contents therein? Rather important, and it applies, in succinct manner, to what pressures are unfolding to, for, and against the Moon Children. A cacophonous, riotous group of planet influences are acting up, against, and untoward manners, all over in Aries. Pause. Nothing wrong with Aries, per se, just uncomfortable pressure in the Cancer quadrant of the heavens. Easiest solution? Treat it like a hyperactive child. We bounce off point, off topic, and in divergent directions? Gently, not firm, but gently bring us back on topic. Get our focus back to where it should. The trick, and this why I implore the Moon Children thusly? The little secret is to do so with love and kindness, a certain steady hand on the tiller, and a way of making this look easy.
You know what that expression is? As we try to navigate the next series of weird times ahead?
“A lot of work goes into making this look easy.”
The Leo
There’s a kind of insistence I find quite present within my Leo circles. It’s also marked, to some degree, by a lack of patience. Look: we’ve had that talk about how you’re the best of the best. There’s no sense in going over material I previously covered with you, right? Right. But the errant echo of Aries — for The Leo — implies a time when patience is more important. I know you’re the top cat, queen of the plains, king of the jungle, monarch of the mountains, wherever you live. But with Aries energies, and what follows? There’s that instant rush to get something done right away, and that impatience? The more hurried you go, the further behind you get. It’s a good time to employ my old fishing trick, “I’m just digging around to find the perfect lure, I’ll be fishing in just a moment.” When asked why you’re not as hurried, and impatient as anyone else? “I’m just looking for the perfect (thing) to finish this up.” Simple answer that helps my Leo stay on top. Buys time; forces patience.
There are certain people in our lives that we have to deal with. People we might not like, but, for whatever reason, these people hold keys to various enterprises, and other emotional entanglements, and — who knows why — we must interact with these people. There’s always one. Or two, maybe a whole pack of them. I’m gratified that I’m at a place in life, career, work, and so forth? I don’t interact with many people who I don’t want to interact with. Simple as that. A curt and surly attitude isn’t off-putting, not for me, I think of it as a challenge. For me, the particular energy that I don’t want to engage with, as long as I can miss it? That unctuous “used car salesman” energy. New best friend, agreeing with whatever I say, and nodding appreciably at everything? For me, that’s one I don’t trust. “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer?” Old adage, but I was thinking about that in respect to this approaching energy, especially for the perfect Virgo since it’s all about dealing with people, and might be people we don’t like. The game of buying cars has changed, but the understanding of the “Used car salesmen” energy is still present, albeit in different forms. Which is what this about, how you choose to deal those people you might not want to deal with in the coming days.
One aspect of my career as a reader of the night sky? I get to listen as people describe hopes, dreams, desires, and wishes. That, in itself, is wonderful, but there’s a catch, too, as a rational portion of my brain registers that the dream is merely a dream. The caution that I hear, though? That’s the point where gentle Libra can use some “tempering.” A piece of steel is tempered by repeatedly getting it red-hot then plunging the near-molten metal into frigid water, instantly cooling the steel. Makes for a stronger piece of steel — eventually. The process is entertaining when a watching a real blacksmith go through the repeated steps. Doing it by hand is a specialized skill set acquired over years and years, as well, and for gentle Libra? This isn’t a dream that can be fixed, fixated, or answered in a short month. It’s about gradually building up that muscle memory. It’s about a patient acquisition of the necessary skills. Dream, dear Libra, dream big, but think about the time and energy required to get from where we’re at to where that dream lives. We can do it, but in good Libra fashion? Going to take some teamwork.
I hate the “upsell.” It’s the insistent idea that I got something for free, like a free piece of software that should perform a single function, when in fact, it can perform a myriad of functions for a small price. Or big price, kind of depends. A free mailing list where they will send me something each day, or week, month, with news about products, sure, I know what I’m getting into. But a free information list that turns into trying to sell me something? “Upgrade to unlock our premium features,” is the most common call to action on that, and when it’s hidden, at first? That annoys me. But this is the price of commerce, and trade, and the inherent advertising model works, or it wouldn’t be so common. While it annoys the crap out of me? While it annoys the Scorpio material, as well? We have to realize it’s the price of admission to this game show, they have to sell advertising to make their way along. There’s a toll associated with toils and travails, and that price means we need to expend extra Scorpio effort to get to that goal. Going to take some digging, and there is a level of frustration, but I know you can succeed.
Attention span. We have a lesson. I was standing in the kitchen, barefoot, shirtless. I had a tablet with me, as it had an e-mail about the latest offering of books on — digital deal. Books from the e–bookstore. I started with a small pat of butter, and watched as it melted then I started scrolling through available titles, not watching the pan on the stove. I thought, because I was physically there, in the kitchen, at the stove, nothing would happen. “A watched pot never boils,” as the saying goes. Didn’t work out that way, not for me, not that cold Pisces morning a few days back. I lost track, looking at lurid splashes of colorful covers with cleverly titled books layered in. I missed that the butter started to burn, and the frying pan was hot, almost too hot. It wasn’t until I realized that the smoke detector was about to shrill its alarm, only then did I realize I was absorbed in whatever I was doing. I was standing right beside the stove top. The material I was merely scanning for a new title, that looked interesting, right? Missed out completely on the frying pan heating to near a flash point. This is a lesson about Sagittarius attention span, even when it’s right there in our face. Pay attention and as long as the Sun is in Aries? Maybe one thing at time. I turned the stove down, moved the pan, and picked up my phone, scrolling through the messages.
Calls for a kind of staggered delivery. This isn’t a bad time, just a little, see, Aries? That “squares” mighty and gentle Capricorn, and as such? There’s tension in the land of the Sea-Goat. Can’t do anything with that, and what it calls for, a kind of staccato, burst, silence, rapid action, then quiet, perhaps an unnerving silence, punctuated, again, by a round of loud noises. When I looked, I figured if I could just ease into this, like a staged, staggered delivery method? Not all at once, but some good stuff, some bad stuff, rest, regroup, jump into action, slow down, speed up, and there’s no even way to describe this. It doesn’t happen evenly. Doesn’t have to hurt, but there’s at least one good Capricorn who thinks, “If it doesn’t hurt, then how do you know it’s working?” Other than that one, though? Uneven, but steady progress towards that single goal. Doesn’t look like you’re going in a straight line, but who am I to say anything about moving in a straight line? Linear is so last week. Staggered, staged, staccato delivery. Best we can hope for.
Lessons that stick with a person? I hit “reply” on an e-mail, I didn’t check the “to” line, and it bounced a private message to a group. Lesson learned, at least, for me, I learned the lesson. It was repeated — recently — made me think about the Aquarius planets in play, and lessons we’ve learned, forgotten, then it comes back as a subtle — or not too subtle — reminder. It’s back as a way to remind us to double-check, and sometimes, these are obvious values. Material that is right there, in front of us, plain as day, visible, easy-to-read, and clearly marked. It’s easy to miss that, and given the wide array of small planets all stacking up in Aries, at the moment? Get the idea? It’s a simple, easy, and to some, a forgivable mistake, not a big deal. However, in my first iteration of this example, it was an egregious error, a protocol was shattered, and a trust was broken. Live. Learn. Maybe don’t repeat the mistake again? The original idea was that these errors were — literally — decades apart, that’s the reason I mentioned this to Aquarius, as a reminder. Years apart, and no reason to make the same mistake, not again.
“Second guess fallacies.” Therein is the problem. The challenge is understanding, then applying, and then subtracting, the usual fore-knowledge that your typical Pisces carries. You know about it ahead of time, but should you tell others? “What you know,” what you don’t know, what you can surmise, what you can infer? All leads to the same place, some point in perception, but the problems facing this month’s laborious understudy of the Mutable Water (Two Fishes) symbols? You know the right answer, but no one else will believe. Cap it. Shut it. Zip it. Simplest solution. On the far side, it’s okay to point out that you had the right answer, all along, but until we get there? Keep it under your hat, as apt a metaphor as any. Yeah, I like that, this is a good time to keep it under your hat. Pisces, the problems — and solutions — for the astrological milieu ahead? Careful about the second guess fallacies. It’s a thing. It’s a thing to watch out for.