Perfect Mercury Retrograde Action
Digging through archives, almost two decades back? Not that one, but close enough, I found a reference and quote from Marcus Aurelius, the reference numbers were Book 5, Number 5, and that didn’t line up at all.
So dug in a little more, looking for whatever I was looking for.
Perfect Mercury Retrograde Action
Book 5, Number 8?
“Never let the future disturb you. You mill meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”
There were no marks in either text that I use, so there’s no way to know when, if, I used that one before. There’s some commentary about using it in the weekly audio (podcast-like) I used to do, but I’m unsure if that is even current.
The quote, in context, and print form, from my treasured, yellowed copy of the text.