Horoscopes for 1-9-2024

“Now shine it like a comet of revenge,
A prophet to the fall of all our foes!”

Charles in Shakespeare’s 1 Henry 6 (III.ii.30)

Horoscopes for 1-9-2024

New Moon 20° Cap. 1/11 6:58 AM
Mercury enters Cap. 1/13 9:50 PM


Capricorn This is complicated. I was pulling out of the diner’s parking lot, and another vehicle was approaching, with its turn signal indicating it wanted to turn in. I paused then inched forward, and the oncoming car honked at me, despite slowing and missing the front bumper of the truck? The turn signal had been blinking since the last traffic light and that oncoming car missed three spots to turn in, but in slowing? I thought, for sure, it was headed into the parking lot I was exiting. I read the situation incorrectly. Good guess, and given the inbound data sets? I was correct in my assumption, the other guy was slowing, and the signal was blinking, but at the last minute? I got a honk and an aversion to car wrecks. I missed that the signal was just blinking, didn’t really indicate a imminent turn — and Capricorn? Someone is signaling a preference, but this isn’t about what that preference might really be. You’ve been warned. In my example? No harm and the briefest blush of color in my cheeks because I mistook a signal. Don’t follow in my footsteps, not this week.


There’s a total mishmash of opportunity layered with odd bits that stick out and possibly, stick to you. Therein is both the problem and I’d like to think, the solution. Brought to mind a certain Austin-chain of restaurants, good places, locally-sourced long before that was a thing, and nominally healthy food. The “Queso” though, is what I was thinking about, melted, yellow cheese-like substance, with a sprinkling of crumbling white cheese (cheese-like substance) on top, and if it was ordered with additional items, like chorizo or a scoop of guac? Ceremonially dropped in the middle of the dish. Good stuff.

The queso with its add-on? Looked like a dollop of pico de gallo and that scoop of green guac-like dip, all sort of flopped into the middle? It’s about the add-on. Layered, stirred up and ladled out onto chips? Great stuff as the flavors combine with the melted cheese goodness to really be properly evocative of a culinary experience better than most. It’s the “stirring it up” part that Aquarius should pay attention to, as that’s how we can make this mishmash of energies work, moving forward. Stir it up, but not too much.


It’s about notions and motions. The motions are the directions of the planets as they weave and wash their ways along. As the planets ply through the oceans of the nights, there are waves, and that’s what we feel, and especially, that’s what we feel in gentle Pisces. It’s a summary of what it is that we might be feeling, and then, interpreting that with the help of the backdrop of the winter’s night’s sky. Motions of the planets and the notions those motions set in our little Pisces heads? Washing over the Pisces soul, there are good ideas, notions, possible plans, and any number of manners for action that should have a good results for Pisces. That’s the idea. The ideas are there. The thoughts are there. The hopes and dreams, with detailed plans on how to achieve those hopes and dreams? All of that is present. This all suggests that there is a single, clear route to take, and therein is the problem. There is probably more than one way to get from here to there. More than one way to achieve that notional goal. Pick the one route that looks best, either easiest, most expedient, or just the most scenic way to achieve the desired outcome. Be willing to adjust as the cosmic conditions change, but get started, either way.


There’s an Aries child, son of a fishing buddy and I got tapped as the “grandpa” since the regular grandfather figures were less desirable. Besides, for me, the care-taking of the kiddo was almost fun. Think it cost me some dollars, too. What I learned with that Aries child, kid wasn’t much over 6 or 7 at the time, and what he taught me? Aries needs action. Simplest way to make the kid happy? Do something. When I had a neighbor with a swimming pool? Throw the kid in the water. Winter and the few cold nights lately render the pool idea, while still serviceable for some, yeah, I’m not going in, and I don’t think the kid is, either. However, there is still plenty of winter-activity action that we can partake of. Walk to the store. Didn’t buy much, but the distance helped the kid — and me — stretch our legs. Activity. Aries activity. We chased up and down the aisles, and at his height, he saw things I missed because I’m too tall. I let the kid carry the few items home, and that helped, too, as he felt useful in an actually utilitarian manner. Take a lesson from an Aries child, the answer is to funnel that Aries Activity Action into a useful activity.


My winter standard coffee order changes. I change with the season, as well, but lately, I tend to favor an “Americano,” which is two shots of espresso for about 12 ounces of water. But the winter drink of choice, for me? It’s four shots of espresso, dark roast, thick and frothy with good creama, a like a miniature Guinness pint, and then maybe 8 ounces of hot water. To me, it’s a double Americano with a little water. Or, when one kid was making it, I suggested it was like a good bourbon, with just a splash of water, and he got it right away. I wouldn’t know, I tend to not favor bourbon for anything, but that’s me. The espresso, when done right — a long pull? Good flavor and the water keeps it warm, but doesn’t dilute the flavor too much, and therein is the key for Taurus. What we need is a boost, a little extra dose of caffeine, a little something, and like my winter drink of choice? Don’t water it down too much, but just a splash, that helps smooth the rougher edges. See me smiling? You know they got it right that morning.


The game, in its original format? “Calvin Ball,” sometimes spelled Calvinball, an endearing, heartfelt look at childhood, and the innocence of children missing from today, more so it seems. An echo of that author’s work, then, a single strip reference to the game, and I recall babysitting a buddy’s kid, playing that kid’s version of ball, with that kid’s rules, and somehow, I always lost. “On your side that’s out, but on my side that’s in, you get it?” It’s a shifting set of standards, but one I was willing to work with since I was childish, and childless. The game worked, but it was certainly rigged. Gemini, this week is full of Calvin Ball, wherein the game feels rigged against you, a shifting set of rules and parameters that don’t make sense. Enjoy the game, and remember, just because you lose against a set of rules you don’t understand? Participation is most important. Can’t win if you don’t play, dear Gemini, think on that.


Common enemies, or rather, to boil it down? “An enemy of my enemy is my friend?” Don’t really like the bellicose tone of that, but other than Shakespeare’s The Tempest, “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows;” (II.ii.20) I’m unsure of what else to use. But this unfolding of the new year, and especially the lunar cycle played out in Capricorn spells out a new, emerging alliance where you didn’t see one before. In that play, a couple of rapscallions join forces with a monster, or island native, and they make an unlikely combination. With the days and weeks ahead for Cancer? We’re looking at an unlikely pairing. It’s a union that is not without precedent to some, but it may appear unprecedented to others. Your mileage may vary, but the results are uniformly well-received, so don’t be afraid.

The Leo

All it takes is a single step. All it takes for the magnificent Leo, all that is required of thy self? But a single step. Just a singular forward motion towards that one goal. Can be symbolic, can be realistic, definitions vary. All it takes is getting up off of your royal backside, lumbering forward, and making a singular motion towards that destination. Can be a simple goal, can be a broad goal, can be a special and significant goal, but the idea is that faith — without works — is dead in the water. Becalmed. Stuck there. All hat and no cattle. So, mighty Leo? Drive the first nail. Plant the first seedling. Just take that first step towards the goal.


The plane was loaded, Denver Airport, and they pushed back from the gate with light snow flurries. Colorado. In the winter, to be expected, right? I was reading a book on a tablet, shut the book, closed my eyes, and drifted off to peaceful rest, warm, cozy, legs stretched out and head lolling to one side. I didn’t drool, but I did snap awake once, then drifted back to sleep again. The plane sat on the tarmac for almost an hour, waiting for the de-icing truck thing to spray the whatever stuff. This is a part of modern life. I got almost an hour of extra sleep, and the plane didn’t move. I woke up just before take-off, and the rest is chronicled elsewhere. Part of this is the sad fact that some people have schedules that are more like rough drafts than finished forms, and sometimes, this doesn’t go according to any apparent plan. I pause, close my eyes, and claim to be meditating. Virgo? Take what breaks you’re offered, like an extra hour of sleep. The jumping to a different time zone? Can always claim it’s jet-lag.


Have to learn not to wear it. “But I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve,” (sad face, frown). No, it’s more like your very Libra emotions are on your lovely face, where we can see all your feelings. But then, this begs a question about not being true to one’s self, and therein is the nexus of the ideas, it’s about changing a mindset so what is on the inside can be reflected on the outside.

Or not.

Varies individual to individual, but the idea is either to hide what’s on the inside or to display what’s on the inside. Looking at charts as long as I have, I’ve been noted for grimacing at a chart, when I see something. Doesn’t help anyone, but over the years, I’ve learned to incorporate an indoor face rather than the loud look I can sometimes give. Some people will get this, others? Can’t say I didn’t try and correct the question.


One of the obvious attributes, and I’ve observed this through a variety of influences, but what I’ve seen? That need to customize everything. That desire to take what works, then add bells, whistles, flashing lights, streamlined looks, cooling towers, fins, extra radiators, just more “stuff” over whatever was basic. In fishing gear, cars, trucks, or like the last couple of phones I’ve had? Tablets and computer-like devices? The big urge is to get something then make it better by adding accessories. The Scorpio problem? It works great, right out of the box, or right off the showroom floor, or however that picture comes into Scorpio focus. I carried one fishing pole down to the river’s edge, and I tied a lure on the end of the line. Nothing fancy. No intricate leader, weights, snap fasteners, nothing, but me, a fishing pole, and two lures, one still in a case. There’s always the admonishment to keep it simple, but in this example, I was less thinking about keeping it simple, and more along the lines of “Right out of the box.” Or? “Right off the showroom floor,” but whatever. Before your Scorpio self tries to turn this into a highly custom installation? Try the OEM, right out-of-the-box features, first — just drive it out the door and use it like that.


I got to be a bit of a one-trick-pony when it came to choices about significant locations. For example, a favorite restaurant, for years and years, along the old Texas Gulf Coast? That one place had an extensive chalkboard menu. However, much of the menu remained the same, from the wintery depth of the cold along the shoreline to the summer throngs of scantily clad natives — and tourists. Despite the fluid and relatively dynamic nature of the chalkboard menu, not much changed. But we were there last summer, and this recent winter visit, the board was almost identical except for a few new, or changed, items along the bottom. The purpose of a chalkboard menu is to be able to adjust to new conditions, and in the case of the restaurant? That one chalkboard menu remained unchanged, seemed like for years, and yet, just this last winter visit, snowboards and all? Seemed like a few items changed. Right now? Nothing is etched in stone, or even in permanent marker, but it might not change, like that menu.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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